
Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

author:Red Star News

On the afternoon of December 23, the press conference of the Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" was held at the Xinsheng Theater of Chengdu Peking Opera Research Institute. It is understood that the play will be performed at the Xinsheng Theater on December 30 and 31, and will be performed at the Sichuan Grand Theater on January 5 and 6 next year at the 10th China Peking Opera Festival.

Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

This play is based on the peacock raised by Xue Tao in the shogunate in history as the way to solve the problem, adopts the structure of two heroines, uses the character "peacock" to observe Xue Tao's heart, and depicts Xue Tao's mental map in detail against the magnificent background of the Tang Dynasty.

Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" is a vivid practice of cross-border integration and traditional culture integrity and innovation. The play is jointly produced by Chengdu Peking Opera Research Institute and Chongqing Peking Opera Company, as an impression Peking Opera work jointly created by Sichuan and Chongqing, starring Liu Lu of Chengdu Peking Opera Research Institute and Zhou Li of Chongqing Peking Opera Company, two "Plum Blossom Award" winners, Liu Lu plays Xue Tao, and Zhou Li plays the peacock is Xue Tao's inner reflection.

Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

Liu Lu

Liu Lu said that she has played two versions of Xue Tao, of which "Xue Tao" in 2008 is a traditional Peking Opera, and in 2013, the version of "Huanhua Yin" directed by Li Liuyi has broken the tradition in the 08 version, and it is also the repertoire that she won the 26th Chinese Drama "Plum Blossom Award". After nearly two years of planning, adhering to the idea of integrity and innovation, this impression of Peking Opera "Xue Tao" is a new cross-border creation for traditional theater troupes, with great breakthroughs in stage art, singing design, character modeling, etc., hoping to bring a fresh breeze to everyone in the theater, whether it is an elderly audience or a young audience, it will be good-looking.

Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

Zhou Li

It is reported that the creative team of "Xue Tao" is very young, and "Xue Tao" is directed by Li Wei and Zhong Hongyu. Li Wei said that Xue Tao is the only woman in the second batch of Sichuan historical celebrities, and she is in awe when she touches this historical figure, and it is difficult to create this work, and she hopes that the audience will enter the theater to experience this impression of Peking Opera, "We are a group of post-80s people who touch this historical theme, return to the original intention of creation, restore Xue Tao's inner struggles and choices as a woman, and finally she reconciles with herself, hoping to be more about the exploration of human nature." Zhong Hongyu said that "Xue Tao" grafts new elements and traditional elements, and this drama is like a key, hoping to be a key to innovation, hoping that this key will open the door for young people to understand Peking Opera.

Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

In addition to performing in Chengdu, the play will also tour at the Shiguangnan Grand Theater in Chongqing on January 11 next year, and there will be tour plans from Peking University, Tsinghua University and other universities next year.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Ren Hongwei

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Sichuan and Chongqing "Plum Blossom" Liu Lu Zhou Li starring Impression Peking Opera "Xue Tao" will appear at the 10th China Peking Opera Art Festival

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