
The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

author:Smart Celestine 0S5O

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The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

While going higher and higher on the career path, love has been put on hold - this is the dilemma faced by the former CCTV host Wang Guan.

From the CCTV host to the family worried about the identity of the leftover girl, and then to the many scandals that became the reason why she couldn't get married, her life trajectory was full of twists and turns and challenges.

The crown's perseverance in his career and his pursuit of love make for a unique and touching story.

Wang Guan's start can be described as talented, as early as when he first got involved in the entertainment industry, he chose to work as a model, and then entered the Shanghai Theater Academy for further study and became a student majoring in broadcasting.

She stood out in the host competition with her outstanding performance and successfully joined Shanghai TV as a news broadcaster and program host.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

Her energetic and energetic image makes the audience fall in love with her, but under the glamorous appearance behind her, there is a period of loneliness and unbearable emotional experience.

The crown's emotional road is tortuous and bumpy, and he has been involved in scandals many times, and it seems that every love cannot get the desired result.

Perhaps it is because of such great achievements in her career that the media and the public have paid more and more attention to her love life.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

However, this attention is not always true and objective, and can sometimes even be misleading.

The deep friendship with Zhao Zhongxiang was misunderstood as a scandal, which caused a great shock under the storm of public opinion.

However, no matter how the outside world treats him, the crown always adheres to the most true and pure pursuit in his heart - both career and love.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

When Li Yong, the host of CCTV at that time, invited her to join CCTV and jointly create the program "Departure to Happiness", Wang Guan resolutely chose to go to Beijing for development.

"I put all my time into my work.

This is the crown's most simple and courageous response to the status quo.

Her hard work and professionalism have made her career rewarding, but at the same time, she has sacrificed the warmth and happiness that she should have in her personal life.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

The crown is the host who gives strength and positive energy on the TV screen, and she proves herself with her hard work and talent.

However, behind every success there is an unknown period of dedication and sacrifice.

Maybe love is not easy for the crown, but with her firm heart and unregrettable choice, she is going further and further on the road of her career.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

As once asked about marriage, the crown smiled and replied, "I believe in fate."

This simple but sincere sentence conveys the most important and precious thing in a woman's attitude towards love and life - go with the flow.

We may not be able to understand and judge the consequences of the choices a person has made in the past.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

But we can appreciate the achievements and happiness of their beautiful and brilliant lives with a normal heart, and resonate with them.

I hope that every young woman who bravely pursues her dreams and sticks to her original intention can find her own special and complete balance between career and love.

The story of the crown is a story of perseverance and pursuit, and she uses her actions to explain that career and love are not an either/or choice.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

This spirit is an active exploration of women's rights and interests, and it also sets an example for more women.

In the story of the crown, we see her dedication to her career and her persistence in love, which is an attitude to life and a unique understanding of life.

Perhaps, everyone has their own choice, and not everyone will choose the same path.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

However, whatever you choose, it should be out of respect for your true thoughts and dreams, rather than being bound by social ideas.

The story of the crown teaches us that pursuing a career and love is not a zero-sum game.

We can find a balance between the two and manage our lives with care.

Everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle they want without being criticized and questioned by the outside world.

The persistence and pursuit of the crown - between career and love

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