
One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

author:Brief Food


In these busy times, the warmth of home is often hidden in a homely meal. Whenever night falls, the streets and alleys are filled with the smell of each family's food, which is the fireworks of life and the taste of family affection. However, have you ever thought that these daily beauty may be quietly hiding some hidden health risks?

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Aunt Zhang is a well-known warm-hearted person in our community, and her craftsmanship is also first-class, and the aroma of her family's food often becomes the envy of the neighbors. But recently, a shocking news spread in the community: Aunt Zhang was diagnosed with cancer, and what is even more surprising is that her husband and son were diagnosed with the same condition soon after. The doctor's words made everyone fall into deep thought: "This disease may be related to Xi daily diet." ”

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Is it really that "one person cooks, and the whole family causes cancer"? In fact, it is not so absolute. But it cannot be ignored that some seemingly insignificant cooking Xi in our daily life may inadvertently damage the health of our families. The following 4 bad cooking Xi are really recommended to be changed as soon as possible, because they may be more "dirty" than eating takeout.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

1. Reuse cooking oil

In order to save, many families have the Xi of reusing cooking oil. Aunt Zhang is like this, she is reluctant to throw away the oil after frying the fish, and keeps it for the next stir-fry. But did you know that edible oil can produce a variety of harmful substances at high temperatures, such as acrylamide. Repeated use not only reduces the nutritional value of the oil, but may also increase the risk of cancer.

Different cooking methods should choose different oils: for example, when stewing and boiling, choose soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc., when stir-frying, it is best to use peanut oil, hot pan and cold oil stir-fry vegetables with the highest nutritional value, and cold dishes can use olive oil, tea seed oil, sesame oil or flaxseed oil.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Do not overheat the cooking oil, the higher the smoke point of the cooking oil, the better its quality and heat resistance. Therefore, when cooking at high temperatures, you should choose cooking oil with a high smoke point. In addition, generally do not heat the cooking oil until it smokes, because the temperature of the cooking oil is close to 250°C, which will cause the oil to deteriorate and produce some peroxides and carcinogens.

For the preservation of edible oil, edible oil should be sealed, protected from light, low temperature and water. If you find that the color of the oil is abnormal and has a peculiar smell, please do not eat it. It is recommended to use up the cooking oil within 3 months after opening.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Second, do not turn on the range hood for stir-frying

"What are you afraid of when you stir-fry that little fume?" many people thought. But did you know that oil smoke contains a variety of harmful substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and long-term inhalation is extremely harmful to the body. Aunt Zhang's kitchen is small, the ventilation is not good, and she is reluctant to use electricity, so she often does not turn on the range hood. In the long run, the damage to the respiratory system can be imagined.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

During the cooking process, edible oil will produce oil fumes at high temperatures, which contain a variety of harmful substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc. These harmful substances, if inhaled for a long time, can cause damage to the respiratory system and increase the risk of disease.

In addition, oil fumes can also pollute the indoor environment, filling the kitchen with unpleasant odors and making cleaning difficult. Therefore, in order to keep the indoor air fresh and healthy, it is recommended to turn on the range hood when stir-frying, and clean the range hood regularly to ensure its normal operation and effect.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

3. Excessive use of condiments

In pursuit of taste, many people like to add a lot of condiments when cooking. However, excessive use of condiments, especially those containing preservatives and pigments, will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys and affect health. Aunt Zhang always likes to add a lot of soy sauce and monosodium glutamate to stir-fry, as well as various sauces bought by her daughter-in-law, thinking that this dish is delicious enough.

Excessive use of condiments is a common cooking Xi. Most of the condiments have a certain degree of toxicity and mutagenicity, and they are susceptible to dry mouth, throat discomfort, lack of energy, etc., and long-term excessive consumption may also lead to human cell distortion and even induce cancer.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Therefore, in order to maintain health, we should take care to control the amount of condiments used.

Use condiments in moderation, use condiments in moderation when cooking, and don't blindly pursue the richness of the flavor. Especially for condiments containing additives such as preservatives and pigments, the dosage should be controlled.

Choose natural condiments, natural condiments such as soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, garlic, etc. are relatively healthy and can be used in moderation. Some synthetic seasonings should be used sparingly or not at all.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Take care to control the amount of salt, which is an essential condiment in your daily diet, but excessive intake can increase the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure. Therefore, the amount of salt should be controlled when cooking, and the amount of other condiments should be reduced appropriately.

Know the ingredients of condiments, and when buying condiments, you should carefully check the product ingredient list to know what additives and preservatives are contained in them. For some condiments that contain too many additives and preservatives, you should try to avoid buying and using them.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

Fourth, do not pay attention to the freshness of the ingredients

Fresh ingredients are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. However, in life, we often ignore the freshness of ingredients because we are busy or convenient. Sometimes, in order to be cheap, Aunt Zhang will buy some vegetables and fruits that are not so fresh. Long-term consumption of stale ingredients not only causes serious nutrient loss, but also may ingest a large number of harmful substances.

Not paying attention to the freshness of ingredients is a common cooking Xi, and it can have negative health effects. The freshness of the ingredients is directly related to the taste, nutritional value and safety of the food. If you don't pay attention to the freshness of the ingredients, it will not only lose the original flavor and nutrition of the food, but also may cause food safety problems and even endanger your health.

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

In order to keep the ingredients fresh, we should pay attention to choosing fresh and odorless foods when buying ingredients. For some perishable ingredients, such as fish and seafood, more attention should be paid to their freshness.

When storing ingredients, you should pay attention to the control of temperature and humidity to avoid problems such as moisture, mold, and deterioration of food. For some foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen, more attention should be paid to the way of storage.

During the cooking process, it should be reasonably matched according to the freshness and taste characteristics of the ingredients, so as to avoid the deterioration of some ingredients that affect the taste and nutritional value of the whole dish.

For some processed foods or semi-finished products, you should pay attention to their shelf life and avoid eating expired foods. If it expires, don't eat it, throw it away, and don't worry about the money at this time. The body is the most important,

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

In this fast-paced era, let's slow down and feel every detail in the kitchen with our hearts. A healthy lifestyle is not an unattainable dream, it is contained in the fireworks of our pots and pans every day. Cooking for one person can be warm for the whole family, but it can also bring potential risks due to bad Xi. Let's start changing today!

One person cooks, the whole family causes cancer? These 4 bad cooking Xi habits, it is recommended to change, it is dirtier than eating takeaway

We live in a complex and ever-changing world, facing challenges and difficulties. However, as long as we stick to our inner beliefs and dreams, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our own values.

Success doesn't happen overnight and requires perseverance. Only after the baptism of wind and rain can you see the beauty of the rainbow. Let's move forward bravely, pursue our own ideals and goals, and write a wonderful story for our lives. Come on, stranger......

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