
When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

author:Director Xu Health said

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In the cold winter, Aunt Li often feels cold in her legs, as cold as ice cubes.

In her sixties, she lives in a typical northern town, and likes to be busy in the kitchen on weekdays, cooking all kinds of home-cooked dishes. However, this feeling of cold made her daily life no longer easy.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

One night, when Aunt Li was busy preparing dinner for her family, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her legs, and she could barely stand on her feet. Seeing this, the family rushed her to the hospital. At the hospital, she met Dr. Zhang, a TCM physician.

Dr. Zhang took a detailed medical history and observed Lady Li's symptoms, and determined that she may have been working in a humid and cold environment for a long time, which caused poor blood circulation in her lower limbs. He suggested that Mrs. Li try some non-traditional methods to alleviate this discomfort.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

Dr. Zhang advised Mrs. Li to soak her feet in hot water every night to improve blood circulation in her lower limbs. He also recommends a special massage oil that contains Chinese herbal ingredients such as ginger and safflower, which can be used after soaking the feet to enhance the feeling of warmth.

Dr. Zhang advised Lady Li to try some gentle lower limb stretching and relaxation exercises Xi. These Xi exercises can be easily performed at home and are designed to help Lady Li strengthen her leg muscles and promote blood circulation.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

Dr. Zhang reminded Mrs. Li to keep warm, especially in winter. He advises her to wear warm pantyhose in cold weather and avoid prolonged exposure to low temperatures.

Mrs. Li followed Dr. Zhang's advice, and soon after, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her legs no longer felt cold as often as before. Her quality of life has improved dramatically, and even her family is happy with her change.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

By combining traditional Chinese medicine knowledge with modern Xi, Dr. Zhang's treatment plan has brought tangible improvements to Mrs. Li, while also providing a warm and humane treatment experience.

Mrs. Li began to try the gentle stretching exercises recommended by Dr. Zhang Xi

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

At first, she felt that these movements were a little rusty, but gradually, she found that her legs became more flexible and the discomfort in her legs lessened.

These simple movements not only improved her physical condition, but also made her feel the vitality and confidence that she had not felt for a long time.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

Dr. Zhang also emphasised the importance of keeping warm. As advised, Mrs. Li began to wear warm tights, especially on cold days in winter. This small change allows her to feel warm in the cold winter days, reducing the chance of being cold.

The story of Aunt Li is a story about how to improve the quality of life through simple but effective methods.

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

These methods are not only easy to practice, but also full of humanity and warmth. They are not only for the body, but also for the soul.

What do you think about the problem of cold calves? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

When winter comes, your calves are always cold, and Chinese medicine teaches you 3 ways to treat cold lower limbs and keep you warm for a winter

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