
Soviet spy school: Train female KGB spies, and the teacher will score on the side

author:Love Music Asa 9Y1

The Soviet Spy School is a true history book about Soviet spy education during the Cold War. The book tells the story of the female cadets who were chosen to become the "Red Assassins" and underwent rigorous training at a mysterious Moscow Academy.

Soviet spy school: Train female KGB spies, and the teacher will score on the side

The school, known as the KGB Women's Training Center, was located in a nondescript building and was part of the Intelligence Academy of the Central Committee of the Soviet intelligence agencies. It equips future agents with all the necessary skills and knowledge, including cryptography, psychological tactics, camouflage, and how to socialize effectively to obtain valuable information.

Soviet spy school: Train female KGB spies, and the teacher will score on the side

Here, students must go through a rigorous series of selections to get into this secret school. These tests cover a wide variety of domains, including physical fitness, intelligence level, reaction speed, decision-making ability, and more. Only the best students are accepted and begin their spy careers.

Soviet spy school: Train female KGB spies, and the teacher will score on the side

In the school's curriculum, each student will have a dedicated tutor to monitor her Xi progress and performance. After each lesson, the teacher will grade the student's grades as a way to assess her progress in a particular area. This grading system keeps students in a constant state of tension because they know that every mistake can cost them a chance to get promoted.

Soviet spy school: Train female KGB spies, and the teacher will score on the side

In school, girls not only have to face intense Xi pressure, but also have to deal with male discrimination and doubt. Although they performed equally well, the status of women was not respected in that era. However, these brave women did not deter from this and worked harder to try to prove their worth.

After months or even years of hard work, the successful graduates are assigned to secret missions around the world. Their tasks usually involve gathering intelligence on the enemy, destroying important enemy facilities, or planning complex operations.

Despite the high risk of this job, many girls choose to join the ranks because it is one of the best ways to achieve their personal dreams. They want to help the country achieve victory and keep the people safe, and they will pay any price to do so.

Overall, "Soviet Spy School" reveals a world of challenges and opportunities. In this world, countless heroic women have sacrificed their lives for the good of the motherland. Whether in war or peacetime, they are people we will always respect.