
Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

author:Messenger of Hakata

In the deep mansion of the ancient palace, in the lonely Yixiu Palace, the Queen Mother Zhen Huan sat quietly on a delicate sandalwood chair. Outside the window, the pigeons flew freely in the sky, and an unfathomable light flashed in her eyes.

These pigeons are not only the scenery in the palace, but also a kind of silent punishment for her old enemies.

Zhen Huan's mental journey has been bumpy, from an innocent girl to the queen mother who controls the harem, she has experienced too much betrayal and pain. Yi Xiu, a former ally, eventually became her worst enemy, and the knife in the back made Zhen Huan unforgettable.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

Just when Zhen Huan thought that she could stay away from the palace and live a peaceful life, fate pushed her back into this golden cage again. And behind all this, there is the shadow of Yi Xiu.

Zhen Huan returned to the palace and skillfully laid out step by step, and finally let Yi Xiu fall out of favor and be imprisoned.

However, such revenge is far from enough for Zhen Huan. What she wants is the torture in the depths of Yi Xiu's soul, so that every day is worse than death. So, she raised pigeons in Yi Xiu's palace, and let those pigeons become a thorn in Yi Xiu's eyes and a thorn in his heart.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

Every morning, the flock of pigeons hovers over Yixiu Palace, and the sound of flapping wings is like a constant mockery in Yixiu's ears. The pigeons fly freely, in stark contrast to Yi Xiu's cage.

And what hurts Yi Xiu's heart the most is that these pigeons are monogamous animals, and their loyal love is something that Yi Xiu can't have in this life. All of this seems to be a constant reminder to Yi Xiu of how failed and pathetic her life is.

Zhen Huan's revenge is both cruel and delicate. She no longer needs swords and poisons, her wits and scheming are the best weapons.

She made Yi Xiu understand that the real pain was not physical torture, but mental destruction.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

And Zhen Huan, in all this, slowly lost her original innocence and kindness, and she became more and more like the ruthless harem beauty.

With the passage of time, the pigeon flock in Yixiu Palace has changed from generation to generation, and Zhen Huan's heart has become colder and colder. She has forgotten her original self, the girl who dreamed of love and freedom.

Now she is only left with scheming and calculation, and only endless hatred and revenge for the enemy. The pigeon in Yixiu Palace has become an eternal shadow in her heart, reminding her that she can never turn back.

In this complex harem, everyone is secretly gearing up, planning their next step.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

Although Zhen Huan is already the queen mother, she knows that in this golden cage, no one can really be trusted. Behind every smile, there may be a sharp knife hidden. And she must always be vigilant to respond to all changes.

The palace maid Xiaogui has frequently entered Zhen Huan's sight recently, and she always seems to be able to appear at critical moments to provide some key information.

Zhen Huan paid a little more attention to her and decided to observe secretly. By chance, Zhen Huan summoned Xiao Gui.

"You seem to be very favored lately, who is behind you?" Zhen Huan asked lightly.

Xiao Gui lowered his head, his voice trembling slightly: "Back to the Queen Mother's words, it is... It's the emperor. ”

Zhen Huan's eyes flashed with a gleam, she knew that the emperor would not promote a palace maid for no reason, there must be other reasons. She decided to investigate further.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

In the following days, Zhen Huan began to send people to secretly observe Xiao Gui's every move. And Xiao Gui seemed to sense something, and began to become more cautious. One night, Zhen Huan's confidant palace maid Xiaolian came to report, saying that she saw Xiao Gui quietly enter a remote palace.

Zhen Huan decided to go to investigate in person. The night was like water, and she followed lightly behind Xiao Gui. Just as she was about to approach, she suddenly heard a whispered conversation coming from inside.

"You've done a great job, hold on a little longer. A male voice.

"I... I'm afraid the Queen Mother will find out. Xiao Gui's voice was crying.

"No, although the Queen Mother is smart, she won't think of us. The man reassured.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

Zhen Huan's heart sank, she didn't expect Xiao Gui to have such a deep relationship with the emperor. She knew that this was no small matter and that it had to be handled with care. She left quietly and decided to make a plan.

A few days later, at a banquet, Zhen Huan deliberately mentioned the matter of pigeons in the palace to observe everyone's reaction. When mentioning the pigeons of Yixiu Palace, she noticed that Xiao Gui's expression was flustered for a moment.

"Xiao Gui, you seem to be very interested in these pigeons?" Zhen Huan asked with a smile.

Xiao Gui stammered and replied: "The Queen Mother is clear, the little woman just thinks that the pigeon is really a beautiful creature." ”

Zhen Huan smiled slightly, and she had a plan in her heart. She decided to take advantage of this opportunity to uncover the secret between Xiao Gui and the emperor in one fell swoop.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

In the following days, Zhen Huan began to lay out, she secretly sent people to spy on Xiao Gui, and at the same time spread some scandals about Xiao Gui and the emperor. Everyone in the palace began to whisper, and Xiao Gui's behavior began to become more and more flustered.

