
Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

author:Small Bianlun point


At this changing moment, a Chinese veteran, Zhao Rui, was confirmed to have died heroically on the front line of Russia and Ukraine. This news not only attracted wide attention from the media at home and abroad, but also set off a fierce debate on the Internet in favor of Ukraine and support for Russia.

However, in this unusual story, there is a reverse proof of the greatness of the magic weapon of the People's Liberation Army to win, and it has become a true portrayal of a war.

Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

Lu Yuguang, a well-known war correspondent, issued an article on December 20 confirming Zhao Rui's death on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

In this ideological war between netizens, Lu Yuguang revealed the details of Zhao Rui's experience through the narration of his comrade-in-arms Xiaoqiang. And these details give us a glimpse of what is happening on the Russian-Ukrainian front, and to some extent prove the PLA's magic weapon to win.

Zhao Rui's background is quite unique, having served as an allied army in Burma before returning to China.

Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

He is a city man who has dropped out of school, but he has a yearning for a military career. So, why did a veteran who had fought on the battlefield in Myanmar choose to go to Russia to participate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

Lu Yuguang relayed Zhao Rui's experience that his ancestors were underground workers during the Anti-Japanese War and loved red classic novels. This may be the reason why Zhao Rui pursues a fighting career.

Judging from his combat experience in Myanmar, he may have been overly optimistic about actual combat, believing that he is a veteran and can easily adapt to the environment on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

This dogmatic view can be very dangerous. The picture of the conflict in northern Myanmar is like a family play, in stark contrast to the fierce fighting on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

Lu Yuguang pointed out that even in this conflict, although the two sides have fallen into a situation of attrition similar to World War I, the application of new weapons and new tactics is very rich. This shows that the experience of low-intensity operations is not applicable in high-intensity conflicts such as Russia's Ukraine.

Before Zhao Rui set foot on the Russian-Ukrainian front, he underwent a two-month recruit training in Moscow and was assigned to an infantry company of the 58th Army of the Russian Army with the rank of private. However, his military skills proved to be quite limited, he could only serve as an infantryman, could not operate high-tech equipment, and lacked proficiency in the Russian language, which was obviously a huge shortcoming on the battlefield.

Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

The intensity of the Russia-Ukraine conflict far exceeds Zhao Rui's previous combat experience in Myanmar. However, he seems to lack sufficient psychological expectations for this, and even said in a video: "Don't come, it's too dangerous, you can earn so much by doing something good in the country." This shows that there is a huge gap between his perception of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield and the actual situation.

Zhao Rui's comrade-in-arms Xiaoqiang mentioned in the narrative that their unit was surrounded by Ukrainian troops in Ukraine's first entry into the war and held out for a week, and the wounded could not be evacuated. The depiction conjures up the imagination of a small room with a group of soldiers nervously guarded, windows blocked by sandbags, as if waiting for a judgment of life and death.

However, it is worth noting that this force, in the case of being surrounded, did not adopt more flexible tactics. Why don't they dig fortifications on the spot? Why don't they disperse and conceal them? Why don't they actively contact friendly and neighboring units and launch coordinated actions as soon as possible? These series of problems have highlighted the problems in the troops' organization and actual combat response.

Chinese veterans from northern Myanmar died in Russia and Ukraine: a reverse proves the greatness of the PLA's magic weapon for victory

In this process of portraying the real situation of the war, the article once again emphasizes the successful experience of the PLA. Historically, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has always emphasized the concept of sweating more in peacetime and shedding less blood in wartime.

Military personnel need to be up-to-date with the situation and cannot act on outdated experience. And in this foreign Russian army, it is precisely because of the lack of understanding of contemporary military knowledge that the problem of tactical discipline is prominent, and it finally relies on friendly forces to break the siege.

This unfortunate battle also made us re-examine the importance of military training. The experience of Zhao Rui and his comrades-in-arms in Ukraine is undoubtedly a painful lesson. The military needs to be in a state of readiness at all times to adapt to the operational needs of different environments. This is also the reason why the history of our army has emphasized the study of culture and the study of military knowledge Xi.

Zhao Rui's last battle took place on November 29, when he was sitting on a tracked armored personnel carrier but was scratched by a tree branch because of his lack of experience. This not only makes people feel the cruelty of war, but also makes us reflect on all the possibilities on the battlefield. Zhao Rui eventually died in battle, leaving only his passport and ID bag as the last proof of his identity.

This story is not only the sacrifice of a Chinese soldier, but also a great proof of the PLA's magic weapon for victory. At this moment of change in the international situation, we must take a sober view of every war, examine our own combat preparedness capabilities, and always be vigilant to the complexity of international affairs. Only in this way can we find a balance in the complex international situation and build a peaceful and stable world.

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