
Does the cervical massager really work?

author:Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

In recent years, the popularity of cervical massager among the public has been increasing, whether it is students, office workers or middle-aged and elderly people, they are happy to use cervical massager to relieve cervical spine problems. It is widely believed that this portable and healthy device can effectively relieve cervical spine fatigue, but there are some claims on the Internet that cervical massagers may cause side effects such as muscle strains. As an experienced physiotherapist, I will combine my evaluation experience and professional knowledge in this article to help answer your questions about the above questions.

Here are some of the products I've recently reviewed:

Does the cervical massager really work?

1. Does the cervical massager really work?

Does a cervical massager really work?The benefits of a high-quality and professional cervical massager are many. Using a cervical massager can help relieve cervical spine soreness and physical fatigue caused by holding one position for a long time. The vibration and pressure action of the massager can promote blood circulation in the neck, soothe tense muscles, and relieve pain and discomfort. Data show that the number of people suffering from cervical spondylosis has reached 200 million according to statistics (as shown in the figure below), and cervical massagers should be widely used as a tool to massage neck muscles. I have summarized the following four benefits:

Does the cervical massager really work?

Benefit 1: Relieves neck fatigue and tension

The cervical massager can stimulate the neck muscles, promote blood circulation, relieve the fatigue and tension of the neck muscles, and make the neck feel relaxed and comfortable through massage and squeezing.

Benefit 2: Relieves stress and improves sleep quality

A cervical massager can improve sleep quality by massaging the neck muscles, promoting blood circulation, and helping the body release stress. Using a cervical massager before going to bed can effectively help you fall asleep, improve your sleep quality, and make you feel more energetic the next day.

Does the cervical massager really work?

Benefit 3: Promotes cervical spine health

A cervical massager can promote the health of the cervical spine by massaging and relaxing the neck muscles, improving the posture and position of the cervical spine. Long-term use of cervical massager can effectively prevent and improve cervical spine diseases and protect the health of the cervical spine.

Benefit 4: Promotes blood circulation

Cervical massagers can improve the body's metabolism and oxygen supply by massaging the neck muscles and promoting blood circulation. Long-term use of cervical massager can effectively promote blood circulation and improve the body's immunity and resistance.

Second, the four major disadvantages and hazards of using inferior cervical massagers

High-quality cervical massager is very easy to use, but not all cervical massagers on the market are suitable for our physical condition, especially many low-quality products, buying these inferior cervical massagers may lead to many adverse effects, after use, we will find that it can not adapt to our cervical spine conditions, and may even cause harm and side effects to the cervical spine. The harm and disadvantages that may come with using an inferior neck pulse massager, I have summarized the following 4 points.

Does the cervical massager really work?

1. Cause aggravation of cervical spondylosis and other diseases.

Because cervical spondylosis is a common neck disease, long-term use of an unsuitable massager may aggravate the symptoms of cervical spondylosis, leading to problems such as increased pain and limited neck movement.

2. Cause neck stiffness or loss of consciousness.

Some massagers are too strong or vibrate too frequently, and if used for too long or in an incorrect position, it may cause the neck muscles to overstretch or compress the nerves, resulting in neck stiffness or loss of sensation.

3. Cause muscle fibrosis and muscle atrophy.

Inaccurate massage techniques of inferior massagers may irritate the muscles, leading to muscle fibrosis and muscle atrophy. Long-term use of low-quality massagers may cause the neck muscles to become loose and lose their original elasticity and strength.

Does the cervical massager really work?

4. Damage to the bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the neck.

Excessive force or prolonged pressure during use of the massager may cause deformation of the neck bones, nerve damage or compression of blood vessels, resulting in pain, inflammation and other problems.

3. Beware of the four major minefields of cervical massagers

After understanding the harm of using an inferior cervical massager, I believe we all know that a high-quality cervical massager can relieve neck fatigue to a certain extent, but if the massager purchased lacks professionalism, it may lead to aggravation of cervical spondylosis, dizziness and headache. So what is it that causes inferior products to cause harm? Only by understanding this problem can we avoid it. The following figure is the negative evaluation analysis chart of the cervical massager summarized by the relevant forums I collected, and from this figure I also summarized the four major purchase minefields that lead to the harm of the cervical massager:

Does the cervical massager really work?

