
How did a state-owned enterprise go bankrupt?

author:People who love the sun

#Article First Challenge#A state-owned enterprise has government support behind it and has absolute advantages in terms of personnel, finance, materials, taxation, business licenses, etc., so why are so many state-owned enterprises closed down and bankrupt one after another, and the enterprises are sold cheaply and forced to lose their jobs? The reason for this is not only known to the employees of the enterprise, but also the leaders of the competent departments know more comprehensively, but many enterprise workers basically have no right to speak, and can only passively accept the fate of the bankruptcy and bankruptcy of the enterprise and the unemployment of their own laid-off jobs. Those leaders who have the right to speak and make decisions often push enterprises into bankruptcy for personal gain.

How did a state-owned enterprise go bankrupt?

I know that a local enterprise is a state-owned coal mine managed by a prefecture or city, and before it went bankrupt, the leadership of the enterprise was appointed by connections, and it is precisely because of the backing relationship that the leaders divided the enterprise into two state-owned mines and three private joint-stock mines, and the leaders of the enterprises are all major shareholders of the private enterprises, and the cadres of the enterprises hold more than 90 percent of the shares, and more than 90 percent of the workers have no shares. The management personnel, financial personnel, and technical backbones are all nominally state-owned regular employees, and the leaders of the enterprises that pay dividends every year account for the absolute majority. There are almost no workers in enterprises. Because the distribution method is that the number one leader of the enterprise has the count, and all the financial personnel are the cronies of the number one, in this way, the enterprise not only pays less taxes, but often applies to the government for funds under the banner of business difficulties and the need for technological transformation, and how much of the government funds from these applications are used on the heads of workers? I am afraid that the workers are not a penny of benefits, but the benefits should be the leaders of the enterprise, only to see the leader's car more and more advanced, the leader consumption is more and more advanced, and when the resources are exhausted, the leader knows that there is no oil and water to fish, so he engages in formalism and declares bankruptcy and bankruptcy, and finally the government pays for the minimum treatment to arrange for the workers, so that many workers are unemployed at once, and the retired workers have not paid pensions because the enterprise has not paid the pension, and the pension obtained by more than 30 years of service is only more than 1,000 yuan. There is no resettlement house for the workers, and the cadres have long used the money from the share dividends to apply for land in the urban area to build an elevator house under the banner of all the workers.

How did a state-owned enterprise go bankrupt?

This enterprise went bankrupt, and for unknown reasons, dozens of followers of the leaders of the enterprise were left behind to receive their salaries, saying that they were retaining personnel to deal with the remaining problems, but no one has solved the problems of housing and living that the workers really need to solve. I only know that the enterprise has gone bankrupt, and the leaders of the enterprise have made a fortune, and there are many middle-level cadres with tens of millions of family properties, and there are also many middle-level cadres in the millions, but the workers cannot afford to buy houses in the cities, and they want to go back to their hometowns in the countryside to build houses, but they are not allowed to build houses because they have moved out of their household registration. This example is a typical case of the reform, restructuring, bankruptcy and closure of state-owned enterprises, and when you see this result, you will know why there are so many complaints and emotions among the retirees and laid-off unemployed people in enterprises today.

How did a state-owned enterprise go bankrupt?

If you want me to say that there is nothing wrong with advocating reform, the fault lies in the fact that powerful people have sacrificed the interests of the state and the broad masses at the grassroots level for the sake of their own selfish interests and for their own enrichment, and that if the leaders of state-owned enterprises have made a fortune before and after the bankruptcy and restructuring of the enterprises, they have all made ill-gotten gains by embezzling the wealth of the state and exploiting the interests of the workers.

That's why I say that if the government's anti-corruption campaign goes from the past leaders of state-owned enterprise bankruptcy and restructuring to find out the social relations and interpersonal contacts of these people, combined with the business of bank account transactions, it will definitely find out many deeply hidden corrupt officials!

How did a state-owned enterprise go bankrupt?

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