
I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

author:I'm a little fox fairy

Continuing from the previous part, I worked in North Korea, and the most contact I had with was the North Korean translator Xiao Shuai, who was a very smart person

I arrived in North Korea after the Chinese New Year, and on the third day of my arrival in North Korea, there was a snowfall that was not even over the surface of our feet, and when we returned to the dormitory, we found that the vehicle was equipped with snow chains, and there were road guards on the road cleaning the road. The streets of the villages are also being cleaned up, and looking at this hot scene, I feel that this is a beautiful picture.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

Figure 1: A salesperson on Biwa Island

It was snowing, and Xiao Shuai came over with an infusion bottle to fill it

Snowflakes fell that morning, and when I went to work, I sighed that the snow was so good, and the pine trees were covered with snowflakes, and the whole world was covered in snow, which looked very enchanting, but when I got to the office, I also found that there was a problem with heating. Usually the temperature in our office is okay, after the snow is a little unbearable, sitting in the house a little frozen feet, originally we came to North Korea did not take into account the problem of office temperature, only felt that it is similar to the country, so we are not too thick.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

After the snow, I felt a little cold, got up and touched the heating pipe behind me that was not thick, and touched it with my hand, it was not cold (see the picture above for the heating pipe), as long as it was not cool for the heating, it was a little hot on it, I just wrote a report on the computer, and my hand trembled a little when I hit the keyboard, so I boiled half a pot of water with an electric kettle, poured a cup and held it in my hand to warm my hands and continue to work.

At this time, Xiao Shuai walked in with an infusion bottle, saying that his electric kettle was broken, and I used my electric kettle to boil some water and pour it into the bottle, yo, how many years have I not seen this kind of bottle? How many years have I not filled this kind of bottle with water? When boiling water, I asked Xiao Shuai, what bottle was you looking for? Xiao Shuai said that he asked for it in the health room, when I asked him if he could help me get one, I took it back to the dormitory to warm the bed. Xiao Shuai said with a smile, this is what you want with your quota...... Well, witty lad, I'll bring an electric blanket next time

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

The water boiled, Xiao Shuai first poured a little boiling water and rinsed the bottle, and then slowly poured water into the bottle, this set of operations made me think that this child has a lot of life experience, I know that this cold bottle will explode when the water is poured violently, and I have also blown up the bottle because of the direct pouring. At this time, Xiaomei knocked on the door and asked if Xiaoshuai was there, and after seeing Xiaoshuai, she said: I thought you ran away with the bottle. Xiaomei speaks Chinese, as long as they speak in front of us, they all use Chinese, according to Xiaoshuai, they are afraid that I will misunderstand. Misunderstanding? What is the misunderstanding? I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?

When Xiao Shuai poured the bottle full of water, Xiao Mei took a piece of cloth and wrapped it and hugged it and left, I looked at the cloth as if it was a scarf? I said I can do it now, but Xiaoshuai said that I can't ...... in the factory All right.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

On the way, I met people collecting firewood

The snow fell slowly all morning, and there was already a thick layer when we got off work at noon, and we discussed while walking out after work: how to go back to the dormitory in such weather (the dormitory is halfway up the mountain behind the factory, separated by a mountain from the factory), and the snow can the car climb up the hill really two words, so it can be braked when it climbs uphill?

When the car drove out of the factory, I found that there was not much snow on the road, perhaps because there were often cars passing on the road, and there was basically not much snow, and I watched the mountains in the distance outlined by the snow, and the layers seemed to be an ink painting.

When we got on the car, the driver had started for a while, the car was very warm, and then I felt the obvious warmth, after the car drove on the road, I found that there were very few cars on the North Korean side, and there were basically no pedestrians on the road in heavy snowy days.

I saw a few people in the car picking up branches, carrying small bundles of branches walking in the distance, I couldn't see it clearly from a distance, but I thought that they must have gone back to burn and burn the fire to keep warm. I also asked the translator what to do with the coal used for heating? The translator said that it was distribution, and I had nothing to say about the distribution, and it would be rude to ask again after saying that it was allocated, and I could no longer ask what criteria it was distributed, whether it was by rank or by contribution?