1: Not paying attention to kneading accuracy

The kneading function of the cervical massager is achieved by mimicking the massage style of the human hand. If the kneading is not precise enough, it is difficult to achieve an effective massage effect, and it may even cause damage to the neck muscles. Therefore, it is very important to choose a cervical massager with high kneading accuracy.

2: Emphasize the depth and strength of the massage

Some cervical massagers emphasize the depth and strength of the massage in pursuit of stimulation, which can cause damage to the neck muscles. Excessive massage may cause muscle fatigue, pain, and other discomforts. Therefore, when using a cervical massager, you should choose the appropriate massage depth and strength according to your personal tolerance and needs.

Does the cervical massager really work?

3: Use a cervical massager with complex functions and stacked performance

Some cervical massagers will add a lot of complex functions and performance in order to increase their functionality and selling points. These features can be confusing to users and may even have a negative impact on the effectiveness of use. Therefore, when choosing a cervical massager, you should choose a product with simple functions and easy to operate.

4: Reduce costs with a single motor to attract consumers

In order to reduce costs, some businesses will use a single motor to produce cervical massagers. This practice may reduce the service life and stability of the product, and may even have a negative impact on the effectiveness of use. Therefore, when choosing a cervical massager, you should choose a product that uses a high-quality motor, high stability, and a long service life.

I believe that you have some understanding of the cervical massager through the above analysis and introduction. There are many benefits of a high-quality cervical massager, and it can be used correctly and reasonably to maximize the effect. The following figure is a summary table of the core data of the mainstream massager brands on the market summarized by professional institutions, you can refer to the following table when purchasing, and I have also summarized several treasure products worth starting, recommended to everyone:

Does the cervical massager really work?

According to the measured data, the extreme sports and health care brand AGVIEE Weiye has the best performance, as the recognized originator in the field of "no muscles", has a strict pursuit of performance, safety and does not hurt muscles, massage uniformity, massage penetration, kneading more accurate, etc. have reached the highest level within 1,000 yuan, and the performance has been tested by authoritative institutions and the muscle damage rate has been reduced by 97.2%! It also has the original TRX acupoint fractional massage technology, which helps sleep quality, relieves headaches, etc., and is a blessing for most people with poor sleep quality and frequent headaches!

"Unconventional" Weiye is one of the three major massage care brands with the same name as Bei Easy, but insists on not advertising, focusing on technical tuning and research and development, purely relying on word-of-mouth to gather popularity, mid-to-high-end perennial sales, word-of-mouth first, and is deeply loved by sports gods and physiotherapists, including speed skating, skiing world famous Guo Dan, Li Shuang, Tu Xiao and a large number of professional athletes!

In order to avoid bloated products and poor stability, Weiye has been focusing on high performance, safety and reliability and compatibility for many years, and has also pioneered the creation of 10 "high-performance and muscle-friendly" black technologies, such as V-ZUS intelligent engine algorithm, dual-channel approved transmission technology, 3D dynamic balance technology, etc.!

If the requirements for the performance experience are not demanding, then you can consider the next relaxation, which is more famous and has exquisite packaging, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in the performance experience.

Does the cervical massager really work?

Fourth, the eight methods of purchasing a cervical massager need to be kept in mind

Choosing a cervical massager with appropriate massage strength, depth and comfort can bring us a lot of benefits, it can massage and relax the body, relieve fatigue, etc., and is very useful for people with frequent discomfort in the shoulder and neck and cervical spine problems. So, how to choose a high-quality cervical massager suitable for yourself from many products? Through the use and evaluation during this time, I have summarized eight purchase guides for you.

1. It is recommended to choose a brand with professional R&D strength

Choose a brand with professional R&D strength instead of an Internet celebrity brand, and the professional brand takes into account the core transmission performance and massage comfort of the product more in place, and has a large number of adjustment indicators and technical optimization for the uniformity of massage strength, transmission frequency stability, kneading accuracy, massage depth and range, etc.

2. It is recommended to choose a traditional physical kneading massager

Among the many types of massage, the traditional physical kneading massage is considered to be the most comfortable and effective. By mimicking the kneading motion of the human hand, this massage is able to better relax the neck muscles and relieve stress. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a cervical massager with traditional physical kneading massage function for a more comfortable and effective massage experience.

Does the cervical massager really work?

