
Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.


Playing mahjong is very wide, but in the end it was cut off by others, I believe that many mahjong friends have encountered this situation, is it a pity? In fact, there are many reasons why playing mahjong often can't be Hu, today we will talk about it, five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong, friends who like to play mahjong suggest liking and collecting, watching repeatedly, and understanding the meaning, it will be of great help to you to play mahjong in the future.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

The first reason: I don't know the overall view of mahjong

The so-called chess to see three steps, playing mahjong is also the same reason, then what is the overall view of mahjong? For example: when there are six or eight cylinders of cards in the hand, at this time touch a five-cylinder, six, seven or eight cylinders on the table have appeared two each, but the nine cylinders have not appeared, then you will choose to knock out which one? It's because he knows some practical skills, and why do some people often lose in mahjong, always thinking that it's a matter of luck?

In fact, like six or eight cylinders of this card to touch five cylinders of such a hand, and luck has nothing to do with the slightest bit of luck, if you choose to beat this familiar eight cylinders, then this has not seen the nine cylinders, we have a high probability of touching, if we touch the nine cylinders, is it also a must play? when the game is carried out to the middle and late stages, if the nine side cards have not yet appeared, it is likely to be in the hands of other opponents, in fact, mahjong formula: Two circles do not come out of the unit and nine, the pair has been left in the hand, this is what it means, the early stage of the game did not see the unit and nine, then to the middle and late stage of the needless to say, then at this time we touch the nine cylinders and play out, is it easy to point the bar, point the gun, and even assist others to win the card? Therefore, the above six or eight cylinders of card tie-up and touch a five-cylinder, should be to knock off the five cylinders, and then we touch the nine cylinders can be buckled down, and then knock off the cooked six cylinders, so that the nine cylinders will not be a bit of a bar, the risk of igniting guns, this is the overall view of mahjong.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

The second reason: I don't know how to resist the Wang family

In the actual combat process, there are always times when some opponents are very prosperous, and when we encounter this situation, we must know how to resist the Wang family.

For example, our next home is Wang's house, when the game is in the middle and late stages, the next house has been listened to, at this time the other two played the cards just our hand can touch, then at this time we do not choose to touch the cards, because when we touch the cards after the next house can touch the cards in advance, and at this time he has listened to the cards, and his luck is more prosperous, if he touches the cards in advance is likely to be his win, so we do not touch the cards can resist the Wang, and even sometimes we know that the other two hands have pairs, we can also play the cards they need to touch, when we play out the cards of the other two touch the cards, then the next house can not touch the card, that is to say, the next house to reduce the chance of a round of cards, therefore, the turn of the next house to touch the good cards, it is very likely that because the other two touch the cards to change the order of the whole card, naturally the probability of winning the Wang family will also be reduced a lot, this is to resist the Wang family, thus also improving their odds of winning.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

The third reason: I don't know how to touch cards

In the actual combat process, a lot of friends are very fond of touching cards, the hand also likes to leave a pair, when you see someone play their own can touch the card, will choose to touch the card directly, obviously the hand is already very messy, after touching two pairs can not optimize the hand, but assisted the next home, because they do not know how to touch the card, let the next house quickly win.

Playing mahjong does not mean to see the cards that can be touched to touch, we must know how to touch the skills, when we touch the cards after the opponent cards have not helped? and after touching the cards we have to know very clearly which card to play? play out of the card will not be risky? and when we touch the cards is not good for the next house? and so on...... These are a lot of things to do with our touch cards, in fact, sometimes we can not win the cards, it is likely that because we touch the cards, the good cards that belong to us were touched by their own touch cards, resulting in their own can not Hu, therefore, in the touch of the cards this link we must carefully consider.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

The fourth reason: I don't understand the principle of five cards

The principle of five cards in mahjong, every friend must master, which is also one of the necessary conditions to become a mahjong master, because if you want to win the card, you must meet the five cards, which shows how important the principle of five cards is in our actual combat process.

This is because I don't know the principle of five cards, understand the principle of five cards, first of all, he can decompose the cards very well, even if he encounters some complex card types, can also be clearly decomposed, when we decompose the hand to meet the five cards, then we can clearly know which cards are to be played, so that we can avoid often playing the wrong card situation, and finally our winning rate will be greatly improved.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

The fifth reason: excessive nervousness

"Practice the card first practice the heart, the mentality is golden" This sentence can often be heard at the card table, playing mahjong must maintain a calm mind, must not be overly nervous.

The reason why you will be overly nervous, because the game you play has exceeded your ability, so you will be very afraid of losing, the more you are afraid of losing more, resulting in every time you play a card will become timid, for fear of playing the wrong card, afraid of playing out of the card by others, Winning cards, first of all, in the momentum has lost more than half, in addition, excessive tension will also make us lose our minds, the idea of playing cards is not so clear, there is no very clear idea of playing cards is definitely not good to play mahjong, so every mahjong friend must be very clear about how much they can bear? Not all the games are suitable for themselves to play, if you win it is good to say, once you lose the consequences will be unimaginable.

Five reasons and solutions for playing mahjong without opening the beard, effectively improving the winning rate.

In fact, there are many winning skills on the mahjong table, not just the above five points, if you want to learn Xi more winning skills, you can follow me @ Bin Bin Ma Vlog, or read more books about mahjong winning skills, playing mahjong wants to improve their mahjong level, you must continue to learn Xi. Finally, a friendly reminder to everyone: healthy entertainment, stay away from gambling!#Article Launch Challenge#

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