
Weekend "Seven Cups of Tea"

author:Yangcheng faction
Weekend "Seven Cups of Tea"

Yangcheng Evening News launches a special edition of "Seven Cups of Tea" every Sunday, inviting six experts and scholars in different fields at home and abroad to write columns. In addition, there is also a "Shoot with Your Hand" column for a wide range of readers.

Although the article is short, seven cups of tea have rhyme. Please take your time——

Weekend "Seven Cups of Tea"

· Thoughts ·

Liang Xiaosheng's great encouragement

Text/Yan Jingming [Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association]

Liang Xiaosheng is also a teacher and friend to me. Although I don't have a lot of contact with words in reality, I have always regarded him as one of the celebrities who can be relied on, asked for, and disturbed.

He became famous very early, and he never stopped writing, and after the popularity of "The World", although he was over the years, he was more diligent and busy. When we got together during the November holiday this year, I gave him a few of my own little books, and at the same time explained to him that compared with a brilliant masterpiece like "The World", these little books of mine are just exchanges between friends, and there is no way to view them, and I have no intention of inviting them to read them.

And so it passed.

One day in early November, I received a message from him that he was reading a few books I had given him, starting with a collection of essays and talking about them later. Of course, I was really struck by this information. In the past two years, Mr. Xiaosheng has been very busy with speeches, interviews and platforms for many friends and organizations. I know that most of his busyness is kind-hearted and unwilling to disappoint the people involved.

I also told him more than once in person that he must take care of his body and never be too tired. He had an old problem with his cervical spine, which almost affected his writing. In recent years, including his long works, he has set up a wooden board on his desk, tilted his head and written with a pencil stroke by stroke. It's so neat that it's as if a student is writing homework. This form of writing itself is a kind of force through the back of the paper. It makes people read it admirably and unbearable.

Yesterday, a friend from a publishing house who we knew each other sent a message saying that Mr. Liang Xiaosheng had written a book review for one of my small books, and asked her to print it out and push it on her official account. I was taken by surprise. Looking at the chat messages sent by my friends, I can see several pages of handwriting that I am familiar with. The same pencil writing, the same neat and tidy, the same through the back of the paper.

It turned out that it was Mr. Xiaosheng's post-reading comments for my little book "Such Lu Xun". Seriously, how he evaluates it is not the most important thing, the handwriting itself is a kind of warmth, a kind of strength, a kind of great encouragement under the surprise, which makes people feel and move.

After the publication of "Such Lu Xun", I have received enthusiastic encouragement and recommendation from many seniors and literary friends, and I am always full of gratitude.

Senior writers such as Wang Meng and Feng Jicai, Lu Xun research experts such as Sun Yu and Huang Qiaosheng, literary friends such as Zhu Yongxin and Long Pingping, and young friends such as Li Sisi and Wang William have all given a lot of help. Today, because of Liang Xiaosheng's encouragement, I once again remember these fiery enthusiasm and further feel the power of words.

· Famous Books ·

Why does Journey to the West like singing and dancing?

Text: Yang Zao [Researcher, Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences]

Some people don't like to read "Journey to the West" when they are young, a very important reason is that the novel seems to lack the necessary description, and many places that should be described in the language of the novel come up with a poem at every turn, which makes children very uncomfortable, and it is far less enjoyable than watching TV.

For example, in the seventh chapter, it is written that Sun Wukong escaped from the alchemy furnace and hit the Lingxiao Palace, no one can stop him, and the Zhenwu Emperor wants to do it: the Lingguan whips up to greet him. The two of them were in front of the Lingxiao Palace......

I was thinking about taking a good look at how to fight, but the following is a rhyme with no poems and no words:

Brave and loyal, he has a great reputation, and he has a bad reputation for deception.

One is low and one is fortunate to hold each other, and the heroes gamble together.


This is Taiyi Thunder Ying Huazun, and that is the Monkey King Ape Monster.

The two families of the golden whip and iron rod are all immortal instruments of the Divine Palace.

Today, in the Lingxiao Treasure Palace, it is so cute to show your talents.

One is deceitful and wants to seize the Bullfighting Palace, and the other is trying his best to support the Xuan Shengjie.

The bitter struggle does not allow the supernatural powers, and the whip and the rod are not victorious or defeated.

It feels particularly scenic. The rhyming battle is also very shallow, and the level is not high, which is similar to today's awkward RAP singers who bet on and on both sides.

In fact, not only today's readers feel awkward, but ancient readers may not all like it, such as the Ming Dynasty booksellers selling books, some simply deleted the lyrics and rhymes interspersed in the middle of the novel, and scholars such as Hu Yinglin complained that the "Water Margin" on the market had been deleted when he bought "Water Margin". I have seen a kind of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" published in Hong Kong, and even "rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water" has been deleted.

