
Yellow Examiner: Special work content and requirements for special occupations!

author:Lively little safflower QIYC

Pornography Inspector, a seemingly mysterious profession, was actually established out of the need to "eliminate pornography and fight illegal publications". Their work is mainly to identify all kinds of pornographic content, provide evidence and conclusions for the judicial authorities, and combat the spread of pornographic information and obscene materials.

The job of pornography examiners is not simple, they need to face a large number of pornographic discs, pictures and videos, and review and identify them one by one. They need to determine whether the content involves pornography, violence, abuse and other illegal and criminal acts, and issue a corresponding appraisal report based on the appraisal results. These reports will serve as an important basis for the judicial organs to convict and sentence.

Yellow Examiner: Special work content and requirements for special occupations!

In addition to identifying pornographic content, pornography appraisers also need to check the number of confiscated obscene CDs, mark them one by one, and carry out relevant processing work. They need to ensure that every pornographic disc is properly kept and disposed of to prevent it from being re-disseminated.

The job of a pornography examiner is very demanding, and they need to have professional knowledge and skills, including sensitivity and recognition of pornography, legal knowledge, etc. At the same time, they also need to have a strong psychological quality and be able to withstand both psychological and physical pressure.

Yellow Examiner: Special work content and requirements for special occupations!

In practice, pornography examiners also need to strictly abide by professional ethics and laws and regulations to ensure the fairness and legitimacy of their work. They need to maintain a neutral and objective attitude, not affected by any external factors, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the identification results.

Yellow Examiner: Special work content and requirements for special occupations!

In general, pornography connoisseurs are a very important profession, and their work is of great importance in combating the spread of pornographic information and obscenity. Although this profession requires a lot of psychological and physical stress, it is still a very valuable and meaningful career choice for those who have professional knowledge and psychological qualities.

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