Finally, on a dark and windy night, Zhen Huan set a trap to lure Xiao Gui and the mysterious man to meet again. She personally led people to quietly surround the palace and arrested the two in one fell swoop.

Facing Zhen Huan, Xiao Gui finally collapsed and cried everything.

It turned out that she and the man were confidants in the early years, and in order to protect her, the man did not hesitate to collude with the emperor to keep her safe in the harem. And all they do, just to survive in this dangerous place.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

After hearing this, Zhen Huan felt a little emotional in her heart. She knows that in this harem, everyone has their own helplessness and struggles. She freed Katsura and the man, but warned them not to do anything wrong in the future.

Although the matter subsided, Zhen Huan's heart was even heavier. She knows that this harem is like a huge net, and it is difficult for you to escape whether you are the master or the slaughtered.

And she can only be in this net, constantly fighting, constantly waiting for those pigeons in memory, and the self who can never turn back.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

At this moment, news came from the palace that the new concubine Concubine Mei died suddenly due to illness, and the entire harem was shaken.

Zhen Huan knew that there was no wind or waves in the harem, and Concubine Mei's death was no accident. She ordered someone to investigate secretly and found that Concubine Mei had a secret conversation with a mysterious person in the palace before her death.

Zhen Huan summoned her confidant in the middle of the night and said coldly: "What did you find out about Concubine Mei?"

"Queen Mother, it is said that Concubine Mei had a secret conversation with an unknown palace maid before her death, and we are tracking down this person. Henchman Xiaoyan replied.

A sharp light flashed in Zhen Huan's eyes, "Keep checking, I want to know what they talked about." ”

As the investigation deepened, Zhen Huan discovered that this mysterious palace maid was inextricably linked to the emperor.

This made Zhen Huan feel uneasy, she knew that every move of the emperor meant far-reaching meanings. She began to closely monitor the emperor's every move, while strengthening her control over the harem.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

One day, Zhen Huan met the emperor by chance in the imperial garden, and she pretended to smile lightly: "Your Majesty, have you heard anything about Concubine Mei?"

The emperor stopped, his eyes were deep, "Huanhuan, there are many things in the palace, you don't have to ask." ”

Zhen Huan's heart tightened, she knew that there was something in the emperor's words. She bowed her head slightly, and continued to observe quietly.

At this moment, news came from the palace that a palace maid witnessed that a mysterious person had frequently entered and exited the palace before Concubine Mei's death. Zhen Huan realized that this game was more complicated and dangerous than she imagined.

She decided to go out in person, and overnight, many palace maids were secretly interrogated. During an interrogation, a palace maid finally broke down and cried out the truth. "It's a little imperial doctor in the Tai Hospital, and he often sneaks into Concubine Mei's palace. ”

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

This news surprised Zhen Huan, the Tai Hospital has always been personally supervised by the emperor, why would anyone be so bold? She immediately ordered someone to take down the little imperial doctor.

In the secret room, Zhen Huan personally interrogated the little imperial doctor. "Why did you go to Concubine Mei's palace?"

The little imperial physician trembled in his voice, "If you go back to the Queen Mother, the emperor ordered me to go." ”

Zhen Huan's heart sank to the bottom, she didn't expect the emperor to be involved in it personally. She asked coldly, "Why does the emperor want you to go?"

The little imperial physician lowered his head, "The emperor ordered me to give Concubine Mei an antidote, but... But I didn't know it was going to be fatal. ”

When Zhen Huan heard this, her heart was like ashes, she knew that she had been involved in a conspiracy from which she could not get out. She released the little imperial physician and ordered people to closely monitor all the emperor's actions.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

In the following days, Zhen Huan walked on thin ice, and she was constantly planning how to survive this crisis. At the same time, she also began to look for opportunities to try to turn the tables.

One day, Zhen Huan learned that the emperor was going to hold a grand banquet, and she knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She began to secretly arrange and quietly contacted several henchmen.

On the day of the banquet, Zhen Huan was dressed in a gorgeous phoenix robe and sat majestically on the main seat. Her gaze was as sharp as a falcon, constantly scanning everyone present.

Halfway through the banquet, Zhen Huan suddenly got up, her voice was sonorous and powerful, "Today's banquet, I have something important to announce." ”

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?

Everyone looked sideways, and the emperor's face became solemn. Zhen Huan took a deep breath, she knew that this moment would decide her fate.

She said slowly: "Concubine Mei's death is not a natural death, but a well-planned murder. And the murderer is among us. ”

There was an uproar in the banquet hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on Zhen Huan. And the emperor's face became more and more ugly, he knew that Zhen Huan had mastered some secrets that he didn't want to be known.

Zhen Huan looked at the emperor coldly, and there was no fear and hesitation in her heart. In the giant net of this harem, she is no longer a passive waiter, but an active hunter. And all this is just for the sake of those pigeons in memory, and the self who can never go back.

Zhen Huan became the queen mother, why did she raise pigeons in Yixiu Palace?