
【Industry News】"Qunwen volunteers to enter the campus, museums and schools jointly build to promote development" - the Provincial Cultural Center expands a new model of youth aesthetic education

author:Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

In order to further implement the provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services" and the "Regulations on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services in Gansu Province" on "combining public cultural services with school education, giving full play to the social and educational functions of public cultural services, and improving the ideological, moral, scientific and cultural quality of young people", on December 22, the Provincial Cultural Center and Lanzhou Ciai Experimental Art Vocational School jointly carried out the museum-school co-construction activity of "Qunwen Volunteer to Enter the Campus and Promote the Development of the Museum-School Co-construction".

【Industry News】"Qunwen volunteers to enter the campus, museums and schools jointly build to promote development" - the Provincial Cultural Center expands a new model of youth aesthetic education

The event was organized and carried out with the requirements of public welfare, basicity, equality and convenience, giving full play to the advantages of the provincial cultural center, boosting the construction of the province's public cultural service system, and effectively improving the efficiency of public cultural services. Lanzhou Ciai Experimental Art Vocational School is a public welfare secondary vocational art school, the Provincial Cultural Center will extend the construction of the public cultural service system, fully combine with public welfare art training, through theme exchange seminars, teacher-student exchanges and interactions, watching report performances, etc., on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of the school, give full play to its own advantages, and expand the work of national art popularization and youth aesthetic education.

【Industry News】"Qunwen volunteers to enter the campus, museums and schools jointly build to promote development" - the Provincial Cultural Center expands a new model of youth aesthetic education

This activity combines youth aesthetic education with excellent traditional Chinese culture, combines the specific measures of "museum-school co-construction" with the school's purpose of "art support and charity to help students", and combines classroom teaching with group volunteer actions, which effectively expands the new model of public cultural service functions of the provincial cultural center. On the basis of the successful pilot operation of Tongwei Road Primary School, the secondary vocational art school will be included in the scope of youth aesthetic education, so as to run through the "last mile" of youth education in school, and comprehensively provide teenagers with higher quality, more sustainable and richer characteristic public cultural services, so as to improve the aesthetic and humanistic qualities of teenagers in school, effectively expand students' learning and Xi space and display space through specific means such as artistic shaping, self-confidence building, and building a display platform, and promote the diversification of youth aesthetic education content in the Provincial Cultural Center. Rich experience and three-dimensional functions.

【Industry News】"Qunwen volunteers to enter the campus, museums and schools jointly build to promote development" - the Provincial Cultural Center expands a new model of youth aesthetic education

In the next step, the Provincial Cultural Center will learn Xi implement the theme education of Xi Jinping New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the results of the "three grasping and three promoting" action results, based on the main responsibility and main business, firmly grasp the general requirements of "insisting on carrying out mass cultural undertakings as the main way to protect the basic cultural rights and interests of the people", conscientiously implement the "one law and one regulation", give full play to the social function of public cultural services, and actively promote students, schools, and schools by further broadening the work area of "museum-school co-construction". The common development of cultural centers has accumulated valuable experience for exploring new models of art popularization and youth aesthetic education services for the whole people, and effectively solving the problem of equalization in the field of public cultural services.

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