The audience for this kind of poetry and rhyme is mainly an audience with a low level of education. It is conceivable that in the small garden of the tile bar, just telling the story is definitely not more vivid while singing at the same time, and the Indian movie is the kind of acting for a while and singing for a while, which is the feeling. Therefore, when the theater effect is flattened into text and text, it is actually hit by dimensionality reduction, and the audio-visual two dimensions are missing.

If we want to read the flavor of these poems and rhymes in "Journey to the West", we might as well find a sense of situation, let go of the voice to read, and find the feeling of the speaker's performance, you will find that the advantages of rhyme are amplified by this sound, and even have an inexplicable sense of humor in many cases.

· Rejection of the Pop ·

Give the 10 minutes back to the child

Text: Cao Lin [Beijing Commentator and Professor]

"The lost 10 minutes between classes" has become the focus of heated public opinion recently. The public has called for the 10 minutes to be given back to children, not to create a false opposition between "safety" and "freedom", and not to sacrifice the right of students to run and jump on the playground for seemingly noble reasons.

Should you give the 10 minutes back to the child? This is a pseudo-question that does not need to be discussed, it belongs to the child's recess time, there is no reason to encroach on it, what should be discussed is "how to play 10 minutes well" and "how to make recess more fun".

Among the many reports, there are also some schools in the "10 minutes between classes" efforts are eye-catching, their perseverance and innovation, let people see the infinite fun that 10 minutes can be explored, can make the recess more lively and happy.

In Changchun City, Jilin Province, Mingde Primary School in Chaoyang District uses collective games such as table dancing and "Little Snake" as the starting point to enhance the interest of recess activities; in Yunhai School in Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, science interactive corners are arranged on each floor of the teaching building, and more than a dozen interactive science and technology projects, such as "power generation wheels" and "music fountains," are open to students during recess.

Some people say that these schools are willing to invest in 10 minutes between classes, and create conditions to enhance the joy of 10 minutes, which is a "clear stream" of education. In fact, it should not only become a "clear stream", but also a "mainstream", which is what recess should look like and what every school should pursue.

Recess is not a blank space that can be dispensed with and manipulated by the teacher at will, but an inseparable part of teaching activities. In other words, a rich recess of 10 minutes should be part of a school's high-level teaching.

Students are not machines, learning Xi is not indoctrination, education cannot only have scores, there is no child with joy on his face between classes, and there is no 10-minute gap of joy.

I still remember a piece of news that touched me: Mengzi, Yunnan, a senior high school political teacher in order to reduce the pressure of the college entrance examination for students, let students out of the classroom to enjoy the sunset between evening Xi classes, and said that the sunset is so beautiful, why not let the students watch it.

I wrote a review of this at the time, "Who doesn't want to meet a teacher who can stop class and watch the sunset together": Education is not to fill the cup and fill the heart, but to light the lamp. Education is not about memorizing knowledge, but about arousing curiosity. 10 minutes between classes, let students be in a daze, watch the sunset, experience fun, enjoy joy, this is the complete Xi life.

· As I Smell ·

Floyd's eyes

Text: Li Xuetao [Professor, Beijing University of Foreign Chinese]

In the mid-80s of the last century, when I was studying at Beijing Foreign University, there were people selling some translated books at the entrance of the student cafeteria of the East Campus, and I bought some translations of Sartre, Camus and Freud, among which "The Interpretation of Dreams" and "Totems and Taboos" have been preserved to this day.

The photograph of Sigmund Freud, taken in 1921, stuck in my mind: fully dressed, facing to the left, with a cigar in his right hand and his eyes staring at the camera with intense eyes.

Later I saw the original of this photograph at 19 Berg Lane. Regarding the psychoanalyst's appearance, his biographer Gay wrote: "Freud, though of only medium height (about 1.73 meters), always stood out from the crowd because of his majestic appearance, well-groomed and bright eyes. ”

He concluded: "If, as Freud himself said, 'seeing' is a more civilized form of the senses than 'touching', then these sharp eyes are naturally the best match for him." "The eyes of the founder of psychoanalysis not only possess the general majesty, but also have a keen insight into the psychology of others.

In his biography of Freud, Guy argues that the reason Freud was often gloomy under the lens of a professional photographer was that "his followers, and indeed his fellow human beings, had so much to make him angry." And Freud didn't like to take pictures, and he always looked very contrived in formal photos, "looking more solemn than himself in real life".

However, in the photographs taken by the children of this psychologist when they were not aware of it, a more real Freud is revealed: "This Freud, like Newton in the spiritual world in the official photograph, the thinker who swims alone in the deep ocean of knowledge, and the founding guru who looks at the apostate with cold eyes, is a part of the real Freud." ”

· Epiphany ·


Text: You Jin [Singaporean writer]

Traveling in Nigeria, I accidentally sprained my luggage and couldn't lift my left arm.

