
When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

When 76-year-old Grandpa Wang came back from shopping for vegetables not long ago, because it had just snowed and the ground was slippery, he fell down at the entrance of the community without paying attention, and lay in bed for a month.

Lying on the bed at home, Grandpa Wang was also embarrassed, when he was young, he also liked to travel everywhere, climb mountains, seaside, and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Now I can only sigh that the years are unforgiving, just a fall while walking, I have to lie in bed to rest for so long, and now my legs still hurt when walking.

As we age, our body gradually enters the aging stage, when our body's ability to absorb nutrients will decrease, and our immunity will gradually decrease. In this process, in order to maintain the health and vitality of the body, we need to pay attention to some key nutrients, so that our body can try to maintain its original ability and level over time.

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

1. Nutrients that need to be supplemented daily

In fact, in daily life, nutrients are abundant in all aspects of our lives, calcium and vitamin D to assist bone growth, prevent osteoporosis and increase bone hardness, folic acid and vitamin C to assist in vascular cell renewal, antioxidant, prevent atherosclerosis, assist nerve nutrition, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's zinc and so on, and also act on all aspects of our human body.

(1) Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining bone health. As we age, our bones become thinner and weaker, and the risk of osteoporosis increases.

Therefore, adequate vitamin D supplementation can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. In daily life, vitamin D levels are not supplemented by medications or supplements, but by exposure to the sun and eating foods rich in vitamin D (such as fish, milk, and eggs).

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

(2) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help remove free radicals from the body and protect body cells from oxidative damage. This is important for preventing heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Older adults can try eating more foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and green leafy vegetables.

(3) Calcium

Calcium is the main component of bones and is essential for maintaining bone health. As we age, calcium is gradually lost in our bones, leading to osteoporosis. Therefore, older people, especially women, should take care to consume enough calcium. It is advisable to eat more calcium-rich foods such as milk, tofu, and green leafy vegetables.

(iv) Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral that is essential for maintaining heart health and bone health. As we age, our ability to absorb magnesium decreases, leading to lower levels of magnesium in the body. Therefore, older adults should be mindful of magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, legumes, and green leafy vegetables.

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

(5) High-quality protein

As we age, muscle mass gradually decreases, leading to weakness and fatigue. To build muscle strength and vitality, older adults should consume enough high-quality protein. High-quality protein sources include fish, lean meats, legumes, and nuts.

In Grandpa Wang's time, not to mention eating all kinds of health products, even ensuring the daily basic food intake was a luxury. But now it is different, with the improvement of people's living standards, everyone's pursuit of health standards is getting higher and higher, and the attention to their own health status is also getting higher and higher, and then a variety of nutrients and health care products have been born to "meet" the needs of nutrients.

But in fact, many health care products, especially for the elderly, must be noted that the liver and kidney function of the elderly themselves is not as good as when they were young, and the metabolism of many substances in the body is slower than that of young people.

Many three-no health care products not only have a limited health care effect on the elderly, but will increase the metabolic burden of the liver and kidney, resulting in liver and kidney damage, and the gains outweigh the losses. In contrast, a reasonable diet and a healthy lifestyle are the right way for the elderly to become healthy.

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

2. Healthy lifestyle

Everyone understands that if you just think about supplementing nutrients by diet, and ignore the damage of unhealthy living Xi to our human body functions and the acceleration of nutrient loss, we can not achieve good results in the end, so in addition to the above nutrients, the elderly should also pay attention to dietary balance and diversification. Here are some tips for staying healthy:

(1) Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can help the body's cells "resist aging" to a certain extent and help maintain good health.

(2) Moderate intake of high-quality protein: high-quality protein represents such as fish, lean meat, soybeans, etc., and the metabolism of the elderly itself is relatively slow, so it is recommended to choose high-quality protein sources such as lean meat, fish, beans and nuts.

(3) Eat less salt and sugar: Excessive salt and sugar intake can increase the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

(4) Moderate intake of healthy fats: Choose foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as fish, olive oil, and avocados.

(5) Drink enough water: Maintaining your body's water balance is essential for maintaining good health.

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it

(6) Regular exercise: Moderate exercise can help enhance body strength and flexibility, and prevent diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

(7) Maintain mental well-being: Mental health is essential for overall health. Try to keep your spirits happy through social activities, hobbies, and good relationships.

(8) Regular physical examination: Regular physical examination can detect potential health problems early and take corresponding measures.

(9) Regular work and rest: Ensure sufficient sleep time, regular work and rest will help improve the body's immunity and keep you full of energy.

(10) Reduce stress: Learn to manage and reduce stress in your life, which is essential for good health. Stress can be relieved through meditation, yoga, or connecting with friends and family.

When you are older, supplement these nutrients as soon as possible, and you won't have to worry when you are old! Pay attention to your diet to make up for it


In conclusion, as you age, it is essential to pay attention to your diet and nutrition to maintain good health. By consuming the right amount of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein, and taking care to eat a balanced and varied diet, we can lay a strong foundation for later life. Remember, a good diet Xi habits and lifestyle are key to maintaining good health.

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