
"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

author:Fresh citrus DL

In winter, the warm porridge soup is filled with an enticing aroma, making it the first choice to nourish the body and warm the soul. In this season, choosing healthy porridge can not only satisfy the taste buds, but also inject a steady stream of nutrients into the body. "Drink porridge in winter, I have health", in the cold winter, five kinds of health porridge has become a delicious choice to care for the stomach and intestines, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness. This is not only a unique food culture, but also the care of physical health, let us walk into this moist and warm winter health journey.

1. Pumpkin millet porridge:

Pumpkin millet porridge is a healthy and delicious porridge dish. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, which helps regulate the immune system and promote metabolism. Millets, on the other hand, are a nutritious grain rich in protein and minerals. This porridge has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing energy, especially suitable for maintaining the body in the cold winter.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

Ingredients: Pumpkin: Appropriate amount, Millet: Appropriate amount, Rice: Appropriate amount, Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount, Water: Appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Peel the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces. Wash the millet and rice and set aside.

2. Boiled pumpkin: Put the cut pumpkin pieces into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook until the pumpkin is soft. Remove the pumpkin chunks and set aside.

3. Cook millet and rice: Put millet and rice in the same pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, stir well, and cook until the rice grains are cooked.

4. Stir the pumpkin puree: Place the cooked pumpkin pieces in a blender and whip into the pumpkin puree.

5. Mix and cook porridge: Add pumpkin puree to the cooked millet rice and continue to stir well over low heat to fully integrate the pumpkin flavor into the porridge.

6. Add rock sugar: Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste, and stir well again until the rock sugar melts.

7. Cook until thick: Continue to simmer until the porridge is thick, stirring to prevent the bottom from sticking.

8. Serve on a plate: Put the boiled pumpkin millet porridge into a bowl, and the sweet and hot pumpkin millet porridge is ready to eat!

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness


1) Pay attention to the cooking time of pumpkin, overcooking will affect the taste.

2) The ratio of millet and rice can be adjusted according to personal taste.

3) The amount of rock sugar can be controlled according to personal preference, if you like it to be sweeter, you can add an appropriate amount of honey.

4) After the porridge is cooked, you can add some nuts or coconut milk to increase the taste and nutrition.

2. Purple sweet potato barley porridge:

Purple sweet potato barley porridge is a healthy porridge with good color and flavor. Purple potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and maintain intestinal health. With barley, it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dampness, detoxifying and nourishing the skin. This porridge is not only delicious, but also strengthens the body, making it a good choice for winter health care.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

Ingredients: Purple Potato: Appropriate amount, Barley: Appropriate amount, Rice: Appropriate amount, Rock sugar: Appropriate amount, Water: Appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Peel the purple potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Wash the barley and rice and set aside.

2. Boil barley: Put the barley into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, cook until the barley is soft, and set aside.

3. Boil rice: Put the washed rice into the same pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat, and cook until the rice grains are cooked.

4. Stir the purple potato puree: Put the cooked purple potato pieces into a blender and whip into purple potato puree.

5. Mix and cook porridge: Add purple sweet potato puree to the boiled barley and rice, continue to stir well over low heat, so that the purple sweet potato fragrance is fully integrated into the porridge.

6. Add rock sugar: Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste, and stir well again until the rock sugar melts.

7. Cook until thick: Continue to simmer until the porridge is thick, stirring to prevent the bottom from sticking.

8. Serve on a plate: Put the boiled purple potato barley porridge into a bowl, and the sweet and hot purple potato barley porridge is ready to eat!

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness


1) Pay attention to the cooking time of purple potatoes, overcooking will affect the taste.

2) The ratio of barley and rice can be adjusted according to personal taste.

3) The amount of rock sugar can be controlled according to personal preference, if you like it to be sweeter, you can add an appropriate amount of honey.

4) After the porridge is cooked, you can add some grains or nuts to increase the taste and nutrition.

3. Red bean white fungus black rice porridge:

Red bean white fungus black rice porridge is a traditional nourishing porridge. Red beans are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, which help clear away heat and detoxify and promote blood circulation. Tremella fungus has the characteristics of moisturizing yin and dryness, nourishing beauty and maintaining health. Black rice is rich in vitamin E and rich in minerals, which can help improve immunity. This porridge is suitable for winter consumption and helps to strengthen the physique.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

Ingredients: Red beans: appropriate amount, white fungus: appropriate amount, black rice: appropriate amount, rock sugar: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Soak the red beans overnight in advance, wash the white fungus and black rice, and set aside.

2. Boil the red beans: Put the soaked red beans into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and cook until the red beans are ripe.

3. Soak the white fungus: Soak the white fungus, remove the roots, and tear it into small flowers for later use.

4. Cook black rice: Put the washed black rice into the same pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and cook until the rice grains become soft and glutinous.

5. Mix and cook porridge: Add the soaked white fungus and boiled red beans to the boiled black rice, continue to stir over low heat.

6. Add rock sugar: Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste, and stir well again until the rock sugar melts.

7. Cook until thick: Continue to simmer until the porridge is thick, stirring to prevent the bottom from sticking.

8. Serve on a plate: Put the boiled red bean white fungus black rice porridge into a bowl, and the sweet and hot porridge is ready to eat.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness


1) You can add some ingredients such as longan and wolfberry according to your personal taste to add taste and nutrition.

