
Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

author:Wang Xianyong, an internal medicine physician

With the arrival of winter, the weather turned cooler, and my father and Xiao Li couldn't help but think of their grandfather who lived with their uncle in their hometown, so they took advantage of the weekend to drive back to their hometown.

In the face of the arrival of Xiao Li and the others, the grandfather and uncle seemed very happy, and specially cooked a large table of dishes in the evening. At the dinner table, the uncle kept serving the grandfather's vegetables, and the grandfather did not refuse, and the bowl was piled up high with various delicacies. Seeing this scene, Xiao Li was a little worried that his grandfather would be harmful to his body if he ate so much and couldn't exercise for a while.

As a result, the uncle said that Xiao Li didn't understand, and the more the old man ate dinner, the better his health and the longer his lifespan. Grandpa also nodded, saying that this is what the old man often says that being able to eat is a blessing. But Xiao Li obviously doesn't agree so much with this truth.

In Xiao Li's impression, the elderly should not eat so much for dinner if their gastrointestinal function is not good, but should eat less on the contrary, especially now that there are a lot of greasy foods on the table, they should be dieted accordingly. So which of Xiao Li and Uncle Xiao's idea is more correct? Does the fact that the elderly eat more dinner mean that they live longer?

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

Is it a blessing to be able to eat or is it healthy to diet? Should the elderly let go of eating or keep their mouths shut if they want to live a long life?

When you see the above questions, you will definitely frown, and think that this is still worth thinking about? It should be common sense for the elderly to have a light diet, low fat and low sugar, how can it be right to be able to eat is a blessing?

Such an idea may be the voice of most young people, and from that point of view, increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines at night seems to be a problem. However, we should not look at the problem too absolutely, after all, since there are different arguments, there is naturally a reason.

First of all, let's look at the old saying that being able to eat is a blessing, which can be widely circulated among the people and even appear in the elderly about the amount of dinner and life expectancy, which proves that it must have a certain truth.

And this truth is not difficult to understand, in fact, it is the gastrointestinal digestion of the elderly that we mentioned above. Normally, as the elderly age, their gastrointestinal smooth muscles will deteriorate severely, and the liver's ability to secrete bile and other digestive fluids and enzymes will also decline significantly.

At this time, most elderly people will have indigestion and loss of appetite, especially during dinner, due to the reduction of exercise after eating, it will cause the accumulation of intestinal contents, causing constipation and other symptoms.

Therefore, if an elderly person has a particularly good appetite for eating and strong digestion, it can also reflect the health of his body to a certain extent.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

Therefore, there is indeed a certain basis for the relationship between the amount of dinner and the life expectancy of the elderly, but we need to make it clear that this is due to the good appetite caused by good health, not because eating more dinner can help physical health.

On the contrary, as Xiao Li worried above, if you ignore the strength of your own digestion, blindly increasing the amount of food will only bring damage to your own health. It can cause gastrointestinal indigestion, constipation and bloating, and in severe cases, it may cause serious diseases due to poor diet and Xi habits.

For example, there are often all kinds of meat on our table during dinner, including high-oil, high-fat fatty meat, if the elderly consume too much, it will cause blood lipids, blood sugar rise, increase blood circulation resistance, and induce three highs and even atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis and other diseases.

Even for the elderly with good gastrointestinal function, they should not overeat at dinner, after all, we have limited activity time after dinner, and most of the food is undigested and accumulated in the intestines, which will not only cause the accumulation of toxins in the body, but also greatly increase the burden on the liver.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

Speaking of which, everyone must have a good idea of how the elderly should eat if they want to live a long life, and in the case of ensuring their own nutritional intake is sufficient, it is enough for everyone to eat seven to eight minutes full at each meal, but don't damage your health because of a moment of greed.

Eating the right thing is more important than being able to eat, and these table treasures must be known

The reason why Xiao Li feels that the grandfather's diet at the table is unhealthy, in addition to the amount of food, is the type of food.

Uncle is very filial, so some meat, high-fat "delicacies" have been sandwiched into Uncle Li's rice bowl, but I don't know that for the elderly, it is very important to choose the type of food that wants to live a long life.

Let's recommend a few ingredients that can be described as table treasures for the elderly.

The first type of fish. Compared with other meats, the fat content of fish is very low, and fat, as an important culprit causing hyperlipidemia and vascular embolism, is an ingredient that the elderly need to pay great attention to.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

In addition, most of the lipid substances contained in fish are trans fatty acids, and due to the long carbon chain, trans fatty acids not only do not cause an increase in cholesterol levels and induce blood circulation disorders like ordinary fatty acids, but have the effect of regulating blood lipids.

In addition, fish meat is also rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and other mineral elements and vitamin substances, especially the vitamins have strong reducing properties, which can not only regulate the absorption and digestion process of a variety of nutrients in the body, but also remove free radicals and other harmful substances in the body, which can be described as the "protector" of health.

