
The old man called it the liver fire weed, which was hidden on both sides of the rural road, and was once used as a weed, but in 2023 it is very precious

author:The password of the countryside

In the vast rural areas, there is a mysterious plant affectionately called "liver fire grass" by the old people, and its real identity is a plant called dog liver vega, the scientific name of which is the genus dog liver in the family Dog liver. This is a perennial herb that has long been widely distributed in rural areas, and its name "Liver Fire Grass" is derived from its miraculous effect of nourishing and protecting the liver.

The old man called it the liver fire weed, which was hidden on both sides of the rural road, and was once used as a weed, but in 2023 it is very precious

The scientific name is the genus Liver, which is a perennial herbaceous plant. Dog liver dishes are striking for their unique morphological characteristics. It usually grows around 30~60 cm and is dwarf and delicate. This small plant is rich in herbaceous powers.

The leaves are pinnate and green, with fine hairs on the leaves. Its feather-like leaves are verdant and even more intriguing. In the sun, the fine hairs on the leaves sway gently in the breeze, like dancing elves.

The flowers are small, white and bell-shaped. Amazingly, the flowers of dog liver are small and delicate, and the white petals bloom leisurely like bells, adding a serene beauty to it.

It is known as "liver fire grass". The old people affectionately call it "liver fire grass", precisely because the dog liver dish has the excellent effect of nourishing the liver and protecting the liver in the traditional concept of traditional Chinese medicine.

Aliases include nine-headed lion grass, pork liver vegetables, nine dried vegetables, lamb liver vegetables, etc. These aliases further reveal the diversity and richness of the dog's liver dish, and also reflect the name given to it by different regions.

The requirements for the soil are not strict, only need to ensure good permeability. Dog liver vegetables are not picky about the soil, just make sure that the soil is well permeable, which provides convenience for its wide distribution in rural areas.

It likes a humid environment and is suitable for growing in grass, garden edges, village edges, ditch edges, field edges and other places. Dog's liver loves water and adapts to a moist environment, which is why it is often found in the fields and on the edge of villages.

Transplantation is the best way to do this, by finding the seedlings in the wild, carefully digging them up and transplanting them into the garden. The best way to grow dog liver vegetables in your own garden is through transplantation. Finding seedlings in the wild, digging them carefully and transplanting them carefully can better promote their growth.

The old man called it the liver fire weed, which was hidden on both sides of the rural road, and was once used as a weed, but in 2023 it is very precious

When transplanting, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling root injuries, maintain appropriate watering, avoid excessive water, and apply appropriate organic fertilizers. During the transplantation process, special attention should be paid to protecting the roots of the dog's liver vegetables to prevent injury. At the same time, proper watering and the right amount of organic fertilizer can help it thrive.

Aware of the important value of dog liver vegetables, as a traditional Chinese medicinal material, it has rich medicinal value. In addition to the ornamental value, it is more important to recognize the preciousness of dog liver vegetables as a traditional Chinese medicinal material. The medicinal value contained in it cannot be underestimated, and it has a unique effect on nourishing and protecting the liver.

Avoid over-harvesting and protect the growing environment. In order to maintain the abundance of dog liver vegetables for a long time, we should avoid over-picking. Over-harvesting can affect its normal growth, slowing down its reproduction in the natural environment.

Savage digging is prohibited, and the surrounding environment is kept hygienic and tidy to maintain the growth and flourishing of dog liver vegetables. In the wild, we must put an end to the behavior of barbaric digging, keep the surrounding environment hygienic and tidy, and provide a good growth environment for dog liver vegetables.

The discovery of dog liver vegetables has made us deeply aware that some neglected plants around us may contain rich herbal value. In the busy city life, we often ignore the gifts of nature, but these plants, flowers and plants are a treasure trove of our health.

By understanding dog liver vegetables, we should care more about and love the plants around us. They are not only a symbol of beauty, but also nature's care for our health. In life, we can start with the small things around us, such as setting aside an ecological area in the farmland so that these amazing plants can grow freely.

We should also strengthen the research and protection of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. This is not only a respect for traditional Chinese medicine, but also a cherishing of the precious wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation. The discovery of dog liver vegetables presents us with a more colorful plant world, and also adds a mysterious and beautiful color to our lives.

The old man called it the liver fire weed, which was hidden on both sides of the rural road, and was once used as a weed, but in 2023 it is very precious

In daily life, let us learn to discover the small beauty around us and take care of the gifts of nature with our hearts. Perhaps, in some casual corner, there is a plant that silently pays for our physical health, and we just need to discover and feel.