
Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

author:Wenwen story-level

Teresa Teng's early love history was not smooth, and she experienced many tortures of fate.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

At the age of 18, Teresa Teng met Lin Zhenfa, a wealthy local businessman, at a performance at Mayflower Restaurant in Malaysia. Lin Zhenfa is 5 years older than Teresa Teng and is her fan.

He bought seats in the first three rows for 45 consecutive days, just to be able to listen to Teresa Teng's singing up close. Two passionate and unrestrained hearts get close and quickly fall in love.

Lin Zhenfa took great care of Teresa Teng, making her feel loved and cared for like never before. Teresa Teng was also deeply moved by Lin Zhenfa's sincerity, and publicly stated that he would not marry. The two are tired of loving each other, which makes others red.

However, the good times did not last long, just when Teresa Teng's career was about to take off, Lin Zhenfa died suddenly due to illness, and Teresa Teng, who was only 25 years old, fell into deep grief, she lost her beloved, and also lost the hope of a stable life.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

Three years later, 28-year-old Teresa Teng was introduced to Malaysian billionaire Guo Kongcheng, and the two signed a marriage contract. Teresa Teng longs for a happy home and devotes herself to this relationship.

However, the absurd demands made by the Guo family eventually led to the breakdown of the marriage contract. Teresa Teng experienced emotional trauma again, her dream of marriage was shattered, and she lost confidence in true love.

In her career, Teresa Teng finally succeeded, but in love, she was always alone. Fame and fortune can no longer fill the emptiness in her heart, and she longs to stay away from the lights and get the peace of ordinary life.

In 1990, 37-year-old Teresa Teng met an unusual man in a restaurant in Paris, his name was Stephen Paul, a French young man in his early 20s.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

That night, when Teresa Teng and her friends were dining in the restaurant, they noticed a rebellious young man with long blond hair sitting at a table not far away.

He quietly lowered his head and fiddled with his camera, his expression focused, and his gestures exuded a distinctive temperament. Somehow, the figure of this young man firmly attracted Teresa Teng.

Maybe it's because he looks different from her previous suitors that makes her curious, or maybe deep down she has always longed for an ordinary love. After the meal, Teresa Teng plucked up the courage to come forward to talk to her and asked for the other party's contact information.

Paul is 15 years younger than Teresa Teng and is a nobody, which makes his unique charm further affect Teresa Teng's heart. A month later, the two started dating.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

Paul doesn't care about Teresa Teng's identity and wealth at all, and treats her like an ordinary woman, which is exactly what Teresa Teng dreams of.

The relationship developed rapidly, and soon the two began to live together. In order to help Paul realize his dream of being a photographer, Teresa Teng hired him to be her exclusive photographer.

In Paul's lens, star Teresa Teng fades her halo and shows the various living conditions of an ordinary woman. Paul gave Teresa Teng the simple happiness she had longed for for years.

Teresa Teng's friends can't get used to the relationship between the two, but Teresa Teng doesn't care about the eyes of others, she just wants to live a simple life with her beloved. For her, who has gone through all the vicissitudes of life, Paul is a gift from heaven, a true love that she has been waiting for for a long time.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

In the Spring Festival of 1995, Teresa Teng and Paul returned to Taiwan for a reunion. Teresa Teng was slightly unwell during this trip, and after examination, she suffered from a cold, and she still did not recover after recuperating at home for several months.

In order to help Teresa Teng recuperate, the two went to Chiang Mai, Thailand in April.

The fresh air in Chiang Mai has a certain effect on Teresa Teng's asthma symptoms. The two of them stayed in a high-end suite and happily planned their next vacation.

Unexpectedly, this was Teresa Teng's last trip.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

That afternoon, Paul went out to buy food. Teresa Teng was reading a magazine alone in her room, when she suddenly had an asthma attack, and she knocked on the door and window to shout for help, and she felt more and more difficult to breathe.

The attendant immediately called the police when he heard the movement, and the ambulance arrived quickly, but due to the traffic jam during rush hour, it took valuable rescue time.

When Paul returned to the hotel, it was too late. The doctor told him with a sad face that Teresa Teng had died. The news exploded in Paul's mind like thunder, and he sat on the ground with his legs limp and tears welling up in his eyes.

For the rest of the day, Paul stayed in seclusion and numbed himself with alcohol. He couldn't forgive himself for his decision to go out, and he was deeply trapped in feelings of self-blame and remorse.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

Teresa Teng's family also blamed him for not taking good care of Teresa Teng and did not allow him to attend the funeral.

Under the persuasion of the Deng family, Paul gradually came out of his grief and chose to continue his life. He returned to France, reinvigorated himself and started a new photographic work. But Teresa Teng's shadow accompanied him and became an eternal pain in his heart.

Years later, he made public photos of his life with Teresa Teng, which was the last tribute to his lover in his heart. He hopes that people will see that behind the star is also an ordinary middle-aged woman, who will also get sick, age, and have ordinary troubles.

Paul completed the final interpretation of Teresa Teng's lover, but he knew that Teresa Teng's singing voice would always reverberate, and her bright smile would remain in this world forever.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

After Teresa Teng's sudden death, Paul fell into deep grief and self-blame. For many years, he has lived in seclusion in Teresa Teng's Hong Kong villa, with little contact with the outside world.

It wasn't until 1997, two years after Teresa Teng's death, that Paul finally saw the light of day.

He made public a large number of photos he took for Teresa Teng before his death. These photos document the daily life of 40-year-old Teresa Teng, who unreservedly presents herself in the lens.

There is happiness, there is exhaustion, sometimes the look is embarrassing, sometimes the figure is out of shape, she opens her heart to the camera, like an ordinary middle-aged woman.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

These photos immediately made waves in society. The public was surprised by Teresa Teng's ordinary side, she was like two bright stars in people's impressions. This is exactly what Paul wants to show, he doesn't want people to limit Teresa Teng to the label of "queen of songs".

Paul said in the interview that he hopes people will see the real Teresa Teng, who also has a weak side and will suffer from all kinds of troubles in life like ordinary people.

She longs for a peaceful life, not applause and flowers on stage. In the last days of her life, Paul gave her a hard-won happiness of ordinary people.

This is Paul's last tribute and mourning for his beloved. Before his death, he couldn't save Teresa Teng when she needed her, at least after death, he had to fulfill his last wish for her.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

This is also Paul's way of atonement, by showing the other side of Teresa Teng, completing the final interpretation of a lover.

Now, even though many years have passed, every time I think of Teresa Teng, Paul's heart will be filled with grief. That unique oriental woman appeared in his life, brought him joy, brought him pain, and became the love of his eternal life.

As the years go by, her singing voice is still the same, her smile is still the same, only youth is no longer returned.

She is not only a superstar who has gone through ups and downs, but also an ordinary woman who will grieve for her love and mourn for life and death.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

Paul recorded not only the aura of the queen of songs through the camera, but also the unpretentious daily life of a woman.

We saw Teresa Teng's weakness and sadness, her inner loneliness and fragility.

She is so beautiful, so elegant, but she still can't escape the torture of fate. We grieve for her misfortune and rejoice in the simple happiness she once had.

Teresa Teng deserves to be talked about by the world, but what is more worthy of our memory is that she is an ordinary woman of flesh and blood who longs to be treated like an ordinary person.

Teresa Teng's last 5 years all said that her French boyfriend was unreliable, how did the two get along

We deserve to see her multi-dimensional personality, not just a symbol behind a halo.

This is Paul's final revelation. We will always miss Teresa Teng, not only for her natural talent, but also because of her ordinary and sincere heart.

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