Of course, eating fish also has its advantages, especially for the elderly, try to choose steamed and other light fish, rather than cooking and frying to ensure a light diet. Secondly, when eating fish, pay attention to the combination of carbohydrate foods such as rice, because fish contains a lot of purine substances, which may cause acid-base imbalance in the body if there is no carbohydrate neutralization on an empty stomach.

The second ingredient is oats.

Oats are a typical representative of coarse grains, with a series of advantages of low sugar, low fat, high energy and high dietary fiber, and can be described as an excellent food for the elderly to improve their diet.

And there are many food products of oats, such as oat bread, oatmeal, etc. are good dietary choices.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

First of all, the low sugar and low fat characteristics of oats, as two major factors that seriously threaten the cardiovascular health of the elderly, oats perfectly solve the problem of the elderly afraid of sugar and fat, adding oats to their own diet can effectively help us reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, and play a role in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The second is high energy, although oats are low in sugar and low fat, it does not mean that oats have no nutritional value, oats are rich in protein, which can be quickly converted into small molecule peptides and amino acids after being processed by enzyme elements in the human body, which is the raw material for the synthesis of a variety of hormones and functional proteins in our body, which is very important for the health of the elderly.

In addition, oats, as a classic coarse grain, have a large amount of dietary fiber, which cannot be effectively absorbed by the human body due to the lack of related enzymes, but can help gastrointestinal peristalsis and promote digestion. In addition, dietary fiber will produce a feeling of satiety after entering the human body, which helps us control the amount of food we eat and avoid obesity.

Of course, like fish, the diet of oats also needs to be coordinated with other diets, after all, most of the dietary fiber in oats cannot be absorbed by the human body, so it is necessary to pay attention to some high-nutrient foods such as eggs, high-protein meat, etc. to maintain nutritional balance when eating oats.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

Finally, choose low-salt foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements, which is naturally needless to say about the health of the body.

Salt is sodium chloride, which itself plays an important role in the body, and the production of human nerve impulses, the balance of water and electrolyte homeostasis, and the transport of various ions are indispensable for the participation of sodium ions. However, normally sodium ions need to be kept at a stable concentration, and too high a high level will cause a series of problems such as sodium retention in the body and osmotic damage to the renal tubules.

The body relies on two main ways to excrete salt from the body: one is through the kidneys to excrete excess sodium into the urine, and the other is through sweat. However, for the elderly, these two pathways will be reduced to varying degrees, and the salt excretion in the body will be reduced, and if the salt intake is not restricted, it will easily cause the occurrence of diseases.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

How to eat diabetes and high blood pressure? In addition to the type of food, the diet method is also very important!

After talking about the amount of diet and the type of food, we have to talk about the diet again, especially for patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

The dietary method we are talking about is not the low-fat, low-sugar, etc., which we have repeatedly emphasized above, after all, everyone knows these things in their hearts, and we want to talk about the dietary methods that many people in life have not noticed or don't know.

The first is to eat smaller, more frequent meals, which is a very useful diet for people with diabetes.

As we all know, the main pathogenesis of diabetes is that the blood sugar concentration is too high, and whenever a large amount of sugar enters the blood after eating, the patient's own glucose processing function is insufficient, which is prone to a sharp rise in blood sugar in a short period of time, inducing aggravation of the disease.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

In addition, most glucose sugars will be excreted in the urine and cannot be used by the body, so most diabetic patients are emaciated but often feel hungry, and at this time, eating small and frequent meals can avoid the problem of excessive blood sugar rise in a short period of time. And intermittent eating can also stimulate our pancreatic islet cells to help the patient's own insulin secretion resume.

The second is to control the amount of water you drink. This is not to encourage us to drink more water, but to "drink less", because this approach is aimed at people with cardiovascular disease, especially heart failure.

Hypertension can cause a series of changes such as cardiac afterload, which can induce ventricular remodeling, and patients with a long course of the disease can easily develop heart failure. Heart failure is also one of the major cardiovascular diseases that cause death. Therefore, these patients should pay special attention to conditions that may affect heart function in their daily diet.

Drinking water is one of them, of course, this is not to prevent heart failure patients from drinking water, after all, water is the source of life, no one can leave, what we have to do is to control the amount of water at a time, avoid drinking too much water at a time.

Is the amount of food eaten by the elderly in their later years related to their life expectancy? Doctors tell the truth: being able to eat is not necessarily a blessing, and eating right is even better

This is because the intake of water will increase blood volume, heart failure patients themselves heart pumping function is insufficient, blood volume suddenly rises sharply will increase peripheral resistance and aggravate the heart load, resulting in aggravation of body and lung stasis, induce a series of symptoms such as dyspnea, and in severe cases, it will be life-threatening.


There are a lot of things that affect our health on the small dining table, and the body resistance of the elderly to external stimuli is much weaker than that of young people, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the improvement of dietary Xi habits, and do not hurt the body because of "eating".


[1] Qu Baoxi, "Diet and Nursing for the Elderly".2023.05.02.

[2] Huang Zhenhui, "The Effect of Dietary Structure on the Health and Quality of Life of the Elderly".2022.11.15.

[3] Zhao Yaqiong, "Principles of Healthy Diet for the Elderly".2022.02.16.
