
With 13 votes in favor, the Security Council adopted a new resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, and the United States and Russia abstained

author:The official number of Road Observation

On the 22nd local time, the United Nations Security Council once again convened an emergency meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and finally adopted a draft resolution with 13 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 2 abstentions, which called for "immediate, safe and unhindered direct large-scale humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians throughout the Gaza Strip" and "create conditions for a continued cessation of hostilities".

With 13 votes in favor, the Security Council adopted a new resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, and the United States and Russia abstained

The draft was proposed by the United Arab Emirates, and it should be noted that this was not the case at first, and it was initially called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between Palestine and Israel, that is, a ceasefire, as well as for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages by both Palestinians and Israelis, as well as to ensure unrestricted humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. And this resolution began to be discussed on the 18th local time, but because the United States continued to oppose the content and asked for revision, it was finally delayed until the 22nd before it was finally passed, and the content has been changed beyond recognition.

On the 8th of this month, the Security Council had already held a vote on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the draft at that time was similar to the first draft resolution of the draft resolution, and the final vote was 13 votes in favor, with Britain abstaining from voting and the United States voting against.

The content of this resolution has been revised several times, and the United States finally did not oppose it, but the United States did not approve of it, but chose to abstain on the grounds that it did not condemn the content of Hamas. Let's see, when has this been? Is the key to the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict Hamas? No, but Israel's behavior has become unrestrained and is becoming more and more crazy! So this excuse of the US side is really boring enough.

Of course, the US side itself knows that such a frivolous excuse really cannot constitute a sufficient condition for its opposition, so in the end the US side can only choose to abstain. There is also a abstaining party, which is Russia, which has previously opposed Russia's amendment to the "cease-fire action" on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and considering that the final version of this resolution does not impose the content of a cease-fire, it is not surprising that Russia has reservations and chose to abstain.

Overall, the fact that the 13 countries were able to unite this time is believed to be one of the reasons why the United States gave up resistance and did not dare to oppose it in the end. After all, because of what Israel has done, the international pressure on the United States is also very strong. Interestingly, the United States and Russia, which have become almost inseparable because of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, have now unanimously abstained, but for very different reasons.

With 13 votes in favor, the Security Council adopted a new resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, and the United States and Russia abstained

So, with the adoption of this resolution, will Israel be forced back to the negotiating table and stop its atrocities? The answer is probably not. Having said this, it is not difficult for us to find that the final version of the new resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, which was adopted by the Security Council with 13 votes in favor this time, is a relatively "moderate" resolution, and apart from calling for immediate and unrestricted humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, it has actually made no hard demands on the two key issues surrounding the Palestinian-Israeli situation -- Israel's continuous attacks on both military and civilian populations and the issue of hostages, but rather ambiguously expressed that it is "creating conditions for the continued cessation of hostilities."

Such content alone is not enough to bind Israel. However, it is worth noting that, according to recent relevant information, the Israeli side is pulling in the United States and Qatar in an attempt to promote a new round of temporary ceasefire with Hamas. Why did Israel, which had been very resistant to a temporary ceasefire, suddenly begin to seek a ceasefire?

As things stand, Israel is seeking a temporary ceasefire, primarily for the purpose of exchanging hostages. It cannot be ruled out that it was related to the fact that the Israeli army killed three Israeli hostages without distinguishing between us and the enemy, which caused great repercussions in Israel. However, perhaps because of the temporary ceasefire at the end of November, Israel's performance was too disappointing, and while exchanging hostages with Hamas, Israel is constantly capturing new hostages, and such a lack of sincerity has caused great dissatisfaction with Hamas, so for Israel's request to seek a temporary ceasefire, Hamas has exchanged hostages and put forward new demands, but Israel does not agree, so at present, this temporary ceasefire has not been reached.

On the whole, the current situation surrounding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still very grim, and the Security Council, under the obstruction of the United States, has failed to adopt a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Palestine and Israel. Israel, on the other hand, is seeking a ceasefire on its own, but it is not so sincere that it is difficult to reach a consensus with Hamas.

Based on this situation, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still very worrying, and in the end, China took action to break the situation. After the vote on the resolution ended, Dai Bing, chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, said that the adoption of the resolution was welcome, but that a ceasefire was still the overriding prerequisite. China is ready to work with other members of the Security Council to continue to push the Security Council to take further responsible and meaningful actions in a timely manner, and continue to make unremitting efforts to calm the fighting in Gaza at an early date, earnestly implement the two-state solution and achieve peace and stability in the Middle East.

With 13 votes in favor, the Security Council adopted a new resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli situation, and the United States and Russia abstained

It can be seen that the Chinese side has sensed that this resolution is not sufficient to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli issue, so after the adoption of the resolution, it immediately called on all countries to make persistent efforts to promote a ceasefire and cease the fighting between Palestine and Israel. If the international community can respond to China's call, it will not be impossible to achieve a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel as soon as possible.

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