
Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!



Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Guo Jingming, who has not appeared for a long time, is on the hot search again.

Yesterday, an entry of "Ten years, only Guo Jingming shot a drunken gold fan" once rushed to the first place in the hot search, with 130 million reads, allowing countless netizens to see how "drunk gold fan" Guo Jingming is.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

I really didn't expect that 10 years later, "Little Times", which was scolded as a bad movie at that time, would come out of the circle in such a way.

So, how "trench" was Guo Jingming back then?

The dress worn by actor Yang Mi when she ran in the snow is the only BV dress in the world, and it is priceless.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

The Chanel black dress worn by Guo Caijie is worth millions.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Even a school uniform worn casually by the four actresses is a custom-made model of the luxury brand Buberry.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

The costumes are already jaw-dropping, but when we see the price of the props, it is even more "eye-opening".

In the movie, Gu Li, played by Guo Caijie, received a jade bracelet worth 45 million, which can buy a set of courtyard houses in Beijing.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!
Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

The ring that the male protagonist threw into the sewer is a customized version of the famous brand "Tiffany", worth 1.52 million yuan.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Just the rings that were dropped in the sewers were more than 1 million, and poverty simply limited our imagination.

Nothing in the movie seems to be affordable.

The umbrella that was held up casually was a snakehead umbrella worth thousands of yuan.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Even the cups that were accidentally broken cost thousands of dollars.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

A small, inconspicuous head rope costs 4,000 yuan.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Actress Yang Mi said that many things that the director brings from home subvert their values every day.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

At the end of the film, there is a 7-minute acknowledgment, which is sponsored by various brands.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Seriously, I only know "adidas" in this long list.

Seeing this, I believe that many people, like me, smell money even through the screen.

No wonder some people say that only Guo Jingming can shoot the feeling of being drunk and golden.

Even the well-informed actors were shocked by the costumes and props in this movie.

Yang Mi once said: When I see good-looking clothes, I will ask a costumer to help inquire about the price, can I buy these home, but I was told that the clothes cost 420,000 yuan, and I should not buy them.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Guo Caijie said in an interview that she looks forward to going to work every day because she wears beautiful clothes casually.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Guo Jingming's extravagance and luxury are also vividly reflected in his lines.

In one scene, he said what he wanted to express through the mouth of an actress:

If you become a ghost, you have to wear Gucci.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

This kind of value is simply decided to live and die with luxury.

is not only a movie, but Guo Jingming's own life is also quite luxurious.

He has a villa in Shanghai worth 700 million, but he himself does not live in it.

"The main purpose of this house is to use it as a warehouse, and it has a lot of furniture in it that I like," he said.

For example, 790,000 yuan to buy a crystal lamp, 1 million to buy a handmade carpet abroad, as well as a 2 million tea table, and some collectible toys ......"

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

The car Guo Jingming drives most often is the Maybach, and the price of a naked car is several million.

He once posted the bathtub in the mansion where he lived on Weibo, and was ridiculed by netizens as "enough for ten Guo Jingming to take a bath in it".

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

In his closet, there are a lot of clothes hanging.

One of the sweaters is worth 80,000.

The knives and forks used for eating must be of pure silver;

A chandelier that can be seen everywhere in the house costs hundreds of thousands.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

It can be said that the era of Guo Jingming's life is the "current era" in the "small era".

Because Guo Jingming's movies and life are too extravagant, the impact on ordinary people is too strong, so that ten years later, people are still happily discussing.

Many people were amazed at how extravagant they were and talked about with relish, but after I watched this hot search, I fell into deep thought, and I couldn't help but think:

Guo Jingming was actually born in an ordinary family, why did he become like this?

In fact, everything is traceable.

The gray line of the grass snake is thousands of miles away.

The composition of a person's worldview has a lot to do with one's family of origin and early life experiences.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

Guo Jingming was born in a small county town in Sichuan, his family was poor when he was young, and he was admitted to Shanghai University in the college entrance examination.

Shanghai University, which was jokingly called the university of Shanghainese at the time, can be imagined in the degree of luxury.

Coming out of a small county town in Sichuan, he felt for the first time what it means to "have people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky." ”

At that time, Shanghai University, in his eyes, was an exaggerated and perverted university.

The classmates around me are always wearing the most popular clothes and holding the latest mobile phones.

As for himself, he can only wear the most ordinary clothes forever, occasionally take holidays, dare not go to the restaurant outside to eat, and can only barely wrap up in the canteen.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

At that time, he was like a "poor man" who didn't fit in.

He studied film and television editing and directing, and he was the only outsider in the class, and the others were all local rich art students.

The filming equipment used in class is a piece of cake for other students, but for him, it is a luxury.

It takes the parents to go through several turnovers, go door-to-door to borrow money, and then mail it from Sichuan to Shanghai, and it will take ten days.

In such an environment, he seems to be "excluded" as a matter of course.

In addition, he had sepsis in his early years, and his nutrition could not keep up with when he grew up, so that he was very short in stature as an adult.

Poverty combined with loneliness gave him a strong sense of inferiority.

Once, Guo Jingming went to visit a luxury store in Shanghai.

He took a fancy to a pair of white shoes, but he didn't know how to clean them.

He asked the clerk, but was told that "there is a note in the box that it cannot be washed".

Guo Jingming was both shocked and puzzled:

Why can't it be cleaned? There's always a way to clean it, right?

The clerk took a deep breath and said proudly: "Sir, the people who buy these shoes are generally not very walking. Either they're in a car, or they're in a very clean environment that doesn't get dirty at all.

If you don't have a good working environment, or you need to crowd the bus, subway, and have to walk for a long time, then these shoes are really not for you.

It shattered his values.

