
The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

author:The game drags together

In the world of Honor of Kings, new skins are always the focus of players' attention. Recently, a series of new skin plans were officially announced, including Lan's FMVP skin, the return of three limited skins, and the Frozen linkage between Zhen Ji and Disney. Next, let's unravel the mystery of these new skins together.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

First, let's take a look at the much-anticipated Lan FMVP skin. As a high-intensity assassin hero, Lan has always excelled in the game. And now, he has finally ushered in his FMVP skin. This new skin has a unique design style, incorporating fantasy mecha elements, and the shark form that releases skills is even more mechanical. The discounted price of 962 bonds in the first week is undoubtedly a great benefit for players who like Lan. It is reported that during the production of the Lan FMVP skin, the contestant Huahai also participated in the internal production, which made this skin more memorable.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

Next up is the return of three limited skins. Zhuge Liang's Wuling Xianjun, Nuwa's Mending Heaven and Diao Chan's meeting with Hu Xuan are all high-quality skins, especially Diao Chan's meeting with Hu Xuan, which complements Lu Bu's Dunhuang skin. These limited skins will return in the form of raffle packs, which is undoubtedly good news for players who like to collect skins. Of course, for zero-charge players, you can also choose one of them to buy according to your preferences.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

In addition, it is reported that Li Xin is about to usher in a new skin at the level of the Glory Collection. This new skin comes in three forms, namely the white long-haired Extreme Form, the Normal Character Original Form, and the Mecha Form. Judging from the poster of the revelations, the design of this skin is very exquisite, and the quality far exceeds that of the age skin. For players who like Li Xin, this is definitely good news to look forward to. For the sake of this new skin, players may wish to consider keeping the Glory Crystal, which is a lucrative investment.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

Finally, the Frozen linkage between Zhen Ji and Disney has also attracted much attention. Zhen Ji's reworked skill effects fit well with the theme of Frozen, and the special effects of icicle release skills are even more eye-catching. After the news of Zhen Ji's linkage with Disney's Frozen, players expressed their expectations. As the first collaboration between Honor of Kings and Disney, this collaboration has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the game. For players who like Zhen Ji and Frozen, this is undoubtedly a double surprise.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

In addition to the above new skin plans, Honor of Kings has also continuously launched other welfare activities and updates, aiming to improve players' game experience and participation. Whether it is the launch of new skins or the holding of welfare activities, it is inseparable from the careful planning and creative play of game developers. It's these new content and events that keep Honor of Kings ahead of the competitive gaming market.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

In future version updates, Honor of Kings will continue to introduce more new content and benefits to meet the needs and expectations of players. The introduction of new heroes, new modes, and new skins will bring more surprises and challenges to players. At the same time, Honor of Kings also pays attention to player feedback and needs, and constantly optimizes the game experience and balance to ensure the fairness and fun of the game.

The king's new skin is revealed: Lan FMVP is coming, Zhen Ji X Disney Frozen linkage

In short, the new skin plan of "Honor of Kings" brings players a rich game experience and challenges. From Lan's FMVP skin to Zhen Ji's Frozen linkage with Disney, the launch of each new skin has aroused the enthusiastic attention and expectation of players. At the same time, "Honor of Kings" also continues to introduce welfare activities and updated content to meet the needs and expectations of players. Let's look forward to the release of these new skins and add more excitement to our gaming journey!

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