
I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

author:Your circle beep beep


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I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

Text: Your circle beep beep

Editor|Guiquan beep Ji

Liu Yifei, the post-90s little flower, has always attracted attention for her amazing fairy beauty since her debut. Her face seems to be difficult to compare with ordinary people, her facial features are exquisite, her skin is fair, and she always exudes perfection as if she was in digital PS when taking pictures.

This time, the exposure picture of her new drama has once again set off a discussion on the Internet, and everyone is talking about her beauty like a person in a painting, how big is the gap between Liu Yifei's beauty and ordinary people? What is the difference between her facial features? Today we will discuss this issue.

I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

Liu Yifei's facial features are almost perfectly proportioned

The most important reason why Liu Yifei gives people an otherworldly beauty is that her facial features are perfectly proportioned. Her eyes, nose, and lips are perfectly positioned and are perfectly in line with the golden ratio. In addition, her face shape is also very delicate, which makes her side face lines smooth and graceful, without any abruptness at all.

The reason why Liu Yifei's facial features appear delicate and three-dimensional is that every part of her facial features is very three-dimensional, and the transition between each part is very natural, with no obvious boundary. This delicate proportion of facial features is difficult for most ordinary people to have.

I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

Liu Yifei has an outstanding skin condition

In addition to the proportion of facial features, Liu Yifei's superior skin condition is also an important factor in her outstanding appearance. Liu Yifei's skin color is very white, but it is not obscure, but has a healthy pinkness. Even without makeup, her skin has no obvious spots or acne marks, and the delicacy is comparable to that of baby skin.

This is mainly due to her good congenital conditions and good maintenance. It is very difficult for most ordinary people to achieve such a skin state, which is an important support for Liu Yifei's beauty.

Liu Yifei's makeup is in harmony with the overall temperament

To show fairy beauty, not only do you need good congenital conditions, but also acquired makeup is also very important. From hairstyle to makeup to clothing, Liu Yifei's overall appearance is very suitable for her delicate and delicate temperament. Her makeup is natural and elegant, and her hairstyle is mainly fresh and elegant, which plays a role in highlighting her beauty.

I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

If the makeup and temperament do not match, it is difficult to highlight the external beauty. Liu Yifei's overall temperament and the harmony created by the outside make her successfully exude a fairy-like beauty.

The support of the team behind Liu Yifei also plays an important role

To maintain Liu Yifei's high-level beauty, it is not enough to rely on personal conditions and hard work, but also a strong team to support it. Liu Yifei has a professional modeling, makeup, and post-production team behind her, which can make full use of her natural conditions and perfectly display her beauty to the greatest extent through careful design and processing.

This kind of accumulated professional experience for many years is also difficult for ordinary people to achieve. It can be said that the combination of personal conditions and team support has jointly shaped Liu Yifei's beauty miracle.

I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

The influence of the public's aesthetic concept cannot be ignored

The current public aesthetic concept has also strengthened Liu Yifei's perception of fairy beauty to a certain extent. She is very in line with the current aesthetic attributes such as light familiarity and fairy style, coupled with the popularity of film and television works, so that the public can better appreciate and accept the beauty represented by Liu Yifei.

If it is placed in a more traditional and conservative era, perhaps this otherworldly beauty is not so easy to be recognized by the public. Therefore, Liu Yifei happens to fit the current aesthetics, which is also one of the social reasons why she can become the spokesperson for beauty.

Reader discussion

Regarding Liu Yifei's beauty, netizens also launched a heated discussion and left messages to express their opinions.

Many people said that Liu Yifei's natural good conditions determined her outstanding appearance, and her delicate facial features and good skin were all congenital factors. It is also believed that acquired accumulation such as maintenance and makeup is also very crucial, which requires long-term investment to maintain. Some netizens pointed out that a strong team support is also indispensable.

I feel that Liu Yifei and others are not on the same layer, it is obviously a raw picture, but it is like a beautiful face

There are also some voices who say that aesthetic concepts and the effect of film and television works also affect the public's perception of Liu Yifei's beauty. If it had been in previous eras, perhaps this aesthetic would not have been so popular. Therefore, Liu Yifei's beauty should be comprehensively analyzed from multiple angles.


Liu Yifei's beauty is indeed extraordinary, which comes from her outstanding talent conditions, and is inseparable from the careful management and team building of the day after tomorrow. The current aesthetic culture's pursuit of otherworldly beauty has also made Liu Yifei widely praised.

In the face of beauty, we should have the mentality of appreciating and learning Xi, and should not overemphasize the differences from ordinary people. What do you think is the reason for Liu Yifei's success? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


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