
Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

author:Linzi Fusion Media

On December 19, the People's Public Security Daily reported on the experience and practice of the Linzi Branch of the Zibo Public Security Bureau to make the "soft power" of public security culture a "hard support" to promote the development of the team, and provided a strong political guarantee, talent support and spiritual motivation for the successful completion of various public security work. The full text is as follows:

Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

Zibo Linzi is the birthplace of Qi culture and the ancient capital of Qi State, and the rich Qi culture nourishes this side of the water and soil. In recent years, the Linzi Branch of the Zibo Municipal Public Security Bureau has conscientiously practiced the people-centered development idea, traced back to the traditional culture, focused on the construction of public security culture, implemented the brand strategy of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital", and strived to build a "Confucian Police" team that is loyal to the people, respectful and dedicated, law-abiding and disciplined, and diligent in learning and sensitive, so as to boost the quality of social security, and make the "soft power" of public security culture become the "hard support" to promote the development of the team, providing a strong political guarantee, talent support and spiritual power for the successful completion of various public security work.

Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

Top-level design

Create a brand strategy of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital".

Qi culture is broad and profound, how to draw rich nutrients from the spiritual treasure mine of Qi culture, fully integrate the core essence of Qi culture with the characteristics of the Linzi public security team in the new era, and create a brand strategy of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital" is a problem that Linzi Branch has been thinking about and exploring in the construction of the team.

On January 15, the brand strategy plan of "Ancient Capital Confucian Police" of Linzi Branch of Zibo Public Security Bureau was officially implemented. On the basis of the cultural construction of the police barracks, they set up a leading group for the brand strategy of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital", formulated implementation plans, carried out planned, multi-level and multi-form brand creation activities, and set up an expert group to guide the whole process. They paid attention to highlighting the characteristics of Qi culture, departments and regions, set up Confucian police classrooms, added the cultural wall of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital", held the "Qi Culture Lecture Hall", and carried out the activity of "learning Xi Qi culture and inheriting Qi culture".

The Linzi Sub-Bureau takes "I do practical things for the masses" as the eternal theme, and guides the whole police to take the spiritual connotation of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital" as a consistent code of conduct, and comprehensively cultivate love for the people. They have built a high-standard police service center in Qilu Chemical Industrial Park, continued to increase the reform of public security administrative management services and the reform of "one-window service", and further optimized all kinds of public security government services, so that the masses can do things more conveniently and comfortably. In the 2022 comprehensive performance assessment of high-quality development in the district, the Linzi Branch won an excellent ranking.

Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

Political Soul

Optimize the spiritual core of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital".

"After reading the collection of public security chronicles and stories, I was deeply touched by the old photos and old people and old things in it, and we must follow the footsteps of our predecessors, better perform our duties and responsibilities, and do a good job in public security work. Guo Jieying, a young policeman from the Linzi Branch of the Zibo Public Security Bureau, was moved. Since 2021, the Linzi Branch has spent two years compiling the "Linzi District Public Security Chronicles" and the "Linzi Public Security Story Collection "On This Hot Land", which have become a model and benchmark for the overall political police construction.

The Linzi Branch has always adhered to the party building and team building, focusing on the cultivation path of "what is loyalty, why loyalty, and how to be loyal", relying on the red educational resources of the whole region, the political life hall of the sub-bureau and the front-line frontier positions, and solidly carried out activities such as "checking in the original heart", reviewing the oath of joining the party, and "party members making contributions on the front line", so as to stimulate the sense of identity and belonging of party members and police. They have created a party building platform matrix led by the party building brand of "Police Camp Party Flag Red Loyal Cast Iron Army" and supported by "one branch and one brand", forming a lively working atmosphere of "taking the lead and galloping ten thousand horses" in the overall situation. In addition, relying on the "three meetings and one lesson" and the theme party day, the Linzi branch has built a joint study and discussion mechanism of "reading theoretical articles together" and "talking about difficult issues together".

Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

Quality empowerment

Forging the hard core power of "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital".

On March 9, the "Confucian Police Lecture Hall" of Linzi Branch was officially opened. The "Confucian Police Lecture Hall" aims to continuously improve the ability of all people's police auxiliary police to perform their duties through lectures and training, interactive exchanges, special seminars, etc. Up to now, they have opened 23 sessions of the "Confucian Police Lecture Hall". In order to comprehensively improve the overall quality of the whole police, the Linzi Sub-Bureau has identified 2023 as the year of quality and ability improvement, and continuously improved the team's ability to perform their duties and responsibilities through a series of training, training and competition.

The Linzi Sub-Bureau takes the special training of front-line police to standardize law enforcement capabilities as the starting point, systematically promotes on-site law enforcement and case handling training and training, focuses on cultivating the rule of law thinking of the whole police, improves the level of standardization of law enforcement of the whole police, enriches the spiritual connotation of "Confucian police in the old capital", and better feeds back the team construction and business work.

They have built a closed-loop system of strict management of the party and the police, such as grasping the small as early as possible, whole-process supervision, precise supervision, and serious accountability, formulated and improved 16 team management rules and regulations such as the "Provisions on Strengthening Discipline and Work Style, Serious Accountability", and independently developed the "E-supervision" system, and constantly grasped the regular study and Xi of party discipline and party rules, laws and regulations, and iron rules and prohibitions, and educated and guided the police to strictly abide by the bottom line of discipline and stay away from the red line of discipline.

Surprise! Linzi is on the newspaper again!

Positive incentives

Stimulate the endogenous power of the "Confucian Police in the Ancient Capital".

Xu Yuantao is an auxiliary police officer of the Cyber Security Brigade of the Linzi Branch of the Zibo City Public Security Bureau, who went to Guangdong to assist the police in handling the case. A month later, when I came back to check that it was an intracranial hemorrhage, I was pushed onto the operating table on the spot, and the doctor said, "If it's too late, I'll die." A few days after the operation, Xu Yuantao was worried about the case and returned to the team ahead of schedule. Some companies wanted to poach this "desperate San Lang" with a high salary, but Xu Yuantao said: "I decided that the Linzi Public Security would not go anywhere." This is a vivid portrayal of the Linzi Branch's use of the brand strategy of "Ancient Capital Confucian Police" to motivate the endogenous power of the people's police auxiliary police.

In recent years, the Linzi Branch has focused on creating a "racecourse" working mechanism, carrying out the selection of post pacesetters, dedicated pacesetters, case-solving experts, arrest experts, etc. every quarter, organizing the activity of "following the advanced to find the gap", carrying out creative policing and golden idea selection, creating a good atmosphere of learning and striving for the advanced, and providing a stage for the majority of people's police auxiliary police to display their talents.

With the goal of "commending one, inspiring a group, and driving one", the Linzi Branch relied on the establishment of provincial-level civilized units, vigorously carried out the construction of the "Four Virtues" project, carried out in-depth selection activities for the most beautiful families and role models around them, and created a strong atmosphere of "Chongde and Kindness" police barracks. They grasp the carrier, establish a new style, set up a moral lecture hall, and regularly carry out the theme activities of "learning from models, telling stories, reciting classics, and doing good deeds". In addition, the Linzi Sub-bureau implemented the "police division leading police apprentices" precise "drip irrigation" to help the growth of new police officers, injecting new momentum into the innovation and development of public security work, and innovating and building honorary archives for police careers, so as to record the "highlight moments" of police officers, stimulate the team's sense of honor and belonging, and promote the spiritual connotation of "Confucian police in the old capital" to take root.

Source: People's Public Security Daily, Zibo Public Security