The owner of the hostel introduced a physiotherapist in her 40s who moved from Henan, with a smile on her face. During the 50 minutes of treatment, I was tortured, and every time she cried out for pain, she calmly said, "If it doesn't hurt, how can it be better?"

Whenever she asked me to raise my sprained arm up, she said, "Tell yourself, you can do it, you will do it!

Hey, why does it sound like my dad is talking to me?

Pulling, pulling, bending, twisting, twisting, and buckle, the pain was unbearable, and I couldn't help but ask, "Did you break my tendons?" She replied humorously: "If I can break people's tendons with my bare hands, it can be regarded as an exclusive martial art." If the museum is opened to teach apprentices, it will definitely be a good market. I laughed and forgot the pain for a moment.

After the physical therapy, I was sweating profusely, my hair was messy, and my whole body was prostration. She took out a comb and combed my wet hair neatly, took me to the mirror, and said, "Look, how nice! Now it's all over! Go take a bath and sleep like a baby." ”

By the next day, I was able to use my arms freely. and the hostel owner praised her, he said: "She, she was originally a psychological counselor, and when she came to Nigeria, she had no place to use it, so she changed to physiotherapy." ”

With her clever combination of psychological counseling and physical therapy, it's no wonder it works so fast.

· Unknowingly ·

Kim Woo-chung's "gorgeous turn"

Text: Zhong Hongming [Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Harvest Magazine]

In 2012, Jin Yucheng's long "Flowers" was published in the autumn and winter volume of the long supplement of "Harvest". After that, the novel won various literary awards, including the 9th Mao Dun Literature Award.

In 2023, "Flowers: Jin Yucheng's Painting Exhibition" will open at Dongyi Art Museum in Shanghai. Jin Yucheng still gives himself the identity label of "novelist", but he has been painting for the past 10 years, with more than 200 paintings, witnessing Mr. Jin's "gorgeous turn", which naturally stems from his latent talent and love for art.

I remember that in the cafeteria on the ground floor of the Writers' Association, holding the Blue Mountain Coffee in a paper cup and the gossip of Teacher Jin, I had just sent him four maps in the magazine at that time, and recommended his "Flowers" to my senior in the Literature and Art Society. On that day, I said, when you publish the book, do you want to cooperate with a photographer to use line drawings to outline the scenes in those novels, and draw the living wonders of Shanghainese, including "20,000 households", so that future readers will understand......

Unexpectedly, more than 20 days later, I was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Jin's original art work - more than 20 illustrations that appeared in the first edition of "Flowers".

According to Mr. Kim's recollection, this proposal was only a small beginning, but this proposal was not blown away by the wind, and he grabbed it. Previously, Mr. Jin only had a tattered "Pen Drawing Course for the Department of Architecture" that he encountered in his early years, and a mechanical drawing that he had learned for half a year when he was a fitter in a watch factory.

That's the basis of all his drawings. However, just as Mr. Jin attaches great importance to refining the uniqueness of personal language and expression in writing, his paintings condensed from spiritual feelings are full of "sense of story" and "theater", and the interweaving of reality and non-reality makes his works full of narrative and metaphor. Behind it is actually his consistent requirement for "uniqueness".

Judging from the title of this exhibition, even if "Empathy and Farewell", he is inseparable from his literary identity and "Flowers". "For me, literature is a black hole, and painting is like poetry. My possibilities were all met by chance, in the novel "Flowers", and in painting. Jin Yucheng said, "When I paint, the anxiety of the text narrative has subsided, and the surroundings are darker, more simple and stable, as if people are in a dream." ”

At the exhibition, professional painters commented that Mr. Jin's paintings have an unfamiliar aesthetic and abundant expression, "without academic training, but they are professional", saying that he is not "polluted by skills", "more because of his unrestrained imagination, when implemented on paper or canvas, there is no serious empirical burden." Just use a few strokes, a few lines, and a few pieces of color to express that you feel enough, and you can stop in moderation. ”

I just don't know, in the next ten years, will Mr. Jin "turn around" again, and where will he go?

· Shoot ·

Winter Solstice Tiantou Picture / Text Liao Zuping

On the winter solstice, the villagers of Madong Village, Shatian Town, Pinggui District, Hezhou City, Guangxi Province, are harvesting vegetables. Hezhou City, Guangxi Province, is the "vegetable basket base of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", where farmers actively respond to the continuous cold wave of low temperatures, step up the harvest of vegetables, and ensure market supply, and the fields are busy.

Weekend "Seven Cups of Tea"

Dedicated mailbox for casual shooting: [email protected]

Weekend "Seven Cups of Tea"

This article was originally published in the A7 edition of Yangcheng Evening News on December 24, 2023

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