3. It is not that the greater the depth and strength of the massage, the better

Massage depth and strength are important parameters of a cervical massager, but it does not mean that bigger is better. Massaging too deeply and with too much pressure may cause injury or discomfort to the neck. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the depth and strength of the massage that suits you according to your individual needs and health condition. For beginners or those with mild neck problems, it is more appropriate to choose a moderate massage depth and strength.

4. Choose a cervical massager with strength uniformity adjustment

Uniformity of force is one of the important features of cervical massager. Some cervical massagers have a force uniformity adjustment function, which can adjust the distribution of massage force in different parts according to individual needs. This allows for adaptation to the needs of different parts and avoids discomfort or injury caused by uneven strength.

5. Don't choose products with a price lower than 300 yuan

Price is not the only indicator, but it is usually a reflection of the quality and performance of the product. In order to get a better massage experience and a longer service life, it is recommended not to choose a cervical massager with a price of less than 300 yuan. Lower-priced products may have quality issues, a shorter lifespan, and no guarantee of performance and effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to choose a reasonably priced product to ensure that you have a better experience.

Does the cervical massager really work?

6. Choose a cervical massager with a battery capacity of more than 2200 mAh

Battery capacity is very important for the duration and endurance of the cervical massager. In order to ensure long-lasting use, it is recommended to choose a cervical massager with a battery capacity of more than 2200 mAh. This ensures that the massager can last for a longer period of time after a single charge, allowing you to enjoy a longer-lasting massage experience.

7. Choose a massager with high precision

Massage precision is another key metric of a cervical massager. Choosing a massager with high precision will ensure that the massage is in place and can better target different areas of the neck with precise massage results. This allows you to have a more accurate and effective massage experience.

8. Prefer a dual-motor system over a single-motor system

The motor system used in the cervical massager is one of the keys that affects the massage effect. Preference is given to the cervical massager with a dual-motor system, as the dual-motor system can provide a more even and powerful massage. In contrast, a single-motor system may have some unevenness in force distribution and may not fully meet your massage needs.

Does the cervical massager really work?

5. Six categories of people who are not suitable for cervical massagers

The cervical massager is an excellent invention that can bring numerous benefits to the cervical spine, but when you use a massager, please choose the right massager and the right massage time according to your personal needs and physical condition. In addition, we need to pay special attention to the fact that some people are not suitable for using cervical massagers because of certain particularities of their physical conditions. Let me introduce it to you.

1. People with acute sprains and contusions: For people who have just sprained or injured, cervical massagers may increase pain, discomfort, and recovery time. These injuries usually require rest and recovery, and the use of a massager may exacerbate the injury and delay the recovery process. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor or professional for advice on choosing the appropriate treatment.

2. People who are too thin: cervical massagers usually exert a certain amount of force and pressure. For people with thin bodies, their bones and muscles are fragile and may not be able to withstand the force exerted by the massager. This can cause pain, discomfort, or even injury to the soft tissues of the neck.

3. Hypertension and anemia: For patients with high blood pressure and anemia, neck massage may increase blood pressure and heart load, leading to adverse consequences. In patients with high blood pressure, the blood vessels are already in a constricted state, and neck massage will cause blood pressure to rise, increase the workload of the heart, and may cause potential dangers such as heart disease and stroke. In patients with anemia, due to the low number of red blood cells in the blood, massage may further reduce the oxygen supply, aggravating fatigue and weakness.

Does the cervical massager really work?

4. Children under 8 years old: children's cervical skeletal and musculature are not fully developed and are relatively fragile. The use of a cervical massager may cause discomfort and injury to the child's neck, and even affect normal growth and development.

5. Elderly people over 70 years old and pregnant women: The current pulse cervical massager usually relieves muscle tension and pain by applying electrical stimulation. However, older adults and pregnant women have a lower tolerance to electric currents due to the special conditions of the body. The use of an electric current pulsed cervical massager may cause physical discomfort, electric shock sensation, or other adverse reactions.

6. Suffering from underlying diseases such as thrombotic diseases: thrombotic diseases include deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and other diseases. The use of a cervical massager increases blood circulation and increases the risk of thrombosis. For people with thrombotic disorders, the massager may stimulate the blood clot to break off, leading to serious complications.

Does the cervical massager really work? I believe you have no doubt about this question after reading the full text. As long as you buy and use high-quality products that have been professionally tuned in all aspects, you can avoid the harm caused by inferior cervical massagers without any experience in cervical spine care, such as hurting muscles and aggravating shoulder and neck pain!

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