
A 4-year-old girl was bitten off by three dogs, most of her scalp was exposed, and two villagers took shovels to save people, police

author:I love to drink milk when I sleep

A shocking moment: the absurdity of life, the little angel struggles between three dogs

Hey, dear friends, today's story is truly heart-wrenching. Just saw a piece of news that was unbelievably true. On an ordinary day, four-year-old Xiao Yaoyao was playing in the backyard of her grandmother's house, and was bitten by three dogs, and her scalp was almost lost. Such a tragedy is shocking to the unpredictability of life.

Tragic scene: Ordinary days turn into nightmares

The place where the story takes place is Shixiquan Village, Quanlin Town, Surabaya County, Jining City. Xiao Yaoyao is playing in the backyard of her grandmother's house, such a scene is usually common in our lives. However, on this ordinary day, tragedy creeps in and three dogs launch a deadly assault on this innocent little life. The kind-hearted villagers, Mr. Wang and Mr. Ma, heard Yaoyao's cry and stepped forward to drive the fierce dog away with a shovel and rescue Yaoyao. This scene is really heart-wrenching, and the unpredictability of life is vividly demonstrated at this moment.

A 4-year-old girl was bitten off by three dogs, most of her scalp was exposed, and two villagers took shovels to save people, police

True feelings: A parent's nightmare begins

Yaoyao's father, Wang Fuwei, recalled the scene at that time, his eyes were full of tears: "I received a call from my daughter about 4 pm on November 19. If you are bitten by a dog, you can get vaccinated. This kind of parent's helplessness and worry is simply distressing. The original ordinary vaccine seems so weak, which really makes people sigh the impermanence of life, and can take away the peace of a family in an instant.

A moment of bravery: a counterattack by a kind-hearted person

When Mr. Wang recalls the scene of that day, he feels the fragility of life: "At first, we thought that the child had fallen into the water naughtyly, so we ran over with a shovel and thought that we could drag the person out, but it turned out that it was three big dogs biting the child. Imagine how they endured their fears and saved this life by fighting the fierce dog with a shovel. This heroism and kindness are truly emotional.

Hard treatment: Xiao Yaoyao in the pediatric ward

A 4-year-old girl was bitten off by three dogs, most of her scalp was exposed, and two villagers took shovels to save people, police

Up to now, Yaoyao's treatment costs have reached more than 200,000 yuan. For this ordinary rural family, this is simply an astronomical amount. In order to accompany their daughter, Wang Fuwei and Shen Ye'e could only sleep in the corner of the corridor outside the guardianship room at night, and make do with the bedding on the construction site. Their hard work and perseverance are really respectful.

Online Fundraising: A Life of Despair and Helplessness

In order to pay for the high cost of treatment, Wang Fuwei launched a fundraising campaign online, and many well-wishers reached out to help. However, the cost of treatment continued to rise, and Yaoyao's condition did not improve for a long time, and the skin graft surgery could not be performed due to persistent fever. Wang Fuwei said helplessly: "The child is still young, and we don't know how much it will cost in the future, so there is really no way." This makes people feel the cruelty and helplessness of life.

Unsolved Mysteries: The Fog in a Police Investigation

On December 19, the Quanlin Town Police Station responded: "The case is under investigation, and the specific details are inconvenient to disclose." The case is full of unsolved mysteries, and it seems that there are still many unknown facts waiting to be revealed. These twists and fogs in life make people suspicious.

A 4-year-old girl was bitten off by three dogs, most of her scalp was exposed, and two villagers took shovels to save people, police

The Unknown Future: The Waiting of Life

The story is not over yet, and the future plot is full of unknowns. Yaoyao's fate is like an unfinished book, and her life is still in the hands of the unknown. We are expecting a miracle to bring this little angel back to life.

Expect a miracle: the story ends here

The story continues, and we expect a miracle to come. Yaoyao's fate is like an unfinished book, and the life of the doll is still in the hands of life. Let us pray for this innocent life and look forward to a miracle! This story will forever stay in our hearts and teach us the fragility and preciousness of life.

A 4-year-old girl was bitten off by three dogs, most of her scalp was exposed, and two villagers took shovels to save people, police