
The man's heart stopped beating for 90 minutes, and the doctor relayed to save him, and the onset of the disease is suspected to be related to this Xi

author:Golden Sheep Net


On December 25, 62-year-old Mr. Gao came to Xiamen from Inner Mongolia for a tour and suddenly felt chest tightness and chest pain, and immediately dialed 120. At that time, Mr. Gao had already suffered a heart attack, and in the ambulance, Mr. Gao had a sudden ventricular fibrillation and his heart beat and breathing stopped. The first responders immediately carried out high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and three or four doctors relayed back and forth, which lasted for nearly an hour and a half, and finally Mr. Gao regained his spontaneous heartbeat.

It is understood that Mr. Gao has a history of cardiovascular disease and had heart stent surgery for myocardial infarction 10 years ago. This recurrence may be related to his perennial high frequency of smoking.

The "2020 Report on the Health Hazards of Smoking in China" released by the National Health Commission focuses on the relationship between smoking and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, pointing out that smoking can damage vascular endothelial function, lead to atherosclerotic changes, narrow the lumen of blood vessels, obstruct arterial blood flow, and cause a variety of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, smoking can also affect other risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, producing synergistic effects.

The man's heart stopped beating for 90 minutes, and the doctor relayed to save him, and the onset of the disease is suspected to be related to this Xi

"Tobacco use is an important factor in the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. "Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease deaths from tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure account for about 12% of all cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease deaths," said Sun Jiani, technical officer of the World Health Organization's China Office on Tobacco Control, in an interview with UN News. Every year, 3 million people die from tobacco-induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Nearly 60% of people in China do not know that smoking can promote cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction. ”

It's never too late to quit smoking

Some people may say that I am too old to quit and there is no benefit, but this is not the case. "The sooner you quit smoking, the more benefits you can get and the more life expectancy you can prolong. "If you quit smoking at the age of 30, you can increase your life expectancy by 10 years, and if you quit smoking at the age of 40, you can increase your life expectancy by 9 years." Quitting smoking at the age of 50 or 60 can also increase life expectancy. Quitting smoking at age 50 can add 6 years, and quitting at age 60 can increase life expectancy by 3 years. So quitting smoking anytime you can get great health benefits. ”

The man's heart stopped beating for 90 minutes, and the doctor relayed to save him, and the onset of the disease is suspected to be related to this Xi

How to quit smoking scientifically?

Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease that manifests itself in both physical and psychological dependence. The culprit is nicotine, which contributes to addiction as heroin and cocaine. Once tobacco dependence stops smoking, a series of withdrawal symptoms such as craving, anxiety, depression, and headache will occur. Psychological dependence, also known as addiction, is manifested as a subjective strong desire to smoke, and smoking again after withdrawal symptoms appear, which will reduce or eliminate the stage symptoms and disrupt the process of quitting smoking.

The man's heart stopped beating for 90 minutes, and the doctor relayed to save him, and the onset of the disease is suspected to be related to this Xi

First, strengthen your belief in quitting smoking

Strengthen the awareness of the dangers of smoking to your health, throw away all smoking equipment, announce that you have quit smoking, invite relatives and friends around you to supervise you, insist on quitting smoking every day, life needs a sense of ritual, and quitting smoking is also needed.

Second, face up to and deal with withdrawal symptoms scientifically

Coping with tiredness: Take a nap and give yourself a little more sleep.

Dealing with headaches, jitters: Lie down and take deep breaths, take a walk, do something that relaxes your nerves, or take a warm bath.

When you're irritable, tell people around you that you're quitting smoking, and ask for forgiveness if you lose your temper during the past few days. You can also call the National Smoking Cessation Hotline at 400-800-5531 and visit a smoking cessation clinic if necessary.

Third, quit addiction

The process of quitting smoking can be painful, and when we overcome physical dependence and stage symptoms, victory is not far away Xi! Avoid situations that motivate you to smoke, and alternatives can be used to gradually correct habitual smoking behaviors, such as holding a pen between your fingers, chewing a piece of gum, or eating a low-calorie snack. Take a few deep breaths when you feel like smoking, wash your face or change your environment right away.

In any case, never smoke the first cigarette after quitting!

(Yangcheng Evening News, Yangcheng Pai Comprehensive Sichuan Observation, Health Commission website, United Nations website, China Medical Rescue Association)

Editor: Chen Ruizhi

Source: Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng faction