What made him most difficult to let go of was that when he was a freshman, his mother came to see him.

The two of them went out on the subway, and their mother couldn't find a place to swipe their cards, and Guo Jingming, who had already entered the station, was very anxious.

At this moment, the staff helped his mother enter the station, and when he was about to say thank you, the other party scolded in Shanghainese: X Your mother, stupid to death.

Guo Jingming was trembling with anger, but his mother, who couldn't understand Shanghainese, kept thanking the staff.

At that time, he once again felt the importance of money.

With money, there will be no such humiliation.

Since then, Guo Jingming's values have completely changed.

And his only strength is writing.

With a pen, he became the top emerging writer on the sales list that year.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

He sold his own magazines, books, recruited authors, and even extended his tentacles to the film and television industry.

With an amazing sense of business, the "Little Times" tetralogy became the most successful series of commercial films at that time with a box office of nearly 1.8 billion.

After gaining fame and fortune, Guo Jingming settled his home in the most luxurious area of Shanghai, where he owned a super mansion;

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!


He makes no secret of his desire for materialism, he pursues the greatest desire for luxury, and almost everything in his life smells of money.

The experience of deprivation and "humiliation" in his early years left a deep mark on him.

So much so that he later became famous, and he tried his best to prove himself with "money".

He armed himself with money and materials, as if this could make his once poor and short self strong, but in fact, all this was just his imagination.

Guo Jingming once quarreled with many people on Weibo, tore up with his own artists, and was willing to pay compensation rather than apologize because of "plagiarizing" other people's novels.

He desperately tries his best to hide his vulnerability, and it looks like he is strong with "teeth and claws", but in fact, he is not confident in his bones, and even has low self-esteem.

He seems to be strong, but his heart is still "empty".

Why do I feel so touched by Guo Jingming's story today?

It's because I found that many people usually have Guo Jingming's shadow to a greater or lesser extent when they are young.

Many people, in the face of huge material disparities and financial humiliation from others, either fall into inferiority that goes deep into the bone marrow and have been slumping ever since, or they are eager to prove themselves with "money" and distort their values, thus taking a detour.

It's a pity that few people can treat it with the right values.

So what should be done?

I think that true self-confidence, real inner strength, is to allow yourself to have low self-esteem, to allow yourself to have no money, to allow yourself to be introverted, and to allow yourself to have shortcomings.

Don't hide it, don't hide it, accept it all, and live in peace with it in a real and friendly way.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

I remember when I was studying, I loved to play basketball very much, and at that time, my family had no money, so I always wore a pair of tattered shoes to play.

At that time, there were always a few people in the class discussing my shoes, and I became very inferior and sensitive because of their discussions.

Later, I found out that there was another boy in my class, his family was poorer than me, and he wore more torn shoes than me, but he played basketball and did not feel inferior at all.

I shoot very confidently, I try my best to grab the ball when I lose it, get along with people, and I don't feel inferior at all.

I learned from him what true self-confidence is.

Real self-confidence is not because of other people's rumors and rumors to become inferior and sensitive, nor is it like Guo Jingming to prove it desperately.

It's about accepting it all, accepting your true self, accepting that you don't have money, accepting your shortcomings and origins, and living in peace with them.

When people asked me where I was, I was always ashamed to say that I was from the countryside.

Later, when I experienced a lot of things, read a lot of books, and became rich and full in my heart, I would blurt out that I was from the countryside and was proud of it.

Tell me an interesting story.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius took his disciples to travel around the world, and at that time, they were not doing well because of the war, and they were very embarrassed.

They were dressed like "beggars", and everyone was ragged and dusty.

The monarch of the state of Lu came to greet them with the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty.

Confucius and his students were all as white as vegetables, their clothes were in tatters, and some even had cotton on their padded jackets, which looked very unseemly.

And the ministers of the Lu State are dressed in gorgeous clothes and look very noble, so in such a comparison, the gap is really big.

At this time, Confucius's students will feel ashamed and inferior, and even Confucius will feel a little embarrassed.

But there is only one exception.

That is the path of Confucius's student.

He stuffed the cotton wool exposed on the outside of his clothes, and then talked and laughed calmly with the group of dignitaries and nobles, without any weakness or shortness of breath.

He talked about what he had seen and heard along the way, and talked about the avenue of heaven and earth, and at that moment, everyone was deeply impressed by his conversation and knowledge.

Even Confucius praised that we people are not as good as Zilu.

Confucius predicted that Zilu would be an influential figure in the future.

Later, Zilu really became the commander of the three armies of Wei, and his military achievements were impressive.

That's true self-confidence.

Although the gap between me and you is huge;

Though you are bejeweled, and I am ragged;

Although you have 100 billion, I may only have 100 left.

But we are equal in personality, and I will not be presumptuous because of these external differences, and I am also a shining character.

People who have really seen the world have not eaten tens of thousands of dollars of caviar with a spoonful of caviar, heard the scene of the Vienna Musikverein, and secretly stored strange cultural relics and famous paintings at home.

It's not that I've seen how much Vanity Fair, how noble my status is, and how many faces I've seen who are poor and rich.

It is not about the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind that a person has experienced strong sensory stimulation.

Rather, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you are always neither humble nor arrogant, calm and calm, and accept yourself in any situation.

In "Please Answer 1988", there is such a sentence:

People really become stronger, not because they guard their self-esteem, but when they put aside their self-esteem.

From time to time, he stares at the imperfections in his body, does not hide his flaws and deficiencies everywhere, and carelessly guards his fragile self-esteem.

Guo Jingming's "drunk gold fan" is on the hot search, I still underestimate him!

When you gently understand the world, gently tolerate and accept yourself, you will slowly become stronger.

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