
People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously



Have you ever imagined what you would look like when you were fifty or sixty years old?

It may be that there is a partner who knows the cold and the hot, a healthy body doing something he likes, and a filial son and daughter who sends warmth and care to himself.


Ten o'clock Jun sincerely hopes that you can live as you like.

However, the reality is often much harsher.

When a person really gets old and weak, the situation they have to face is always more difficult than we think.

If you just pin your happiness and safety in your later years in an ethereal imagination, without laying out in advance and leaving enough way out, then you can only rely on "luck" for the rest of your life.

Especially when you reach the age of 50, if you don't have these four things, you should be vigilant.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

When people are young, they feel that they are full of friends and connections, and no matter what happens, they can find someone to help them.

However, when you are old and have seen the warmth and coldness of the world, you will understand:

We have nothing in this world but our families.

But parents will grow old before us, and children will start families.

In the end, the only person who can be with you through thick and thin and accompany you for the rest of your life is your partner.

When people reach their old age, it is really the greatest luck to have a reliable partner.

When it comes to Dai Jianye, many people know that he is a humorous and interesting Internet celebrity professor, but what moves netizens even more is the love story between him and his wife.

Dai Jianye and his wife met in their youth, but due to their different growth environments, the two had to quarrel from time to time.

Once, the two had a disagreement over trivial matters, and Dai Jianye was angry until midnight when he went home.

When he got home, he felt hungry, so he went to the table and opened the lid to find that the food was still steaming, and his wife was asleep on the sofa next to him.

At that moment, he was extremely remorseful:

"Dai Jianye, Dai Jianye, only your wife can accompany you through this life, and only she can leave you food late at night. Sharing a bed with me every day, what do I quarrel with her? ”

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

Later, my wife was diagnosed with cancer, and the treatment was very expensive.

After discovering his wife's negative treatment mood, Dai Jianye would always comfort her:

"It's okay, I'm a professor anyway, and I have savings at home, so don't worry about this matter, actively cooperating with the treatment, that's the most important thing you should do. ”

And when his savings began to bottom out, Dai Jianye began to frequently run around major programs and live broadcast rooms, and when he was overwhelmed by netizens, he responded:

"My wife takes 50,001 boxes of medicine, and I have to spend tens of thousands of dollars every month to buy medicine.

In the last time of his life, Dai Jianye has always been by his wife's side, no matter how big or small.

He is extremely grateful for the fate of his wife in this life:

"She brought me peace, family stability, and after a long time, we still get along with each other, and there is a kind of warmth. ”

Young couples are old companions, and this is not just talking.

Our partner gives us not only affection, but also a tacit understanding, understanding and mutual growth of a partnership.

She is like another you in the world, she can read your emotions with one look and one movement, and accompany you from youth to maturity.

In the end, it is like a bright light, illuminating the last road of our lives.

So, be sure to be kind to your partner.

Only by comparing hearts to hearts and supporting each other can we harvest a warm and happy old age.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

I once saw a question on the Internet:

When is the best time for people to have money?

One answer stood out to me:

"It's best to be rich when you're old, and you're most afraid that a person will have no money in his old age, and the wealth of a young man is not really rich. ”

When you are young, it is not terrible to be poor, because your vitality is very strong, and no matter how many ditches and hurdles you have, you can always get through them.

But it's not good to be old, I don't have any money in hand, even if I have children and daughters, I don't have a place in my heart.

In the past, there was an old couple downstairs in the community who ran a small fruit shop.

Except for the Chinese New Year, I basically don't see them resting, I get up at three or four o'clock in the morning, and I am still making dumplings when the door closes at night.

Because of the delicious and inexpensive, it also has a small reputation among the surrounding neighbors.

But suddenly one day, the store closed.

As soon as everyone asked, they learned that the couple was going to sell the store.

It turned out that their son, after working hard, settled in the city where he lived.

So the couple also decided to rest for a while and go over to have a look.

However, they refused their son's request to live with them, and instead rented a separate apartment in the community.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

In their words:

"A parent's home is always a child's home, but a child's home is not necessarily a parent's home.

We have saved up for a lifetime, and the savings in our pockets after paying the down payment are still enough for a full life in our later years, so it is better to keep a bowl of soup away from our children and start enjoying our own lives. ”

Now the old couple occasionally goes over to help their son, and when they rise, they will go out with the group to play, and they have a good time.

The son is also very filial, and often accompanies his parents in his free time, and the family stays with each other happily.

Money, no matter what stage of life, is a person's greatest confidence.

When you are young, you can defend your dignity with money, protect your parents' happiness and well-being, and let your children grow up happily.

When you are old, you don't need to increase the pressure on your children, and you don't need to send people to watch people's faces under the fence, so you can shelter yourself from the wind and rain in your old age.

