
Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

author:Wise Burnett 7R0C

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Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

My name is Zhang Xiaofan, and I am a fresh graduate who has just graduated from university. Both parents work in state-owned enterprises, and their family conditions are above average. I am a more pragmatic person, I don't believe in those superstitious claims of fate, and I always think that people's fate is in their own hands.

The interview took place in a conference room, and I sat on either side of the long table with 5 other candidates, with 2 interviewers in the middle. I looked closely at the other candidates and saw that they were all more or less formally dressed, but none of them were in full formal attire like I was.

Then the interviewer started asking me some questions, and I was able to answer the more professional questions, and occasionally I needed to think about it before answering. One of the interviewers noticed my attire and said with a smile: "Xiaofan, you are dressed in a real way today, and you are the most formal among the students who came to the interview." ”

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

The interviewer nodded and said, "Indeed, wearing a formal attire to the interview shows that you take this interview more seriously and give people a more serious feeling." However, the culture of our company is relatively young, and the working environment is not as ceremonial as that of state-owned enterprises, so there is no need to wear such formal clothes every day after work. ”

I immediately said, "Thank you interviewer for reminding me, I understand this." I usually dress more casually. If you join the company, be sure to adapt to the company's culture. ”

The interviewer was satisfied with my answer and started asking some questions related to the major. I am still relatively confident in my professional knowledge, and I can basically answer the questions asked by the interviewer, and I also put forward some of my own opinions and ideas. The interviewer nodded his head from time to time and seemed satisfied with my answers.

I felt that I had a good answer in this interview and the interviewer's evaluation was quite positive. So I'm really looking forward to getting this company.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Xiao Wang smiled and said: "Listening to what you said about the interview process, the interviewer seems to have a very good impression of you! You wore formal clothes to the interviewer, and it really left a good impression on the interviewer, I think you are very stable this time!"

I smiled and said, "yes, I also think that the performance in this interview is okay, and there should be hope for it." I was wondering whether to wear formal clothes to the interview, after all, the atmosphere in private companies is not as rigorous as in state-owned enterprises. But I decided to wear the best suit I could, and the interviewer complimented me on how formal I was, which seemed to be the right decision. ”

Xiao Wang nodded and said: "This experience also proves that there is some truth in the saying 'clothing determines fate'. Wearing formal attire during the interview can give the interviewer a professional feel and increase the likelihood of admission. But I remember one of the interviewers reminding you that you don't have to be so formal when you work for a company, right?"

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Yes, he did say that the atmosphere of the company doesn't require a suit every day. I said, "I also said at the time that I understood and would take care to adapt to the company culture." It also reminds me to dress appropriately for different occasions. ”

Just when we were having a heated discussion, I suddenly received an email from the company, opened it and looked, yes! I happily shared the good news with Xiao Wang, and we decided to celebrate together in the evening.

I was a little embarrassed and said, "Ah, okay director, I did dress a little too formal today." I will make sure that what I wear in the future is in line with the company culture. ”

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Director Wang smiled and said, "It's normal for you to just come, the atmosphere of our department is relatively relaxed, and everyone doesn't have to dress too formalities when working." If you feel uncomfortable, let me know and I'll give you advice. ”

"Thank you, Director!" I say. It seems that I still don't understand enough about the company culture, and the dress feels too serious for everyone.

After changing into casual clothes, I had lunch at the cafeteria near the company and returned to the office. In the afternoon, I need to do group training with other new employees. Everyone in the training room was dressed casually, and I finally didn't look so dazzling now.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

But I found that just changing clothes wasn't enough. My demeanor is still more restrained, and I still don't fit well with this young team. Everyone was very lively and asked questions and joked with each other, but I kept a more serious attitude.

After work, I sat alone on a bench near the company and thought. Maybe I still can't fully adapt to the culture of this company, it's not just a matter of clothing, it's more that my mindset needs to change. My parents, who have worked in state-owned enterprises for many years, have a deep influence on me, and I need to learn to let go of myself and integrate into the team in such an environment.

At this time, an old employee with gray hair came over, sat down next to me, and asked me with a smile: "Young man, are you new here?

The old employee nodded and said, "This is normal, I encountered similar problems when I joined the company." You've just graduated from school, so your temperament will be a little more rigorous. But give yourself a little time and communicate with your colleagues, and you'll find a way to fit in. ”

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

I hurriedly said, "Thank you, uncle, for giving me advice." I've been wondering if the clothes don't feel right for everyone. But perhaps more importantly, I need to change my mindset and not feel like I'm out of tune with the team just because I'm wearing a formal suit. ”

I thanked the old staff for their advice, and I felt that I really cared too much about the outward form of clothing. Clothing is only a small part of the outside, I need to adjust my mentality, actively integrate into the team, and win everyone's recognition through my ability to work.

After work, I called my good friend Xiao Wang and shared with him my experience in the past few days.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

"You're right. Xiao Wang agreed, "Wearing formal clothes during the interview can increase the chances of admission, but the actual job requires more your real ability." Therefore, you adjust your mentality and focus on your work to be recognized by everyone, which is the key to changing your destiny. ”

I nodded and said, "I remember the day of the interview, the interviewer told me that the company culture is relatively young, and there is no need to be as formal as a suit and leather shoes when working. At that time, I said that I understood that I would adapt to the company culture. But on the first day of work, I still didn't control the mentality of wearing formal clothes. Now that I think about it, I was really too unexpectedly looking at the image at that time. ”

"But that's normal. "Fresh graduates from college will be influenced by a certain education or environment, and you will also need time to adapt to the company culture." So the advice from the old staff is very pertinent, and you have made positive adjustments, so that you have integrated into the team, and I think you have done a good job. ”

"Yes, the old employee was very kind, and he said to give himself a little time to prove himself through his work ability. This made me realize that attitude and ability are the key. "Speaking of which, I can't help but feel grateful to the old staff.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Later, I talked to my parents about this experience as well. Both of my parents have worked in state-owned enterprises for many years, and they understand my confusion when I first joined the company.

