
The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease

author:There is a doctor who says doctor 001

In the thousands of years of history of traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnostic method of looking, smelling, asking, and cutting has always been followed by doctors. Among them, as the first of the four diagnoses, the visit has a pivotal position. In the visit, the acupuncture point of the fish provides us with a wealth of diagnostic information. Today, let's explore the mystery of "looking at the fish and recognizing the disease".

The thenar muscle, located under the thumb and on the inside of the palm, is the key point on the large intestine meridian. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the color and morphological changes of the fish can reflect the health status of the human body.

1. Color

1. Ichthyal whitishness: It is mostly related to the disharmony of the spleen and stomach and the lack of qi and blood. These people often lose their appetite and are tired and fatigued. At this time, it is the key to regulate the spleen and stomach and nourish qi and blood.

2. Ichthyan blueness: mostly related to cold coagulation and blood stasis. Such people should pay attention to keeping warm, avoid cold food, and at the same time, they can use the method of warming the meridians for conditioning.

3. Erythral redness: It is mostly related to the exuberance of the heart and the connotation of heat and poison. Such people are prone to symptoms such as upset, insomnia, mouth and tongue sores. In terms of diet, you can eat more heat-clearing and detoxifying foods, such as mung beans, bitter gourd, etc.


1. Loose thenar muscles: mostly related to lack of yang qi and slow metabolism. This group of people is prone to tiredness and chills. You can try foods that warm the yang and dispel the cold and traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

2. Erythagoar muscle hardness: mostly related to qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm and dampness. Such people should pay attention to regulating their emotions and avoid overwork, and at the same time, they can use the methods of blood circulation and blood stasis, expectoration and dampness.

In addition to changes in color and morphology, thenar touches can also provide clues to diagnosis. For example, severe pain in the thenar press may be related to heart problems, while soft and weak press may be related to weakness in the spleen and stomach.

The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease
The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease
The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease
The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease
The mystery of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine - looking at the fish and recognizing the disease

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