
What fruits to eat during the white dew season

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

1 Citrus:

What fruits to eat during the white dew season

Appearance characteristics: Citrus is usually round or slightly oblate in appearance, with smooth skin and color ranging from orange to orange-red, some varieties may have some green spots. The flesh is juicy and divided into many small lobes, each containing a juice sac. The size of citrus varies depending on the variety, but it is generally between 5-10 cm in diameter.

Taste and texture: The citrus flavor is sweet, juicy and crunchy on the palate, with rich juice and a hint of tartness. The flesh has a soft texture and is easy to chew. When eating citrus, you can feel the fresh aroma and a delicate balance of sweet and sour.

Nutritional value: Citrus is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and a variety of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It is also a low-calorie fruit rich in antioxidants that help boost immunity, promote digestion and protect heart health.

Season and Origin: Citrus is generally harvested in autumn and winter, and is the seasonal fruit of the white dew season. It is produced all over the world, including regions such as Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania.

Suggested use: Citrus can be eaten as a snack, juiced or used to make jams, salads and pastries, etc. Citrus can be added to fruit salads and eaten with other fruits, or it can be made into citrus juice to enjoy as a drink. Note that for people with yin deficiency and fire physique, eating more citrus may cause sores on the mouth and tongue, dry throat and sore throat and other symptoms of fire, so it is necessary to eat it in moderation.

2 Apples:

What fruits to eat during the white dew season

Appearance: Apples are usually round or slightly oblate, with smooth skin and a variety of colors, including red, yellow, and green. Some varieties may have spots or streaks on the skin. The flesh is crisp in texture and is usually white or pale yellow in color. The size of apples varies depending on the variety, but is generally between 5-9 cm in diameter.

Taste and texture: Apples have a rich mouthfeel with a crisp and juicy texture. The taste of apples varies from variety to variety, but overall, the taste of apples is sweet to sour, fresh and pleasant. The texture of the pulp is soft, and a certain amount of moisture and fiber can be felt when chewed.

Nutritional value: Apples are rich in nutrients such as pectin, fiber, and vitamin C. It is also a low-calorie fruit rich in antioxidants that help protect cellular health, lower cholesterol levels, promote digestion and improve cardiovascular health.

Season and Origin: Apples are available all year round, but autumn is its harvest season. Apples are produced in a wide range of regions, including Europe, Asia, North America, and more. Some well-known apple producing regions include the United States, China, France, and New Zealand, among others.

Suggested use: Apples can be eaten as is, or they can be used to make juices, fruit salads, apple pies, jams, etc. In addition, apples can also be cut into thin slices and attached to the face, which is said to be good for the skin. It is recommended to consume 3 apples a day, which helps to keep the skin hydrated and increase elasticity. At the same time, because apples contain pectin and fiber, they have a good lipid-lowering effect and are suitable as part of a healthy diet.

3 Grapes:

What fruits to eat during the white dew season

Appearance: Grapes are usually grown in bunches, each of which is made up of multiple small grains and comes in a variety of colors, including purple, green, red and black. The grapes are round or oval in shape, with smooth and thin skins and juicy flesh that contains juice within each fruit. The size of the grapes varies depending on the variety, but is generally between 1-3 cm in diameter.

Taste and texture: The grapes have a sweet flavor with a juicy and crisp mouthfeel. The taste and texture of the grapes vary from variety to variety, but in general, the grapes have a sweet taste with a certain acidity. The flesh is soft in texture and easy to chew with rich juice.

Nutritional value: Grapes are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6 and dietary fiber. It is also a natural antioxidant rich in polyphenolic compounds that help protect cells from free radical damage. Grapes also contain minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron, which play an important role in maintaining good health.

Season and origin: Grapes are generally harvested in summer and autumn, and are the seasonal fruits of the white dew season. Grapes are produced all over the world, including Europe, Asia, the Americas and Oceania. Some of the famous grape producing regions include France, Italy, the United States and Chile, among others.

Suggested use: Grapes can be eaten as is, or they can be used to make wine, grape juice, raisins, etc. Fresh grapes are a good snack and can be added to fruit salads or paired with other fruits. Grapes can also be used to make jams or added to pastries and salads to add texture and flavor. In addition, the fruits, roots and leaves of grapes can also be used in medicine, which has certain medicinal value.

4 cucumbers:

What fruits to eat during the white dew season

Appearance characteristics: Cucumbers are usually long cylindrical in shape, smooth in surface, and light green or yellow-green in color. Cucumbers have a thinner skin, crisp and tender flesh, and contain a lot of moisture inside. The size of cucumbers will vary depending on the variety and ripeness, but are generally between 15-30 cm in length.

Taste and texture: Cucumbers have a refreshing flavor with a crisp and watery texture. The flesh of the cucumber is crisp and juicy, with a hint of sweetness and a refreshing flavor. Cucumbers have a refreshing taste and provide a refreshing sensation in the mouth when eaten raw.

Nutritional value: Cucumber is rich in water and dietary fiber, and is a low-calorie vegetable. Cucumbers also contain nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium. It is beneficial for maintaining the body's water balance, promoting digestion and removing waste from the body. Cucumbers also contain antioxidants that help protect cellular health.

Season and origin: Cucumbers are available all year round, but summer is its harvest season. Cucumbers are produced in a wide range of regions, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Some well-known cucumber producing regions include China, the United States, Spain, and the Netherlands, among others.

Suggested use: Cucumbers can be eaten raw or used to make salads, salads, soups, etc. Fresh cucumbers are suitable as a summer hydration and can be eaten raw or sliced and added to coleslaw. The flesh of cucumbers is rich in moisture, which can provide moisture and nutrients to the skin, and fresh cucumber slices can be applied to the washed face to hydrate and beautify the skin. In addition, cucumbers are often used to make face masks or apply to the eyes to relieve fatigue.

5 Autumn Pears:

What fruits to eat during the white dew season

Appearance characteristics: Autumn pears are usually conical or spherical in shape, with smooth skin and yellow-green or golden-yellow color. The size of the pear varies depending on the variety, but is generally between 5-10 cm in diameter. The flesh of the pear is delicate and the texture is crisp.

Taste and texture: Autumn pears have a refreshing flavor with a crisp and juicy texture. The pulp of the pear is rich in juice, with a hint of sweetness and a hint of sourness. Pears have a cool taste and can give a refreshing feeling when eaten raw.

Nutritional value: Pears are rich in water and dietary fiber, and are a low-calorie fruit. Pears also contain nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and fiber. It is beneficial for keeping skin healthy, promoting digestion, and regulating blood pressure. Pears also contain natural antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical damage.

Season and Origin: Autumn pears mainly ripen in autumn, hence the name. It is produced in a wide range of regions, including Asia, Europe, and North America. Some well-known autumn pear producing areas include China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, among others.

Suggested use: Autumn pears can be eaten raw or used to make juices, fruit salads, pastries, etc. Fresh autumn pears are suitable as a hydrating fruit and can be eaten directly or sliced into salads. The moisture of pears helps to keep the skin hydrated, so it can be used as a food to moisturize the skin. In addition, autumn pears can also be used to make pastries or soups, which have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and relieving cough.

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