
The finale of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" collapsed, and Li Tongguang, who had outstanding military achievements, suddenly became full of loopholes

author:Open-minded maple leaf 8AW

Have you ever immersed yourself in those worlds constructed by words, following the characters through the ups and downs, through their joys and struggles? But when this journey comes to an end, are you, like me, standing in front of the final chapter of the story of "Yi Nian Guan Shan", full of mixed emotions?

The finale of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" collapsed, and Li Tongguang, who had outstanding military achievements, suddenly became full of loopholes

Dear friends, let's have a frank discussion about what kind of imprint this work has left on our hearts. It may have given us countless suspense and surprises, but the ending didn't seem to live up to expectations. We have seen the character of Li Tongguang transform from a witty and brave warrior to a character with confused decisions and contradictory actions. Is this a logical change, is it in line with the image of the hero that was created before?

The finale of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" collapsed, and Li Tongguang, who had outstanding military achievements, suddenly became full of loopholes

Looking back at Cheng Jinyun's vivid and vivid characterization in "The Pretender", is it more profound and convincing? In contrast, Li Tongguang's various dilemmas and challenges in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" have not been explained in a reasonable and profound way.

The finale of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" collapsed, and Li Tongguang, who had outstanding military achievements, suddenly became full of loopholes

Of course, each character has his own right to grow and transform. However, when it comes to portraying a character, coherence and logic are crucial. The problems that emerge in the plot are full of loopholes, IQ offline, etc., which can't help but make people wonder: how much does the screenwriter really understand the fate and mental journey of the characters?

What is behind the contradictions on the battlefield and the blindness of the princess's choice of marriage partner? Is it really as superficial as it appears, or is there a level of consideration that the screenwriter has at a deeper level that we are not aware of?

As a loyal viewer, I have deep dissatisfaction and doubts about the development of the characters and the setting of the plot in the play. Why did Li Tongguang make such a decision that went against his original beliefs and wisdom, and what kind of fierce and complicated psychological struggle took place in his heart?

I know you may ask: Is the script really as ridiculous as we think it is? My answer is: Of course not exactly. But allow me to take you on a deeper journey of reflection and savoring with the utmost sincerity – there may be more clarity to explore and define behind every character that has shone on screen.

Dear friends, please bring any questions or dissatisfaction you have about the character design and plot arrangement in the finale of "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" into this discussion article. Through emotional expression, logical reasoning, and meticulous analysis of every detail, we will be able to reveal what is really inside the inner world of the characters.

Let's find the answers side by side and use this as an opportunity to improve our own aesthetic judgment of artworks. Would you like to walk with me?

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!

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