
Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

author:Eyebrows are a few controversial

After home renovation, fresh paints and materials usually bring strong pungent odors, among which formaldehyde is the most worrying harmful substance. Most people know that to remove formaldehyde, opening windows for ventilation is the most natural and direct way. However, when the cold winter comes, the temperature plummets, can we still open the windows for ventilation like other seasons? What is the impact of the low temperature environment on formaldehyde in winter? Let's unveil the mystery of removing formaldehyde in winter. You may not know that temperature does have a significant impact on the volatilization of formaldehyde.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

At low temperatures, the release rate of formaldehyde does slow down, but it does not mean that it stops releasing it. It's like a filter kettle, where the droplets are slow, but they're still falling drop by drop. Therefore, even if the temperature is low in winter, the threat of formaldehyde still exists. Next, you may think, should I install a screen to reduce the loss of indoor temperature and ventilate? After installing a screen, although it can block some cold air from entering the room to a certain extent and slow down the temperature drop, it should be noted that the screen window will have a certain resistance to natural ventilation.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

You have to weigh the size and thickness of the pores in the screen window against the wind speed. If your home isn't heavily polluted, installing a window screen is a good option, but it's not a one-size-fits-all approach. Now, if you have underfloor heating in your home, can you be more bold in opening the windows for ventilation in such a winter day? Indeed, families with underfloor heating are happier. Choose one or two windows with good ventilation and open one-third or appropriate amount, which can not only keep warm, but also promote indoor formaldehyde emissions. Of course, this doesn't mean that you don't have to worry about indoor temperatures at all.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

Sometimes you still need to leave all the doors and windows open for thorough ventilation. As we all know, rain and snow are a common occurrence in the northern winter. After all, rain and snow can have a big impact on the walls, floors, and furniture that have just been renovated. In this case, it is more appropriate to reduce the size of the window, or close the window temporarily and wait until the weather improves before ventilating. Also, for poorly ventilated rooms, you might consider using a fan to assist in ventilation.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

This method may seem simple, but the actual effect is very obvious. Fans speed up the flow of air in the room, allowing fresh air to replace dirty air more quickly. However, for those houses that are already transparent at both ends, simply opening the windows is sufficient, and there is no need to run additional fans. Speaking of high technology, many homes are now installed with fresh air systems, does this mean that the ventilation problem can be solved by the fresh air system?

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

In fact, the fresh air system can indeed filter and purify the fresh air from the outside to the room, and at the same time exhaust the dirty air from the room to the outside. Combined with the aforementioned "smoking method", it can effectively purify indoor air. However, many people will have questions: after these methods have been tried, can ventilation really effectively remove formaldehyde in winter? Scientific experiments tell us that long-term ventilation can indeed maintain indoor formaldehyde at a relatively low concentration.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

However, for those cold areas in the north, we still do not open doors and windows for a long time, because such a very low temperature will not only affect the release of formaldehyde, but also may freeze the water pipes, plumbing and other facilities in the home. So, how long after renovation is suitable for moving in? There is no standard answer to this question. Generally speaking, the living environment of ordinary decoration needs to be left to dry for about three months, but if you choose environmentally friendly decoration materials, the check-in time can be appropriately shortened. In any case, this time should not be too rushed, and should be determined according to the actual situation and formaldehyde test results.

Winter ventilation removes formaldehyde, which ...... Is it reliable?

There are various ways to remove formaldehyde in winter, from opening windows for ventilation, installing window screens, to using fresh air systems, all of which have their own pros and cons. It is important that we develop the most appropriate ventilation strategy for the specific situation of our home. Remember, maintaining a certain amount of ventilation while ensuring a comfortable indoor temperature is the key to reducing decoration pollution and keeping indoor air fresh for a long time. Let's adopt the right approach to a healthier home this winter!