
Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

author:Yang Jianhua, Bazhong City

Title: Pot Circle Food Exchange: A unicorn in the hot pot industry, innovation leads the market

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

Text: Hello everyone, today we have to talk about the rising star of this hot pot industry - pot ring food exchange. In just four years, this company has attracted 3 billion yuan in investment. And it is not satisfied with opening stores offline, and its online development is also overwhelming, with more than 22.4 million members. After listing, the market capitalization reached HK$16.8 billion.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

So the question is, how did it become so popular all of a sudden? First of all, it has to be a big trick -- the price is affordable and cost-effective. Compared with other hot pot brands, the pot ring food market can make people spend a small amount of money and eat a big enjoyment. Consumers are naturally flocking to it.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

Let's talk about its founder, Mr. Yang Mingchao. In his own words, this humble kid is "self-made", from a small food stall owner to a leader in the hot pot industry. There is not only hard work and sweat, but also vision and wisdom.

Don't think that the pot circle food exchange will only work on the hot pot this acre of three points of land, it also plays a diversified development strategy. From the management of the food supply chain to the production of self-produced ingredients, and then to the investment in processing plants, it can be said that it occupies a favorable position in the upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

In terms of popularity and marketing, it's simply amazing! Partnering with celebrities like Yue Yunpeng, participating in TV shows, and multiple rounds of funding...... These measures all demonstrate the importance and means of brand promotion of the company.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

But then again, in the first four months of 2023, its revenue fell a bit. We have to face challenges such as intensified competition in the industry and more choices for consumers. Although going the high-end route may be a way out, there is a question mark over whether it can maintain its market share.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

In addition to continuing to innovate and develop high-end stores in the hot pot field, can the field of prefabricated dishes become a new battlefield? Just know that navigating that extremely competitive ocean is not easy.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

All in all, Guoquan Food Exchange has quickly become an industry leader by virtue of its innovative business model, value-for-money pricing strategy, comprehensive industrial chain layout and successful marketing methods. But there is a long way to go, and in such a fierce market competition, it is necessary to remain competitive and continue to innovate in order to be evergreen.

Sold 7 billion a year, with a market value of 16.6 billion!

Well, that's all for today's story about the "unicorn in the hot pot industry"! I hope we can see more exciting chapters about the pot ring food market in the future!