
It is easy to make people "fart", 3 kinds of food, it is best to avoid it before dating, and be careful of TA "dislike"

author:Million sprints

Two middle-aged couples are preparing to go on a date that they haven't seen in a long time. They were neatly dressed and had expectant smiles on their faces. However, before heading out, a hearty dinner leaves them with an awkward problem – gastrointestinal gas distress. Yes, certain foods can inadvertently bring such embarrassment, especially before an important social event.

In this story, an ordinary dinner exposes an often overlooked question: how our daily diet affects our social lives. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, choosing the right food is not only about health, but also affects the comfort and confidence in interpersonal communication.

It is easy to make people "fart", 3 kinds of food, it is best to avoid it before dating, and be careful of TA "dislike"

Food & Stomach: Why Do Certain Foods Make People "Fart"?

The gut is a complex digestive factory that processes the food ingested on a daily basis. In this process, certain food components produce gas in the intestines, which is the direct cause of "farting". In particular, some specific foods contain special ingredients that tend to produce a lot of gas during digestion.

Understanding the microbes in your gut is key. The gut is rich in a variety of microorganisms that help break down food. But when they break down certain foods, these microorganisms produce gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, or hydrogen. This is a normal biological process, but the amount of gas produced may increase when processing a particular food.

For example, beans contain high amounts of oligosaccharides, which are a type of sugar that is difficult for the body to digest. When beans enter the intestines, these oligosaccharides are broken down by gut microbes, producing gas in the process. Studies have shown that legumes are one of the main foods that cause an increase in intestinal gas. An interesting fact is that while it is well known that eating pacmen causes farting, not all people actually experience a significant increase in gas after eating beans, which is related to the composition of the individual's gut microbe.

Not only legumes, but also high-fiber foods such as cabbage and broccoli can also increase intestinal gas. Cellulose cannot be digested directly by the body in the intestines, therefore, they become food for gut microbes. When these microorganisms break down cellulose, they also produce gas.

It is easy to make people "fart", 3 kinds of food, it is best to avoid it before dating, and be careful of TA "dislike"

"Three 'minefield' foods: avoid awkward moments before dating"

Choosing the right food is especially crucial for important social occasions, such as before a date. Certain foods, although highly nutritious, tend to produce a lot of gas in the intestines, causing discomfort. Here are three common 'minefield' foods and how they affect the gut.

Legumes products. Legumes contain a special type of sugar, the oligosaccharides, which the body lacks the enzymes to break down. When beans enter the intestines, these sugars are fermented by intestinal bacteria to produce gas. Studies have shown that legumes are one of the main foods that cause increased intestinal gas. For example, one study found that some people increased their intestinal gas production by about 50% after ingesting legumes.

High-fiber vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower. These vegetables are rich in indigestible fiber, which also needs to be broken down in the large intestine by bacterial fermentation, which produces a lot of gas in the process. For example, the fibers in cauliflower may produce more hydrogen sulfide when they break down, a gas that can cause a strong odor.

Carbonated drinks. A large amount of carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in these beverages. After drinking these drinks, some carbon dioxide is released in the stomach, increasing the gas burden on the stomach and intestines. Long-term consumption of large amounts of carbonated beverages may not only increase gastrointestinal discomfort, but may also have a negative impact on tooth and bone health.

Once you know these foods, it is advisable to avoid them and choose foods that are easier to digest and produce less gas before important social events, especially before dates. For example, choosing cooked low-fiber vegetables and low-fat meats can reduce intestinal gas production and avoid embarrassment. At the same time, paying attention to a balanced diet and moderate intake of various nutrients can help maintain intestinal health and reduce the chance of discomfort.

It is easy to make people "fart", 3 kinds of food, it is best to avoid it before dating, and be careful of TA "dislike"

Choose Carefully: Pre-date Eating Wisdom

Dietary choices are especially critical before important social events, such as dating. To avoid gastrointestinal discomfort or embarrassment caused by food, there are several simple yet effective dietary recommendations that deserve attention.

It is advisable to choose foods that are easy to digest. For example, cooked vegetables are more digestible than raw vegetables because the cooking process helps destroy some of the cellulose that can cause stomach gas. For example, steamed carrots or pumpkin are great options because they are not only easy to digest but also provide essential nutrients.

Avoid high-fat foods. High-fat foods, such as fried foods and creamy desserts, take longer to digest and may cause stomach upset. Instead, choose lean meat or fish as a protein source, these foods are more easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines.

The choice of external control drinks is also important. Avoid carbonated drinks as they contain carbon dioxide that increases gastrointestinal gas. Decaf tea or water are better choices, as they not only help maintain water balance but also reduce the burden on the stomach.

To further ensure a balanced diet, you can start adjusting your diet the day before your appointment. Focus on foods that are easy and don't cause a burden on the stomach, and make sure the food is fresh and light. For example, a dinner with grilled chicken breast, steamed vegetables, and a small amount of whole-wheat bread not only meets nutritional needs, but also avoids gastrointestinal upset.

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