
Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

author:Watakojin 剧

According to news reports, Zhu Ling, who was involved in the thallium poisoning case in the early morning of December 22, died in Beijing. It was very heart-wrenching to learn of his death, when the reporter asked his father if he was sad, Zhu Ling's father: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best, what happened to Zhu Ling?

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

Speaking of Zhu Ling, we are all very familiar with her, after all, in that year, her incident was heart-wrenching, and the damage she suffered was unbearable for ordinary people, and she was the victim of thallium poisoning.

For more than 30 years since her death, she has been suffering from illness, and she should have had an infinite future, but she has lost everything and even her life because of it.

And Zhu Ling was poisoned and framed, maybe someone remembers her talent, after all, she is known as a talented woman in Tsinghua University.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

Not long before Zhu Ling's death, he had just celebrated his 50th birthday, and it was more than 30 years ago when he recalled this incident.

In 1994, Zhu Ling felt unwell for the first time, and slowly lost his eyesight, which later developed into severe abdominal pain and pain in other parts of his body.

At this time, it was not determined what caused it, after all, the medical technology at that time was not particularly developed.

During this period, Zhu Ling also participated in school activities, which was also his last performance, and Zhu Ling's talent and strength were seen by everyone.

In less than a year, Zhu Ling's condition deteriorated again, she began to be unable to control her behavior, and her intelligence had begun to decline, and even began to blur.

At this time, the situation was very serious, and after many hospital examinations, Zhu Ling's condition was finally determined to be thallium poisoning.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

At this time, Zhu Ling's thallium poisoning has been reported on the news and has received a lot of attention, and many people can't understand who can poison a girl like Zhu Ling?

When it was determined that thallium poisoning was confirmed, it was already known that this was a case, that it was poisoned, and Zhu Ling could no longer stay at school, and the police also launched an investigation into this matter.

Thallium poisoning is not a trivial matter, after all, this is a matter that costs human lives, and Zhu Ling is lucky to save his life.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

The person who wants to poison must be the person who usually has the most contact with Zhu Ling, and her roommate has become the most suspected.

It is important to know whether the evidence of a case can end the evidence, and only a complete chain of evidence can form to bring the murderer to justice.

Although Zhu Ling's roommates were very suspicious, the police did not have enough evidence to identify them as murderers, so the matter was brought back to the police station for questioning, and then they were released.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

One of the female classmates named Sun Wei has a good relationship with Zhu Ling, and is also Zhu Ling's roommate, Sun Wei is very suspicious in many details and things, when the police asked him, he insisted that it was not his poison on Zhu Ling.

There was no direct evidence, and the police could not arrest anyone, but since then, Sun Wei has left China and gone to another country to continue his life.

With the gradual development of the Internet, someone broke out that Sun Wei's life abroad, plastic surgery and name change, and he lived a very chic life, which made people even more suspicious that she was the murderer who poisoned her back then.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

The years have passed, more than 30 years have passed, the murderer is still at large, and Zhu Ling has struggled with illness for so many years, and finally passed away.

The official account of Tsinghua University also released a message on this day that they still remember Zhu Ling, and they hope that Zhu Ling will never be tortured by illness again, and they hope that she will go all the way.

For Zhu Ling's parents, the death of their daughter is a relief and a comfort to them, and the only regret is that the murderer was not caught.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

From the beginning of this case to the present, the majority of friends are concerned, do they think that the murderer of a poisoning case for more than 30 years is so difficult to catch?

Some netizens even believe that this case is the capitalists behind the scenes, the world is very unfair, and they all say that good people can have good retribution, and bad people will eventually face their retribution, but in fact, in this world, bad people have always lived well.

In the end, this case is also confusing, and it also reflects some normality and some hidden things in today's society.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best

It is said that justice will never be absent, but whether this sentence is really the case in this case is worthy of people's consideration.

This matter will affect the hearts of all the people, and if the final result is still not resolved, I believe that many people will lose confidence and trust in the country and society.

I also hope that no matter how long it takes, those who make mistakes will be punished to a certain extent and pay the price for what they have done.

Zhu Ling died of thallium poisoning! My father spoke in grief: I don't feel it, the hospital has done its best


Zhu Ling's death is very sad, and through her incident, many people have seen the other side of society and human nature.

No matter what, I hope to have a satisfactory result in this matter, and it can be regarded as a satisfactory answer to Zhu Ling and his family, so that they can be completely relieved and let the murderer pay the price for what he did as soon as possible.