So, be sure to prepare in advance.

Before you grow old, save enough money to leave a path for your own happiness.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

Zhang Boli, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, once shared his concept of pension in an interview.

In his opinion, longevity has never been our goal in a long life.

Healthy longevity is what we should strive for.

And the way he stays healthy is to walk 7000~8000 steps a day, and this Xi has been maintained for 20 years.

So even at the age of 75, he is still in good spirits and walks like flying.

I think so.

Just imagine, when you are old, sick and lying crookedly in bed and need to be taken care of, even if it is extended for a few more years, what's the point?

When people reach old age, the most important thing is to have a healthy body, not to make trouble for society, and not to burden their children.

To others, to oneself, to oneself and to the family is the best blessing.

I still remember the cancer grandma in Tianjin who underwent 3 surgeries.

When he was young, in order to make money, he overdrew his body, and when he reached the age of destiny, endometriosis, dermatomyositis, and cholesteatoma ...... One by one, they came to the door.

Lying on the hospital bed, she often regrets and blames herself, if she could turn back time, she must have exercised her body to be healthy.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

So, at the age of 60, she was discharged from the hospital from surgery, and the first thing she did when she returned home was to start her fitness journey.

From doing some simple exercises at the beginning, walking, brisk walking, radio exercises, etc., to going to the gym to practice Xi yoga, Pilates, etc.

In less than half a year, her body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But more importantly, it is the change in grandma's mentality.

She no longer feels pessimistic that she has reached the twilight of her life, but welcomes every day with the most beautiful attitude:

"Everyone can't keep their youth, but we can age gracefully. ”

In the final analysis, in the second half of life, it is all about health.

If you are bedridden for a long time and cannot take care of yourself, even if your children are filial, they will be physically and mentally exhausted and their patience will be exhausted after a long time.

In the end of life, you still have to rely on yourself after all.

Take care of your body, go out and exercise when you have time, be bland, no pain, is the biggest hole card.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

I watched a video before, an old man in his 80s in Hunan Province confided in his loneliness on a short video platform.

"I'm so lonely, alone, my sons and daughters, not with me.

My daughter is in the United States, my son is in Guangzhou, and I have 8 grandchildren, and they are not on my side. They are for their livelihood, for their families.

It's impossible for me not to work anymore, they have to feed a large family......"

At the end of the video, the old man said that he could think about it, but the sadness and expectation in his eyes could not be concealed.

Each of us will grow old and weak, and our greatest wish is nothing more than to be able to live out our old age in peace and dignity.

However, this "safe and decent", in addition to money, is more important to have a child who knows cold and hot by his side.

In "The World", the Zhou family has three children.

The eldest son was smart and studious since he was a child, and he was the best in the crowd;

The second daughter is beautiful and talented, and she is also a top student;

Only the youngest son, Zhou Bingkun, is not good at Xi, and his grades are far inferior to his older brothers and sisters.

So Zhou's father has always been very strict with Zhou Bingkun.

However, as her brother went to work in the central government, the second sister lived in France for more than ten years in pursuit of it.

In the end, only the youngest son Zhou Bingkun was always with his parents.

After Zhou's father retired, it was Zhou Bingkun who often chatted with him, Zhou's mother was paralyzed in bed and became a vegetative person, and Zhou Bingkun was also taken care of before and after running.

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

He used his kindness, benevolence, and diligence to give his parents a stable and happy old age.

In the end, Zhou's father also admitted from the bottom of his heart:

"Of all the children, you are the most satisfying to me. ”

Nowadays, many people have the idea that when they are old, they will live in a nursing home, and when they are sick, they will hire a nurse.

But for now, at least, it's realistic.

No matter how brilliant you have been, and how beautiful your old age has been, but when you are in your last years, you will find:

Having children by your side and having the companionship and care of your family is the greatest spiritual comfort and the most reliable support.

Of course, this dependence is also mutual.

Teach your children by example and give them the right guidance when they are young.

In this way, you can have the warmth of your family in your twilight years.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to expect all the care and dedication from a child who has "never felt love since childhood".

People who are over fifty and have not owned these 4 things have not yet owned them, and most of their old age is desolate, so don't take it seriously

After a lifetime of hard work, everyone has all kinds of expectations for their old age.

But without a healthy body, without sufficient savings, without the company of family, all good visions are destined to be shattered as the body ages.

At all times, we have to take responsibility for our own lives.

If you want to have the confidence to live the life you want in your later years, you must realize it as soon as possible and grasp the most important things in life.

In this way, you can live a stable and happy life in your old age.

Do you have these four things now? What else do you think is indispensable when you are old, welcome to share in the message area.

Click "Follow", from now on, everything you do is a foreshadowing in your old age.