2) In the process of boiling black rice, you can add some cooking oil to make the porridge more fragrant and smooth.

3) If you want the porridge to be thicker, you can take out an appropriate amount of the porridge during the cooking process and add it, stirring well.

4) The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted according to personal preference, and other sweeteners such as honey can also be chosen.

Fourth, osmanthus wine:

Osmanthus wine is a healthy porridge with a warming effect on the body. Osmanthus has the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, regulating qi and stomach, and is suitable for cold winters. The brew is rich in B vitamins and probiotics, which help to promote intestinal health. This porridge can promote blood circulation and improve the body's resistance, making it a good choice for keeping warm and healthy in winter.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

Ingredients: glutinous rice: appropriate amount, wine brewed koji: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount, rock sugar: appropriate amount, osmanthus: appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Soak the glutinous rice overnight in advance, prepare the koji, osmanthus and rock sugar.

2. Steamed glutinous rice: Put the soaked glutinous rice into the steamer, add an appropriate amount of water, and steam until the glutinous rice is cooked through.

3. To make the sake brew: Add the steamed glutinous rice to the koji while it is hot and stir well. The mixture is then packed into a clean container, covered and left to ferment in a warm place, which takes about 3-5 days.

4. Add osmanthus and rock sugar: After the fermentation is complete, add the osmanthus and rock sugar to the brew and stir well.

5. Continue fermentation: Continue to ferment in a warm place with osmanthus and rock sugar, about another 1-2 days.

6. Filtration: After the fermentation is complete, use gauze or fine mesh to filter and remove the residue, leaving the liquor behind.

7. Bottling and aging: Put the liquor in a clean bottle, seal it tightly, and place it in a cool and ventilated place for a period of time to make it more mellow.

8. Enjoy: The longer the wine ages, the more intense the flavor becomes. It can be drunk directly, or it can be used to cook desserts, such as wine-stuffed rice balls.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness


1) During the fermentation process, pay attention to the ambient temperature, too high or too low temperature will affect the fermentation effect.

2) You can increase or decrease the amount of rock sugar in an appropriate amount, and adjust the sweetness according to personal taste.

3) The fermentation time can be adjusted according to personal preference, and the longer it lasts, the more mellow the flavor.

4) The amount of osmanthus can be adjusted according to personal taste, you can try to add a small part first, and then increase or decrease according to demand.

5. Mushroom and chicken porridge:

Chicken porridge with shiitake mushrooms is a porridge that is both delicious and healthy. Shiitake mushrooms are rich in a variety of amino acids and minerals, which have the effect of regulating the immune system and enhancing the ability to resist fatigue. Paired with chicken, it provides high-quality protein and helps maintain muscle health. This porridge is not only suitable for winter supplementation, but also helps to improve appetite and increase physical strength.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness

Ingredients: Rice: Appropriate amount, Chicken breast: Appropriate amount, Shiitake mushroom: Appropriate amount, Ginger: Appropriate amount, Salt: Appropriate amount, Cooking oil: Appropriate amount, Soy sauce: Appropriate amount, Pepper: Appropriate amount, Chicken essence: appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Soak the rice for a period of time in advance, wash the chicken breast and cut it into small pieces, scrape off the soil and slice the mushrooms, and mince the ginger for later use.

2. Stew the chicken: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the diced chicken and minced ginger, and simmer for a while to make the chicken broth more delicious.

3. Porridge: Add the washed rice to the stewed chicken broth, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer until the rice is cooked into porridge.

4. Add shiitake mushrooms: Add the sliced shiitake mushrooms to the cooked porridge and continue to simmer over low heat to allow the aroma of the shiitake mushrooms to slowly blend into the porridge.

5. Add seasoning: Add salt, soy sauce and pepper according to personal taste, season and stir well.

6. Add the chicken: Add the previously stewed chicken pieces to the porridge and stir well again to make the chicken flavorful.

7. Simmer until thick: Continue to simmer over low heat until the congee is thick enough to match your taste preference.

8. Add Chicken Bouillon: Finally, add an appropriate amount of Chicken Bouillon, stir well to enhance freshness.

9. Serve in a bowl: Put the boiled mushroom and chicken porridge in a bowl, and add some chopped green onions or coriander as a garnish according to personal preference.

"Drink porridge in winter, I have health", recommend 5 kinds of health porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and enhance physical fitness


1) The stewing time of the chicken soup can be extended appropriately to make the soup richer.

2) Shiitake mushrooms can be soaked in warm water in advance to soften and improve their taste.

3) If you prefer a stronger scent, you can add a small amount of sesame oil.

4) The consistency of the porridge can be adjusted according to the personal taste, if you prefer it to be thicker, you can add more rice.

In this winter, by tasting pumpkin millet porridge, purple sweet potato barley porridge, red bean white fungus black rice porridge, osmanthus wine and mushroom chicken porridge, we not only satisfy the taste buds, but also bring warmth and nourishment to the body. With their unique medicinal effects, these five kinds of healthy porridge have brought a different kind of taste feast to our appetite. In the cold season of winter, drinking a bowl of healthy porridge full of love is not only a care for yourself, but also a love for life. May we enjoy the warmth brought by healthy porridge in this warm season, and spend this winter healthy and happy.

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