My father also agreed: "Yes, our state-owned enterprises pay attention to the sense of ceremony, and you will not be able to adapt to the normal situation in private enterprises." The key is to focus on your work and play your talents, so that you can win the recognition and trust of your colleagues. You did it, and we're so proud of you!"

I humbly said, "Thank you parents for your encouragement! I will continue to work hard to adapt to the company culture with my own practical actions, complete my work tasks, and make my parents proud!"

This experience made me realize that human interaction should not stop at the outward clothing or image. There is a need to pay more attention to inner qualities, attitudes and abilities. I will keep this valuable experience in mind and continue to grow in my work in the company.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have been working in the company for two months. During this time, I gradually adapted to the working environment here, and I was recognized by my supervisor and colleagues.

One day, the department organized us to go to a mountain villa in the suburbs for a team building activity. Everyone was dressed in casual clothes and drove a few cars to their destination.

At the villa, we played a series of teamwork games, including passing, three-legged games and more. Everyone had a lot of fun, cooperated with each other very well, and completely lost the original sense of strangeness.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

In the evening, we chatted together around the campfire. I had a conversation with a colleague from the design department, Li Si, about dressing.

Li Si said with emotion: "I remember that when you first came, you always dressed very formally, which gave people a bit of a restrained feeling. Now that you're fully integrated into our team, it's a lot easier. ”

I smiled and said, "yes, when I first arrived, I cared too much about the outward form of clothing. Fortunately, there were suggestions from veteran employees, which made me realize that attitude and ability are more important. So then I let go of my mind and threw myself into my work, which was also recognized by everyone. ”

"That's true. Li Si nodded and said, "The culture of our department values teamwork more than the external image of clothing. You were able to make adjustments and then you did really well, so now you're part of our team!"

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

"Thanks for the compliment!" I said, "During this time, I have also been reflecting on the fact that human interaction cannot be limited to the external form of clothing. There is a need to pay more attention to inner qualities, attitudes and abilities. I'm glad I've found a way to grow in this team. ”

"Your friend's experience is very similar to when I first joined!" I laughed and said, "It seems that we have all gone through a shift from focusing on external appearance to focusing on internal ability." It also made me more convinced that clothing does not determine a person's fate, and that attitude and ability are more important. ”

"That's right, we've all grown up well with this kind of understanding. Li Si said.

I nodded, thinking about all the experiences I've had at work over this time. At first, I was too concerned about what I was wearing, but with the help of my senior employees and team members, I gradually changed my mindset and focused on my abilities. Now I'm part of the team and I'm getting recognition and progress. All these made me realize that clothing does not determine fate, and attitude and strength are the keys to success or failure.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

This outing team building activity brought our team members closer together. Everyone had fun and talked speculatively. Through my communication with Li Si, I also reaffirmed my growth and transformation. I will keep this experience in mind and continue to work hard and improve with the team.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, I had been working in the company for a year. This year, I have gradually grown from an ignorant newcomer to a respected backbone.

Yesterday was my birthday, and my colleagues in the department gave me a small birthday. We ate cake together and we all gave me some small gifts.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

Director Wang said to me with a smile: "Xiaofan, you have been in our department for a year in the blink of an eye, and you are a mature and steady backbone! Now you've integrated well and your ability to work has been recognized by everyone. You've grown a lot in one year!"

I was a little embarrassed to say, "Thank you, supervisor, thanks to the help and guidance of you and other colleagues, I have been able to gradually adapt to the work here." I will continue to work hard and do a good job!"

"You've done a great job!" Director Wang encouraged, "I remember that you always dressed very formally when you first arrived, and I also suggested that you dress more relaxed." Now you've found a balance in your attire and mentality. Therefore, clothing is only an external form, and attitude and strength are the most important. Keep it up and you'll have a bigger development!"

"Thank you, Director, I will remember your teachings, continue to work hard, and also pay attention to teamwork and grow with everyone. I said.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

After that, I called my good friend Xiao Wang and talked to him about his work experience this year.

"yes, a year has gone by so fast, and you've fully adapted to the company's culture. Xiao Wang said, "You cared so much about what you wore at the beginning, but now you are much calmer." It shows that you have experienced a lot of growth!"

"After all, I just entered the society, and it took time for me to get used to it. I smiled and said, "At that time, I was too much in the unexpected image, but later I realized that attitude and strength are more important when I was reminded by old employees and supervisors." Once you've found your place, you can focus on your work and integrate into the team. ”

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "Yes, what you wear during the interview will give the interviewer a certain impression, but the job requires practical ability." So you don't care too much about what you wear, but you get the approval of your colleagues. This fully shows that clothing does not determine fate, and attitude and hard work are more crucial. ”

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.

"You're right. I said, "I remember being asked why I was wearing a formal suit on the day of the interview, and I said it was to make a good impression on the interviewer." Now that I think about it, the preconceived impression is not necessarily accurate. Everyone needs time to understand the inner qualities of the other. That's why I'm more about teamwork now, and I'm more about the inner sense of identity when we get along. ”

"I'm glad you have this realization. Xiao Wang said, "Your growth represents that our generation of young people is slowly changing their concepts, from valuing the outside to valuing the inside." I'm sure you'll achieve even more!"

"Thank you, I will keep my original intention in mind and continue to work hard!" I say.

Mo Yan: The clothes you wear often determine your fate, not superstition, don't take it seriously.