
Enjoy the intangible cultural heritage, never get tired of it, and follow the "intangible cultural heritage carnival" to the "master class"!

author:Jimu News

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong

Photojournalist Xiao Hao

Correspondent: Yuan Juan

Clench your fists, palms, move your body at will, and move smoothly.

On the morning of December 22, the second Hubei intangible cultural heritage products preferential exhibition season and intangible cultural heritage carnival ushered in the first class of the "Enjoy Intangible Cultural Heritage" experience class, under the guidance of Qin Xia, the provincial representative inheritor of Wudang Taiyi Wuxingquan, nearly 30 primary school students from the second grade of Hankou Furen Primary School drew the second style of Baduanjin "left and right bow like shooting eagles". And behind the children, there are also young people who are obviously Tai Chi enthusiasts, who are watching Qin Xia's moves with enthusiastic eyes like "chasing stars".

Enjoy the intangible cultural heritage, never get tired of it, and follow the "intangible cultural heritage carnival" to the "master class"!

Entering the experiential classroom to experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage is obviously the purpose of the organizer's special "Enjoy Intangible Cultural Heritage" session this year.

In an interview with a Jimu News reporter, Qin Xia, who learned Xi "Wudang Martial Arts" at the age of 4 under the guidance of his grandmother and now regards the inheritance of Wudang Martial Arts as his lifelong career, mentioned that he feels that "Tai Chi" and "Kung Fu" are elements only in movie novels, which is actually a "misreading".

Enjoy the intangible cultural heritage, never get tired of it, and follow the "intangible cultural heritage carnival" to the "master class"!

In Qin Xia's experience, more and more young people fell in love with Tai Chi, and some international students even joined their own martial arts groups in colleges and universities. That's because they found that in addition to the intoxicating Chinese temperament, "a simple Tai Chi movement can also help them heal their shoulders and necks that are tired from modern life." ”

Intangible cultural heritage should not be a "conservation project" that can only be viewed from a distance, it can penetrate into the contemporary life of all of us, and the eight "experience lessons" of "enjoying intangible cultural heritage" are also selected from this concept.

Enjoy the intangible cultural heritage, never get tired of it, and follow the "intangible cultural heritage carnival" to the "master class"!

Jimu News reporter noticed that in addition to Wudang martial arts, Daye embroidery, calligraphy, Jingzhou flower drum opera, Tujia hand dance, Yangtze River traditional pastry making skills, Xiangyang sachet making skills and Wuhan dough sculpture experience classes will appear one after another, these intangible cultural heritage project interactive courses in addition to the inheritors to show their skills on the spot, will also invite the audience to participate in interesting, beneficial and stylish experience activities.

All of these experience classes are also "master classes".

In addition to Qin Xia, Cheng Shutian, the sixth-generation inheritor of Daye embroidery, Sun Chao, the guest of the "Chinese Calligraphy Conference", Xie Tingting and Wu Zhenzhen, the winners of the "Peony Flower Award" in Hubei Province and the flower drum actors, Ouyang Xingxing and Teng Wei, the representative inheritors of the Tujia hand-waving dance, Zhang Yu, the fourth-generation inheritor of the traditional pastry making skills of the Yangtze River, Cui Mingfan, the representative inheritor of Xiangyang sachet making skills, and Liu Jie, the master of arts and crafts in Hubei Province and the representative inheritor of Wuhan dough sculpture, will become the teachers of the experience class—— With such a group of intangible cultural heritage inheritors with unique skills, who can refuse these experience classes?

(Source: Jimu News)

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