
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activities Exhibition Green Beauty Characteristics

author:Golden Sheep Net, Guangzhou, December 24 (Xinhua) -- Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activities Exhibition Green Beauty Characteristics

Chinanews reporter Wang Jian

Liuxi fragrant snow, charming scenery, Guangzhou Liuxihe National Forest Park in winter is full of vitality. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activity opened here on the 23rd, attracting more than 200 people from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, including representatives of the "five elders" and youth representatives, and released a number of research routes showing the characteristics of Guangdong's green beauty.

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activities Exhibition Green Beauty Characteristics

Research site. Photo courtesy of the event organizing committee

At the ceremony, a "green beauty corridor" came into view, and the exhibition board displayed the authentic works of famous artists and student paintings about the natural ecological environment of Liuxi River, allowing visitors to taste the green beauty between the masterpieces on paper and the beautiful scenery in front of them. At the same time, the old and young took the lead in planting trees, and connected with the scene of Liannan County, Qingyuan City, to relay the "green" energy.

On the day of the event, a total of 7 research groups from Conghua and Qingyuan Liannan in Guangzhou gathered and set off. The teenagers and representatives of the "Five Elders" searched for ancient trees, collected leaves, and watched rare plants along the greenway in Liuxihe Forest Park, and felt the charm of forest culture; investigated the 350-year-old longan and black olive trees in the village in Nanpingxiu Town, and listened to the stories of ancient tree protection; experienced the magical world of 5G smart agriculture in the Litchi Culture Expo Park; learned about rocky desertification control in Liannan National Stone Desert Park, and worked together to plant new saplings to add greenery to the park......

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activities Exhibition Green Beauty Characteristics

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of the event organizing committee

"Lucid waters and lush mountains, plants and animals are nature's gifts to human beings, and we should take practical actions to protect this beautiful nature. Ye Yongtong, a student representative from Hong Kong and a student of Guangdong Overseas Chinese High School, participated in the "Green Beauty Culture - Passing on a Good Art (Craftsman)" research route, and she said that she hoped to work with more young people to practice the production and lifestyle of caring for ecology, advocating nature, and green and low-carbon.

Li Xiurong, a "good boy in the new era" in Guangzhou and a student of Guangzhou Baiyun Yunya Experimental School, participated in the "Green Beauty Flower Valley - Raising a Flower (Camellia)" research route. He said that in the ecological civilization practice activities of studying Lumei Guangdong and checking in key Lumei routes, he can have a deeper understanding of the importance and significance of ecological environmental protection, and at the same time exercise his comprehensive quality and practical ability.

According to reports, the event launched a series of "green beauty" brand projects, and designed a number of ecological boutique research routes showing the achievements of "green beauty Guangdong". By giving full play to the professional and experience advantages of the "five elders", and with the help of the perspective observation and practical experience of young people in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, we will help further promote the ecological construction of Lumei Guangdong and Lumei Guangzhou, and convey the concept of ecological environmental protection while protecting the green mountains and clear waters.

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Ecological Civilization Practice Activities Exhibition Green Beauty Characteristics

Research site. Photo courtesy of the event organizing committee

With Guangzhou Conghua as the "first station", the event will continue to be held in the form of a "green beauty relay" in the remaining ten districts of Guangzhou and all cities, counties and regions in the province, and launch green beauty routes with local characteristics to attract more young people in the Greater Bay Area to participate. Among them, including green beauty protection - guarding a river (Liuxi River), green beauty tree saying - protecting a forest (ancient tree), green beauty science popularization - using a good medicine (southern medicine) and so on.

The reporter learned that the organizers will work together with various bases to promote the in-depth development of the theme of "Green Beauty Guangdong, Young and Old Together", and make the practice activities positional and sustainable development, so as to fully interpret the rich connotation of the old and young peers to build a green and beautiful Guangdong.

In addition, the event site was also connected to the launch site of Qingyuan Liannan Yao Autonomous County, and the two places were connected by green beauty and played the "march" of green beauty together. In the online video, the magnificent green landscape of Liannan is shown, which makes people truly experience the effect of practicing the "two mountains" theory to turn barren mountains into green seas and rivers into stages. (ENDS)

Editor: Shu Mengqing

Source: China News Network