
Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

author:Uncle De said entertainment

LI Xueqin,

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

A stand-up comedian who is loved by young people, with his humorous style and deep-rooted opinions, he has attracted countless audiences. On the eternal topic of love, she also has her own unique opinions.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

"The excitement is often temporary, while the comfort is long-lasting. Li Xueqin said. In her view, love is not an impulse to fall in love at first sight, but a deep emotion that arises over time with the person who can make us relax and speak freely.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self
Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

She emphasized that the authentic self is an integral part of love. We can't hide our shortcomings in order to please the other person, and we can't expect the other person to accept an untrue self. Love requires mutual honesty and authentic self-presentation.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

At the same time, Li Xueqin also said that if you can't meet the person who has a connection with your heart, you don't have to be anxious, let alone change your nature because of this.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

"Be yourself happily and believe that there will always be someone who is willing to accept and love you deeply. Her words brought warm encouragement to many young people who were lost on the road of love.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

In this era of rapid change, Li Xueqin reminds us with her unique perspective that love is not a competition and there is no need to rush. Instead of blindly chasing the feeling of heartbeat, it is better to calm down and wait for the person who can make us truly feel comfortable and at ease.

Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self
Li Xueqin: The true meaning of love - comfort and true self

As Li Xueqin said: "Love is the companionship of a long stream, the determination to be in the same boat through thick and thin, and the courage to be the most authentic self." "I hope everyone can find their own truth and comfort in love.

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