When I first came to North Korea, I saw that the stubble in their field (the bottom part of the corn stalk, the part in the soil) was also dug out (see Picture 2 taken on a sunny day), and this thing can be used to go back to firewood, whether it is for heating or burning a large pot stove. When I was a child, I also followed the adults in my family to the field to dig stubble, and then dried it, knocked the soil and pulled it back to burn firewood.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

Figure 2: The corn stubble in the field has also been planed

When I first left the factory area, I saw an old man (lesbian) standing on the side of the road with a bundle of firewood (branches) waiting for us to pass, although there was still some distance from the old man, the driver began to honk desperately, I personally think that the driver desperately honked the horn not to show off, but the snow road slipped to remind pedestrians to pay attention to safety. Then the old man was standing on the side of the road, and at the same time our speed had slowed down, and then I could see what was on her back, and she was carrying small branches, branches that were only the thickness of her little finger.

I asked Xiao Shuai why she carried it so thinly? Xiao Shuai said that to protect the trees, you can't pick up branches thicker than your fingers. It also emphasized to me that it is picking, not chopping. I asked if I could only pick it up on the ground and not cut it on a tree? Well, that's how it goes...... It is estimated that it will not work to break and pull. Well, it's good to have this kind of ideology, and you can protect the trees without indiscriminate logging, but I don't know if he is lying to me, because I have also seen soldiers and people walking on the road carrying the whole tree.

But if that's the case, what if the allotted coal isn't enough to burn?

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

I returned to Hunchun, Jilin and found a restaurant, and had a hard meal to comfort myself

In terms of normal working order and procedure, I only need to go to North Korea every week to determine some things, and then I can return to China on the same day, and if some things can't be solved, I stay for one night. I think it's better to live in North Korea, so that I can better communicate with the comrades in North Korea, strengthen revolutionary friendship, and work better. So I usually stay for two or three days when I have nothing to do, and then go back to Hunchun on Friday, play games on the Internet, watch movies, or something.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

In North Korea, due to the beginning of the network, mobile phones and no signal, at night the voltage is a little low laptop does not charge, can only sit in the yard and look at the night of the Pipa Island, if it is the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, when the moon and stars are bright, you can really see the Pipa Island lying in the middle of the sea, the breeze blows the fragrance of flowers, that feeling...... It's really beautiful. Of course, it would be better if there was a roast chicken, a plate of pork head, and a few bottles of beer......

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

Of course, the reason why I came back was that in addition to reporting the work content to the head office and sending some forms to the corresponding departments of the company (at the beginning, we could not contact the country in North Korea, and we could only drive to the border to find a Chinese mobile phone signal if we wanted to contact us), and I mainly wanted to eat meat, and I wanted to eat meat in a big gulp, so every time I returned to China, I found a barbecue restaurant to take revenge on my days of losing weight and lowering fat and blood pressure, and by the way, I stewed a pot of mutton, and warmed the kimchi in my stomach with the spicy spicy of mutton.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

In fact, the food provided by North Korea is quite good, but I have been corroded by big fish and meat in recent years, and I always feel that the temple of the five organs is unstable and I feel unstable if I don't eat a few pieces a day, and I feel that I can't sleep well, and I think that if I don't sleep well, it is easy to have high blood pressure, and when my blood pressure is high, it is easy to collapse, and the collapse of cerebral blood vessels is called cerebral hemorrhage. This disease can kill people, and if it collapses, it will be forgotten if it dies all of a sudden, just afraid that the left hand is six and the right hand is seven, one foot draws a circle and one kicks, and then it will be the end of the calf. So I have always felt that it is necessary to supplement animal protein every week, and my colleagues also agree with my concept, and the colleague with diabetes also runs back to China every week, either barbecue or shabu-shabu, and the belly that has only gone down a little is immediately round.

No, the old man is right when he says that all diseases come from the mouth, it's true, this barbecue is not only a lot of meat, but also peppers and salt, so I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it for a few years.

I work in North Korea, and the North Korean person I have the most contact with is Xiao Shuai, who is a lively young man

Hunchun's barbecue restaurant also has kimchi such as spicy cabbage, which tastes fresher than North Korea's, and uses plenty of ingredients, but it always feels like there are too many additives. It's not as authentic as North Korean kimchi, and the domestic one is overshadowed by too many condiments, so I rarely eat kimchi in China. #2023 Creation Challenge ##文章首发挑战赛#

To be continued

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