
Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Hello everyone, today I will teach you to skillfully use Bupleurum to open up the prostate, sweep the frequent urination, urgency, and inexhaustible urination, if you have prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and hypertrophy, then you must not miss it!

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

Many people may not understand why Bupleurum Shugansan, a medicine that regulates the liver, can be used for prostatitis in men? Here we have to mention the relationship between the liver and the kidneys, as well as urine; in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is in charge of the operation of the body's qi, and the qi can promote the operation of jin liquid and water liquid, and only when the qi is smooth, the urine produced can be smoothly discharged from the body

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

Moreover, the liver and kidney are homologous, the smoother the liver qi, the better the reproductive and urinary function of the kidney, on the contrary, the liver qi is stagnant, the more blocked the liver, the more likely it is to urinate unfavorably, thereby increasing the risk of prostatitis;

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

First of all, if you have prostatitis, frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, nocturia, difficulty urinating, and white dripping of the urethral opening, etc., accompanied by cold hands and feet, fear of cold and cold, listlessness, irritability, temper tantrums, etc., then this is mostly liver depression combined with kidney yang deficiency

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

If you say that you have prostatic hyperplasia, frequent urination, urgency, shortness and pain, thin urine like a line, lower abdomen distension and pain, etc., and the color of the tongue is dark purple, and the green tendons under the tongue are coarse and purple, then this is mostly liver depression at the same time, and there is blood stasis

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

Finally, if you are prostatitis, you also have frequent urination, urgency, and inexhaustible urination, but you are not afraid of cold, cold hands and feet and other kidney yang deficiency, but there is a deficiency of kidney essence such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and forgetfulness, then at this time, you can refer to Chai Hu Shu Gan San with Wuzi Yanzong Tang Syndrome Differentiation Plus and Subtraction to relieve liver and depression, and replenish the kidney and fill the essence

Traditional Chinese medicine opens up the prostate, skillfully uses Bupleurum to disperse the liver, sweeps the frequent urination, urgency and urination!

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is for reference only, don't blindly follow the trend of medication, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we'll see you next time.

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