
5 dimes breakfast grandma "Mao Shihua: a messenger of love who warms the entire Huangtankou Township."

author:Straightforward wind sound d5Z

In the busy city life, we are often troubled by the trivial matters of work and life, and ignore the simple but heart-warming moments around us. In Huangtankou Township, Quzhou, Zhejiang, there is an old man who has used her 30 years of persistence to send the warmth of every morning to countless children.

5 dimes breakfast grandma "Mao Shihua: a messenger of love who warms the entire Huangtankou Township."

Grandma Mao Shihua, an ordinary rural elderly, starts to be busy in the early hours of the morning, just to prepare a hot breakfast for the children. Whether it was windy or rainy, or hot and cold, she always stuck to the familiar dirt road, using a spatula to brighten the sky and warm the hungry stomach of her young son.

5 dimes breakfast grandma "Mao Shihua: a messenger of love who warms the entire Huangtankou Township."

Although the years are unforgiving and Grandma Mao's body is getting weaker and weaker, she never gives up. Even in her hospital bed, she still hung on to the stall, worrying about whether the children would get a delicious breakfast. This perseverance and persistence can't help but be moved.

Today, Grandma Mao is far away from us, but her spirit continues. In order to continue this love, Quzhou Zhonghebang Public Welfare Service Center organized the "1 Yuan Love Breakfast Shop" to continue to provide breakfast for those in need. In Grandma Mao's hometown of Jiangshan, there are similar public welfare projects launched, so that more sanitation workers and lonely elderly people can feel warm.

5 dimes breakfast grandma "Mao Shihua: a messenger of love who warms the entire Huangtankou Township."

Grandma Mao's story is not only a touching deed, but also a spiritual inheritance. In this fast-paced era, we tend to pursue fame, fortune and status, while ignoring those around us who really need care and help. Grandma Mao tells us with her actions: true happiness is very simple, it is the love and warmth between people.

5 dimes breakfast grandma "Mao Shihua: a messenger of love who warms the entire Huangtankou Township."

Let us remember the story of Grandma Mao and pass on this warmth. In this world, there are always some people who are willing to pay silently to make this world a better place. And we can also start from ourselves, care for the people around us, and let the love pass on forever. #Grandma who sold 5 dimes for breakfast died##Grandma who sold 5 dimes breakfast with a pension subsidy passed away##5 dimes## Grandma who sold 5 dimes breakfast with a pension supplement passed away##5 dimes#