
Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?


Time flies very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has been almost a semester since we entered middle school, and the new sixth-grade children and their parents are anxiously preparing for the junior high school promotion.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

I heard that there was an event yesterday, and I remembered that we also participated in several times last year, whether it was a cold day or a hot summer, we got up early to send the baby on the bus, ran long distances, and were hungry, just for the battlefield.

When good friends chatted, they all felt that the little promotion that had just ended half a year was like a world away, as if centuries had passed.

No matter which school we went to, we all slowly adapted to the new rhythm and had a lot of new experiences.

Friends found that although the styles of each school are very different, there is one thing that is the same, that is, there are constantly big and small exams, and all schools are exams all day long, and the highest frequency is mathematics.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

Recently, a few old brothers got together to complain, saying that the exam was very anxious, and it was that question, but in fact, it was all within the range, and the difficulty was not how difficult it was, but the time was too little to complete, and it couldn't be done, and it couldn't be done at all!

When I was in elementary school, I couldn't wait to get the in-class exam in 20 minutes, and I had to play for an hour in the exam room.

In fact, the mid-term and final exams of the unified examination, and even the high school entrance examination, the time is not so tight, and you can basically finish it calmly, and if you can't, you can't do it.

But daily exams are really popular now, compressing time, many children don't know how to have no time to think, and if they do, they may be distorted and deformed because of too much time pressure, giving you a bunch of mistakes.

Every time after the exam, everyone cries and shouts that the test is broken, and the results are really not good-looking.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

The children came out of elementary school coldly, and junior high school didn't give you a dismount, and it couldn't be the same as elementary school.

I feel that this may be a strategy for middle school to train children's test-taking ability, and the in-class exams are difficult and difficult, so compress the time and let the children exercise their ability quickly and accurately...... All small powerhouses, including early training, are like this, it's a trend.

What can remind the later baby is that this matter is best paid attention to from elementary school. Many parents indulge in the illusion of excellent primary school results and neglect capacity building. In fact, there is a huge difference in the difficulty and speed requirements between elementary school and junior high school.

High school is estimated to be another tragic scene.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

What can primary schools do, there may be a few points:

(1) Pay attention to computing ability.

We can see that in this exam mode with a large amount of questions and a short time, those with high scores must be done quickly and accurately, so this is a great test of computing ability.

Just as the number of words is the foundation of good English, writing more is the foundation of good Chinese, and passing the calculation is the foundation of good mathematics.

Calculation and calculation, no matter how much emphasis is overstated, this math number is actually tired of talking. Different stages have different calculations, and it is not enough to pass each stage, but you should also try to be as fast and accurate as possible.

That's why no matter what institution you apply for, you will actually have a calculation book, similar to Xueersi supermarket, and daily calculations must be practiced. Otherwise, in the future, each question will be a little slower, and one paper will not be able to complete several questions.

From childhood to adulthood, I practiced a little bit every day, and I had to practice at a time, and strive to improve and refresh my speed.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

(2) Necessary skills. In fact, the mainstream circle doesn't do any mental arithmetic, but since I was a child, I have learned a lot of calculation skills in the Olympiad class, and even I know what to do with the head and tail......

There is a special calculation in the major modules of Xiaoao, and I remember that the first class of each semester is all calculations, all kinds of technical and speed methods, and I still have to learn some.

Math experts often say that you have to memorize the square table, the cube table, or it makes sense, this back is actually not mechanical, the back is more to improve the calculation speed, the second is to improve the sense of number.

I remember that the hateful Dad Jin used to let his children look at the square table and prime number table before every time he rushed to the exam, saying that grinding the gun in battle had a miraculous effect.

Don't say much, talk too much, show timidity, where do I know what calculation skills.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

(3) Thorough knowledge and topics.

In fact, the internal exams of this nature I mentioned above are really not over-the-top, and they will not make any off-topic and strange competition questions, but it is not very easy to get good results.

It is required to have a solid foundation, clear concepts, a real understanding of what has been learned, and the ability to draw inferences from one another.

Some people think that brushing more questions is also a way, then I have to say that brushing questions is definitely helpful, but it doesn't mean that it depends entirely on brushing proficiency and seeing the question type.

As a guy who has never eaten pork or seen a pig grab food, I feel that to learn mathematics, I still have to thoroughly understand every problem I have learned, and thoroughly understand the mathematical meaning in it, so that I can speak everything.

Purely by brushing, it can't be brushed up to a certain degree.

Children from primary school, or to develop the Xi habit of thinking, mathematics occasionally engage in difficult problems, on the depth of thinking, can not taste everything, 100 in the class test on the peace of mind, in fact, 100 and 100, the gap can be big.

Now that junior high school math is tested like this?

It is good to take more exams, and those who take the exams well are all experiences and lessons, whether the time is tight, the amount of questions is large, and the questions are difficult, it is in this field of training that children's Xi learning ability, adaptability, and examination strategies can be improved.

ps: Friends who are now rolling in junior high school, please regard the current ordeal as an experience, there is no road in vain in life, and there is no test in vain.

May you all have something to gain in the warm spring of May and June.

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