
A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

"You're so strong"

We usually meet some people who are old, but still have sharp legs and feet, and are healthy, we all like to boast like this.

As the saying goes, old bones decay first.

Having a good body and bones is the key to resisting aging and living a long and healthy life.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

National famous old Chinese medicine doctor, 78-year-old Feng Xinghua Feng Lao, attaches great importance to bone maintenance for his own health.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

This time, Elder Feng will share the holy medicine of three flavors to nourish bones and kidneys, and use tea and medicinal food to help everyone nourish their muscles and bones.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones


Three Flavors of Medicine

Nourish bones and life

Feng Lao introduced that the so-called holy medicine is a medicine with particularly good efficacy.

These three holy medicines are recorded in ancient books, and they are often used in long-term clinical practice.

They can tonify kidney yang, kidney yin, and spleen, respectively, in order to achieve the purpose of nourishing bones.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Elderly people, as well as people who are usually prone to waist and knee soreness and fatigue, can use these herbs for daily maintenance.

You can boil water separately, make medicinal food, or cook "bone tea" together.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones


Bone Strengthening Elixir: Eucommia

Eucommia ulmoides is sweet and slightly pungent, enters the liver and tonifies the kidneys.

It also focuses on strengthening bones, and the "Shennong Materia Medica" records that Eucommia ulmoides is mainly used to treat low back and knee pain, replenish the middle, benefit the essence and qi, and strengthen the muscles and bones.

In the middle, the kind of wire drawing is raw eucommia, and we generally use fried eucommia in our daily life.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Eucommia ulmoides fried with salt not only has better medicinal efficacy, but also has a salty taste into the kidneys, which can increase the effect of tonifying the kidney.

Symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency:

• Mental exhaustion: "Yang energy, essence is nourishing", Yang Qi is sufficient, the more full the person's spirit, once the body's Yang Qi is deficient, it will be no energy, easy to sleep.

• Chills and cold limbs: Yang Qi has the effect of warming the limbs, and if the Yang Qi is deficient, the limbs will not be warmed by Yang Qi, and they will be cold.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

• Limb edema: The metabolism of water is inseparable from the operation of qi, and when yang qi is deficient, water will not be able to be transported, which will cause edema.

• Frequent urination, clear length, and frequent nocturia: Dripping urine or urinary incontinence in the elderly is often related to kidney qi deficiency.

People with the above symptoms of kidney yang deficiency can use fried eucommia alone to boil water to drink, or make medicinal food to replenish physical strength and strengthen kidney qi.

Eucommia tea: Mash the fried eucommia and boil it in boiling water for 20 minutes.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Eucommia pork bone broth

Ingredients: pork bones, ginger, eucommia, salt.


(1) After washing the eucommia, soak it in water for 30 minutes.

(2) Blanch the pork bones to remove the blood, remove them and put them in a casserole to stew.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

(3) After the heat is boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for about 2 hours, adding a little salt before cooking.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones


Yin nourishing medicine: dogwood

Dogwood has a sour and astringent taste, and enters the kidney and liver two meridians. It has the effect of warming the blood of the liver meridian and tonifying the essence of the kidney.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the kidneys can store essence, essence can produce marrow, and marrow can produce bones. Therefore, tonifying kidney yin is also a key step in nourishing bones.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Symptoms of kidney yin deficiency: hot flashes and night sweats, hot palms and feet, irritability, red tongue, dry throat, low fluid, backache and soreness, etc.

Dogwood can also be used as a substitute for tea alone, and it can be soaked in boiling water for about 20 minutes.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

At the same time, it can also be cooked with rice for meals, and people of all physiques can drink it.

Dogwood porridge

Ingredients: Cornus, rice, sugar or honey.

Method: Wash the dogwood, remove the pit, and then cook the porridge with rice, adding some honey or sugar before cooking.


Spleen-strengthening medicine: Atractylodes

The spleen and stomach are not good, they can't absorb energy, and no matter how strong the kidney qi is, it's useless.

Atractylodes atractylodes has a bitter taste, sweet and warm nature, and enters the spleen and stomach meridians, which can remove dampness in the spleen and stomach, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and benefit qi.

Atractylodes atractylodes is also divided into atractylodes and atractylodes, the two have different effects, and atractylodes is commonly used to strengthen the spleen.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Symptoms of spleen deficiency: diarrhea, frequent stools, abdominal distention, lack of appetite, weakness of limbs, weight loss, etc.

It is usually used alone as a substitute for tea, and it needs to be boiled in boiling water for 20 minutes to have a better spleen strengthening effect.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Spleen-strengthening medicinal diet: Atractylodes cakes

Ingredients: raw atractylodes, jujubes, flour.

Method: First grind and bake the raw atractylodes (you can also use fried atractylodes directly), cook the jujube and remove the core, mix it with flour and make cakes.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

Efficacy: It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, strengthening the intestines and stopping diarrhea.

If you want to replenish kidney yang, kidney yin, and spleen and stomach, you can use fried eucommia, dogwood, and fried atractylodes to boil water and drink together, and boil water for 20 minutes to help us strengthen our bones and nourish our bones.

A 78-year-old Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on nourishing bones and bones! Three cups of tea and three medicinal diets can nourish the kidneys, spleen and strengthen muscles and bones

※Tea substitutes and medicinal diets are only for daily conditioning, and it is recommended to seek medical attention in time for long-term discomfort.

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