
Zhu Ling has passed away, will there be a day when the truth of the "Zhu Ling case" will be revealed?

author:Xijun who loves life

On December 23, according to Xinmin Weekly, according to Yan Feng, a professor at the Department of Chinese at Fudan University, Zhu Ling, a victim of Tsinghua's "thallium poisoning", died at 22:59 on December 22.

Zhu Ling has passed away, will there be a day when the truth of the "Zhu Ling case" will be revealed?

"In the case of "Zhu Ling's thallium poisoning", the victim is dead, will the truth of this case be revealed one day?

Zhu Ling's lawyer said that Zhu Ling's death did not affect the continuation of the investigation of the case.

I really hope: under the clear and sunny sky, everything has a king's law, and every case has a settlement!

Zhu Ling has passed away, will there be a day when the truth of the "Zhu Ling case" will be revealed?

Li Changyu, known as the "detective", has participated in the investigation of major historical events such as the JFK assassination.

In a 2013 interview with Southern Metropolis Daily, he shared some thoughts on solving the Zhu Ling case.

Li Changyu said that although cases that have not been solved for many years are called "cold cases", as long as there are original case files and original physical evidence, it is possible to find a breakthrough and bring a glimmer of hope to the case.

Zhu Ling has passed away, will there be a day when the truth of the "Zhu Ling case" will be revealed?

Li Changyu believes that in solving old cases involving poisons, it is first necessary to trace the source of the poisons.

He cites his own experience as an example when he was studying in the United States, where universities had strict regulations on the use of poisons, and signatures were required for the use of highly toxic substances in laboratories.

Therefore, he suggested that investigators can trace the source of the poison in Zhu Ling's case to find out if any professors would use this poison in their experiments, and then find out the students who have intersected with the victim.

This should not be difficult to trace, the matter has been reported at the time, and there should be original information about the case.

Unless someone deliberately does not want the truth of the case to be revealed, even these investigation reports related to the case will be destroyed.

Second, the specific time of poisoning is determined according to the content of poisoning in the blood, which helps to narrow the scope of investigation.

Li Changyu said that in this kind of poisoning case, it is usually necessary for someone close to the victim to have the opportunity to poison.

Therefore, by analyzing the people who were with the victim during the time period of poisoning, it is possible to screen out suspicious suspects.

I don't know if Zhu Ling's social relations and school classmates were investigated at that time?

The matter is so old that it may take some effort and time to investigate.

Fortunately, almost all the people of the same level as Zhu Ling are still alive.

Third, trace the route of poisoning.

Li Changyu said that clues to the murderer can be found in the victim's personal belongings.

This includes understanding the victim's Xi, relationships, etc., so as to find possible routes of poisoning.

At that time, the conditions for handling cases were limited and the experience was insufficient. I don't know if I can still find relevant materials and information.

However, if the investigation of this case is reopened, these will still have to be implemented one by one.

Fourth, investigate the motive for poisoning.

When college students are poisoned, they usually have to pay attention to whether they are jealous, envious, jealous and hateful with others, and whether there is a conflict between classmates that is bullying and exclusion.

Li Changyu suggested that investigators can have an in-depth understanding of the suspect's psychology and interpersonal relationships, and look for people with suspicious motives.

Polygraph tests are performed on suspects. Li Changyu believes that polygraph is an effective investigative method that can help the police identify the truth behind lies.

In addition, Li Changyu also said that in the United States, in the case of similar situations, the FBI and other departments will work closely with the police to provide original information.

He called on the mainland police to make full use of their existing resources and work together in cracking the Zhu Ling case.

To sum up, although Zhu Ling's case is facing many difficulties, as long as we unremittingly follow up the clues and give full play to artificial intelligence, the case is expected to make a breakthrough.

As Li Changyu said: "As long as there are original case files and original physical evidence, it is possible to find a breakthrough and bring a glimmer of hope to the case." ”

Let us look forward to the arrival of justice and give a fair account of Zhu Ling's case. #Zhu Ling's father frankly admitted that he had let go of the Zhu Ling case##Zhu Ling's life was fifty##Zhu Ling##The lawyer said that the case would not end with Zhu Ling's death##Zhu Ling, the victim of thallium poisoning, died#