
If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Kopda's old horse

In our daily lives, we often ignore seemingly inconspicuous health signals until they evolve into problems that we can't ignore. Imagine an ordinary afternoon sitting in your favorite chair and suddenly notice a swollen leg. What's even more worrying is that a light press left a clearly visible depression. This phenomenon, while not uncommon, can be an alarm from the body. Swelling of the legs can be an early sign of several diseases that can have serious effects on daily life and health if left untreated. This swelling is usually caused by the accumulation of body fluids between tissues, but the reason behind it can involve complex physiological processes. From lymphatic circulation disorders to venous thrombosis to chronic venous insufficiency, each possibility requires adequate attention and timely medical intervention.

If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

A common cause of leg swelling

In daily life, many people experience swelling in their legs, especially after standing or sitting for long periods of time. However, leg swelling isn't just a feeling of discomfort, it can be a sign that the body is trying to tell us something deeper. First of all, swelling in the legs may be related to the buildup of body fluids. Healthy blood circulation is essential for maintaining tissue fluid balance. When blood circulation is obstructed, such as in the case of varicose veins or blood clots, the return of blood in the legs may be blocked, causing fluid to build up in the leg tissues. The approach to this situation varies depending on the cause. Simple changes, such as adjusting your sitting posture, increasing your activity or reducing your salt intake, are sometimes enough to relieve mild leg swelling. However, in more severe cases, medical intervention may be required to deal with the underlying health problem.

If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Disorders of lymphatic circulation

Lymphatic circulation disorders are a common pathological condition that causes swelling of the legs. The lymphatic system is a part of our body that transports and filters body fluids as well as fights pathogens. When there is a problem with the lymphatic system, lymphatic fluid may not flow efficiently and can build up in some parts of the body, especially in the legs. This condition is medically known as "lymphedema". Lymphedema can be caused by a variety of causes, including genetic factors, complications after surgery, infections, or certain types of cancer. People with lymphedema may find that their legs are not only swollen but also feel heavy and painful. The key to treating lymphedema is to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid. This can be done through physical therapy, wearing compression stockings, or performing a lymphatic drainage massage. In some cases, medical or surgical intervention may also be required. Management of lymphedema requires not only medical intervention, but also the active participation of the patient. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and good skin care are all important aspects of managing lymphedema.

If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Static thrombus formation

Venous thrombosis is another serious condition that can cause swelling in the legs. This occurs when blood forms a clot in a vein. These blood clots block the return of blood to the heart, causing fluid to build up in the leg tissues. The formation of venous thrombosis can be related to a variety of factors, including prolonged immobility, certain medications, after surgery, and genetic factors. In some cases, the blood clot may break off and travel to the lungs, leading to a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. Recognizing the early signs of venous thrombosis is crucial. These signs may include pain, swelling, increased skin temperature, and color changes in the legs. When these symptoms appear, prompt medical attention is necessary. Treatment of venous thrombosis usually involves the use of anticoagulant drugs to reduce the risk of blood clots. In some cases, surgery or other procedures may be needed to remove or dissolve the blood clot. In addition to medical interventions, lifestyle changes are key to preventing venous thrombosis. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity are all important precautions.

If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins are unable to effectively pump blood from the legs back to the heart. This condition can cause blood to stagnate in the veins of the legs, causing swelling, pain, and other discomfort. Causes of chronic venous insufficiency may include varicose veins, genetic factors, obesity, or prolonged standing or sitting work. Over time, venous pressure increases, leading to damage to the venous valves and obstruction of blood return. Recognition and management of chronic venous insufficiency is essential. Common symptoms include swelling of the legs, pain, skin color changes, and varicose veins. Early diagnosis and treatment can help reduce symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse. Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency includes compression stockings, medications, and surgical intervention in severe cases. In addition to medical treatment, lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time are also important parts of managing the condition.

If the leg is swollen and a pit is pressed, it may be that these 3 diseases have come to the door, and it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible

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