
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

author:Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

#这么近 so beautiful to Hebei on the weekend ##燕赵腔调点亮 "Northern Opera Wozi" ##2023冬季游河北#

In ancient times, the Chinese divided each day into twelve hours, and one hour was exactly two hours today. Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, people have given each hour a unique name, and it is represented by the earthly branch.

The name of each hour either depicts a scene between heaven and earth, or clarifies the principle of daily life and rest. The twelve hours are the great wisdom of the ancestors, guiding the descendants to live every moment, so that we can understand that "10,000 years is too long, seize the day".

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese



In the middle of the night, it is the tipping point of today and tomorrow. It is also called Zishi, which means to conceive. At this time, the sky, like a baby's eyes, was black and pure. People have long since rested, and rats will quietly come out of their burrows.

Qi and blood have been reduced to the lowest value, and now I sleep to replenish the energy of the whole day. So, please don't stay up late at this time.

Unless you can be like Zhang Ji, who fell off the list more than a thousand years ago, because of insomnia, he heard the bell of Hanshan Temple, bumped into his heart, and bumped into his heart, and bumped into him to write the famous poem "Fengqiao Night Park":

The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, and Jiang Feng is sleeping.

Hanshan Temple outside the city of Gusu, the bell rings in the middle of the night to the passenger ship.

Probably people who don't sleep at this time have a lonely soul.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Ugly time


Ugly is the original word for "twist", and at this time, there seems to be a pair of big hands between heaven and earth, twisting the night and the day.

The punctual rooster crows, and the cows in the shanty are munching on the grass.

People are also asleep, and their bodies are at the slowest time of the day. Only the liver is "working" quickly to detoxify the body.

It turns out that every sleeping soul is not at peace.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Yin time


Although the sun is not yet above the horizon, there is already a glimmer of life in the distant sky. The tiger is also ready to move, and it is the time for Yin.

Four o'clock is the time when the elderly are prone to accidents, because at this time the blood pressure is at the lowest value of the day. So be cautious and get some rest.

The famous star Kobe Bryant once said chicken soup, "Have you ever seen Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning?"

Because I have survived the darkest, I am finally about to usher in the morning light.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Mao time


The ancestors told us to work at sunrise. In ancient times, at this time, officials had to go to the morning court and count the number of people, which was called "dianmao", that is, to report to work.

This is the best time to clear the stomach and detoxify.

However, I think it is best to learn from the great poet Li Bai at this time, stand on the seaside and look at the morning glow, and feel the majestic scene of "the red light of the sunrise is scattered, and the light shines on the snow cliff".

Tell yourself that nothing is impossible.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese



This is the time to have breakfast. During the Qin and Han dynasties, people only ate two meals a day, and this one in the morning was the main meal. Chenshi is also the time when the mythical dragons walk in the rain.

Nowadays, life is fast-paced, and many people rush to solve breakfast on the way to work, or simply skip it. Actually, this is not true. Because the body starts the day's work with the "stomach meridian on duty".

Food has always been a good medicine to wake you up.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese



Near noon, the sun was shining, and the snake was lurking in the grass.

This is the first golden hour of our day, and we are at our most productive.

So, keep your best mind and do what matters most.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese



The sun is moving into the sky, and the rays are at their strongest. Yang energy reaches its peak, and yin energy will slowly increase. Legend has it that at this time, the animals all lie down and rest, and only the horses are still standing, so noon belongs to the horses.

In ancient times, noon was the time when people went to the bazaar to trade. There is also a saying that "three o'clock in the afternoon".

At this time, chatting with the people around you and taking a nap is undoubtedly the best way to release stress.

There is tension and relaxation, which is the way of life.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Not from time to time


After noon, the sun began to set in the west. At this time, the position of the sun is opposite to that of Sumichu.

People wake up from the chaos, slowly adjust, seize the second golden moment of the day, and work efficiently.

After all, there is no time to lose.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Shen Shi


"Huainanzi Tianwen Xun" once said, "(Day) As for the Valley of Sorrow, it is called the time of the day. "For the ancients, it was the time to eat for the second time. It is said that the monkey's cry is the clearest at this time, and it is the time of Shen.

People's work efficiency has gradually reached the peak in the afternoon, and it is also the best time to do exercise.

The ancients often used the word "晡" instead of 晡時. Du Fu would take a walk at this time, "The whole walk is green, and the barren court is about to get dark." Bai Juyi also said, "But the spring is about to be late, and the sorrow is getting worse." ”

Don't worry about the sunset, but enjoy the time.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Unitary time


The sun sets, so it is called the sun, the sun. This is a sign that day is moving into night.

People began to call it a day and return home, and the birds returned to their nests in the jungle.

At this time, people who have been busy all day are the most emotionally unstable and prone to quarrels. So relax appropriately and don't do important or complicated things.

The sunrise and the sunrise are the wisdom left to us by the ancestors.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese



The sun had submerged behind the mountains, the heavens and the earth were hazy, and everything in the eyes seemed to be coated with a gentle filter. Night is falling, and the dog is going to watch the house.

At this hour, the most famous poem is Ouyang Xiu's "The willow tops on the moon, people are about after dusk". This kind of scenery that wants to talk about it is very similar to the shy mood in love.

This time is the last golden hour of the day.

A clear mind is best for reading, creating, or doing something you like, which will help you sleep and give yourself a good end.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese
Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

Hai time


It was the last hour of the day and night. It is said that at this time, the pigs sleep most sweetly and snore the loudest, and it is the time of day.

At this time, you should calm your mood, soak your feet, and get ready to go to bed.

People are fixed, and people are quiet. It's a reminder not to be impetuous and not to make any important decisions at night.

Read the twelve hours, and you will understand the day of the Chinese

The rotation of heaven and earth is like a perfect poem

The wisdom left by the ancestors

Let us know how to go with the flow of the day

Down-to-earth and lively, people and beauty are happy

(Source: Monodo)

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