
Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

author:Bright Net


A doctor's suggestion rushed to the hot search

Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

After work, I went for a massage

It is becoming a favorite of many young people

The topic was once on Weibo's hot search

Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

on social platforms

Many young people posted receipts

Share the experience of Tuina experience

Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him
Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

There are also people who post on social platforms to ask

Where the massage works well

Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

Massage becomes a "life-saving straw" for young people

I don't know since when

Massage parlor queue to visit

has quietly aged and elderly

Turned into a young man

Miss Liu, a 24-year-old citizen of Guangzhou, often sits for a long time due to work needs, and has a bunch of problems on her back, shoulders and neck.

"I got a card, and I will go when I have time with my sister. The biggest hope for going to work is that you can go to the massage parlor to relax after work. ”

Massage suddenly caught fire! rushed to the hot search, and the doctor urgently reminded him

Miss Liu's consumption record is only one of the stores she frequents.

Chen Ming (pseudonym) has been doing acupuncture and massage at the Tianhenan Sub-district Community Health Service Center in Guangzhou for a long time. Due to the long-term desk work, she had symptoms of slight numbness in her hands and discomfort in the cervical spine two years earlier, and finally took an X-ray and found that she was 35 years old + and her cervical spine age had reached 60 years old +.

"The doctor said that there was a reverse arch in the cervical spine, so you should do more exercises, and you should pay attention to rest when you sit in the office. ”

At the suggestion of traditional Chinese medicine, Chen Ming started acupuncture and massage treatment, twice a week when he had free time and once a week when he was not free. "What surprised me is that many young white-collar workers who work nearby will also go, opening a card 3~5 times at a time, and the number of individual massage doctors is very popular. ”

What surprised her even more was that since last week, the Tuina Department of the Community Health Service Center has also opened the Sunday number. "This is very good for young people, after all, there are a lot of things to do at work, and it is more convenient to be open on weekends. ”

Hospital or massage parlor?

"I really recommend sisters with uncomfortable neck and shoulders to go to the hospital for massage"

"The massage department of a tertiary hospital is too fragrant"......

Many netizens posted receipts to share the first experience of massage in the hospital

It said that the massage department of the hospital has brought a new experience of massage

Journalist inquiry

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tuina outpatient registration situation found

The department is very popular

In recent days, there have been almost no numbers left

Unlike the long-term relaxation in a massage parlor, the hospital generally diagnoses the disease according to the symptoms, and generally focuses on bone correction, massage, and correction of the position of bones and joints. Some netizens said that the hospital's massage department is not only affordable to the people, but also does not have to worry about the technique, "a few clicks, refreshed".

"The number of the Tuina department is very sought-after, especially on weekends, and it is even more difficult to make an appointment. "Di Di (pseudonym) has been massaged in the TCM hospital several times, and it is recommended that it is safer to make an appointment in advance.

In addition, Didi told reporters that hospital massage is very effective for pathological pain, but it will not provide long-term relaxation services like street massage parlors, "Young people can choose according to their needs, and I think hospitals and massage parlors have their own benefits." ”

Osteopathy and misalignment should go to the hospital

Doctors from the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that when they went out of the clinic in the massage department, some patients often pushed the door and said: "Doctor, I want a massage, I am very uncomfortable, you can press it for me..."

"Because of high work pressure, less activity between work, and lack of attention to correct posture in work and life, many young people are in a sub-healthy state. Ma Weidong, chief physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangzhou Medical University, said that there are significantly more young people coming to Tuina than before.

Ma Weidong told reporters that if you feel muscle fatigue every day and it does not affect your heartbeat, blood pressure, sleep, etc., it is also a good way to go to the massage shop to relax by kneading, "If it involves bone correction and correction of joint misalignment, you need to be cautious to go to the massage shop to avoid aggravating the pain or causing more serious diseases." ”

Taking cervical spondylosis as an example, if there is limited movement of the cervical spine, aggravated pain in activity, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, unsteady walking, etc., the first choice is to go to the hospital, Ma Weidong introduced, "Young people should exercise more, go outdoors more, pay attention to the correct sitting posture in work and life, and stand up and move after sitting for a long time." ”

◆ Comprehensive: Guangzhou Daily WeChat, Harbin Daily WeChat, WeChat of the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Source: Changchun Evening News

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