
Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

author:Simple small safflower 5al

Title: Traditional Festivals Are Disappearing?Why Are Young People Keen on Western Festivals, and What Have We Lost?

A duel between a traditional festival and a foreign festival. Don't worry, let's find out why young people prefer foreign festivals!

Foreign Festival: Relaxed, fresh, zero burden

In fact, this is closely related to the relaxed, fresh and zero-burden attitude pursued by young people. Western festivals are more in line with the characteristics of the modern era, not confined to traditional social pressures, but pursue a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Traditional festivals: socializing

In contrast, traditional festivals are often accompanied by tedious socializing, and visiting relatives and family reunions can be a burden for young people. This makes us wonder if what we're missing is just some red tape, or is it a deeper cultural identity?

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Concerns about the loss of traditional culture

Some people are worried that the spread of foreign festivals in China is an invasion of foreign cultures. It is true that we need to protect local culture, but a blanket boycott is not necessarily the solution. More importantly, how can we find the roots of traditional culture in the boom of foreign festivals?

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

The reason for the decay of traditional festivals

Why are traditional festivals gradually losing their attractiveness? On the one hand, we only have inheritance of traditional festivals and lack of innovation. Ancient Xi customs have lost their relevance in modern life, such as Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and tomb sweeping seem too plain in today's life.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Lack of attention to traditional festivals

On the other hand, our lack of attention to traditional festivals is also a problem. This year, Chinese New Year's Eve turned out to be a working day, and traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival have become Golden Week, and people are more willing to spend tourism than traditional celebrations. Does this mean that we have forgotten the true meaning of these festivals?

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

The foreign festival becomes Chinese

However, there is no need to be too nervous about the festival. Halloween in Shanghai, for example, has gradually incorporated Chinese elements and turned into a group cosplay party. This local approach to acceptance may be a way for us to better integrate our cultures.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Limitations of the boycott

Resistance is often a means of lack of self-confidence and uselessness. While worrying about the impact of foreign festivals on cultural genes, we should think more about how to make traditional festivals more attractive. While the ban may seem like protecting traditions, it can make traditional festivals boring.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Regain cultural self-confidence

What we need is not a boycott, but a return to cultural self-confidence. Starting from the traditional festival, think about how to ensure the safety and liveliness of the sound of firecrackers, and worship the ancestors and sweep the tombs is not only environmentally friendly but also expresses the sorrow for the ancestors.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

Reflection on traditional festival policies

For traditional festivals, policies also need to be reconsidered. Strict regulations can make traditional festivals monotonous, and we need more creative policies that protect traditions while adapting to modern needs.

The long road to cultural self-confidence

It is a long road to regain cultural self-confidence, but the most important thing at the moment is not to simply resist the "foreign festival", but to think about how to innovate the tradition and make it more in line with the trend of the times.

Christmas is coming, boycott the "foreign" festival? Please don't carry out moral kidnapping in the name of patriotism!

In general, traditional festivals and foreign festivals are not opposites, but need to find a balance in integration. We must have confidence, and at the same time do not forget to innovate, so that traditional culture can shine in today's society. What are your thoughts on this topic?
