
Barracks Observation丨How to rationally inventory "my shopping cart"?

author:Chinese military horn

Source: Learning Xi Regiment • Chinese Military Trumpet

"Consumption bills" witness growth

Jiefangjun Daily reporter Chen Dianhong correspondent Xu Haojie

Sometimes frowning, sometimes the corners of the mouth are lightly raised, and sometimes writing hard...... In his spare time, Chen Wenyong, a soldier of a brigade and company of the 74th Group Army, likes to read in the Xi room and blends in with the world in the book.

In the past month or so, Chen Wenyong not only used his spare time to read several books on history that he had previously purchased, but also downloaded and Xi several papers on mechanical technology.

After enlisting in the army for more than 3 years, Chen Wenyong has been learning Xi "charging" and "spending money to improve ability" has gradually become his consumption concept.

"I don't know anything, I am ashamed, and I am thirsty for knowledge. Soon after coming to the barracks, Chen Wenyong was infected by the strong atmosphere of learning and Xi in the army. After leaving the company, the comrades-in-arms around him emerged one after another, which made Chen Wenyong, who only had a high degree of Chinese, feel pressure, and forced him to develop a Xi habit: in addition to participating in the Xi organized by the company, he often bought course materials from the Internet for learning Xi.

Over the years, the expenses in the "consumption bills" he wrote down have witnessed his growth.

At the beginning, Chen Wenyong started with laying the foundation, bought several professional books, studied Xi at the seams, and asked his comrades for advice if he didn't understand. Half a year later, he gradually "caught up with everyone's footsteps".

"After tasting the sweetness, I bought some online courses, including humanities and history, professional knowledge, fitness, etc., and I think the money is well spent. Chen Wenyong said, "These courses have made me improve significantly in terms of vision, professionalism, and physical fitness." ”

Later, Chen Wenyong submitted an ideological report to the party branch of the company: "The company often teaches us to spend time and money in meaningful places, and I think I have found the answer - spend on learning Xi, and every penny paid will be rewarded......

"Diligent study is like a spring sprout, which does not increase, but grows day by day; dropping out of school is like a whetstone, and does not see its loss, and it loses every day. Over the past three years, Chen Wenyong's "consumption bills" have become longer and longer, and his ability and quality have steadily improved.

Chen Wenyong's concept and practice of "spending money to improve capabilities" is only a microcosm of the consumption outlook of the officers and men of his company.

Pages and pages of similar "consumption bills" are not only about personal expenses, but also about choices, struggles, and values, reflecting the growth experience of a group of officers and soldiers of the new generation.

Journalist investigation

Learn to take inventory of "My Cart"

Jiefangjun Daily reporter Chen Dianhong, correspondent Xu Haojie, Hou Xiangkun

Barracks Observation丨How to rationally inventory "my shopping cart"?

A brigade and a company of the 74th Group Army educate and guide officers and men to consume rationally. Photo by Gong Weihua

The consumption of the new generation of officers and soldiers presents a kaleidoscopic and diverse scene

The golden autumn breeze blows by, and the footsteps of youth are full of vitality. After a bummery long-distance run, First Sergeant Wen Zhe shared a shopping link for a fascia gun, which soon attracted many comrades-in-arms to "spell orders".

During the National Day holiday, many officers and soldiers paid for "love." During an interview in a company of a brigade of the 74th Group Army, the reporter bumped into the youthful consumption tide of this group of officers and soldiers-

Walking into the row room, Private Guo Jiajun listened to music while browsing the shopping page. "I want to buy a pair of badminton rackets at the right price. He told reporters, "In this way, leisure and exercise kill two birds with one stone." ”

When he came to the company's Xi room, Corporal Zhong Song was flipping through the "book reviews" on the Internet. He is very interested in ancient Chinese history and wants to buy a few books on this subject by referring to the comments of netizens.

Transferred to the corner of the company, Second Sergeant Liu Henggang finished talking to his family on the phone. "It's almost a vacation, and I'm going to go out on a trip with my lover, and my lover is doing a strategy in the past two days. Between the words, Liu Heng's eyes were full of sweetness.

"There are more and more consumption options for officers and soldiers. The instructor of the company Liang felt a lot about this, "Today's officers and soldiers have a strong ability to accept new things, and they also have the conditions to gain more happiness through consumption." Consumption is no longer limited to necessary daily expenses, and the proportion of consumption in leisure and entertainment, hobbies, and ability to improve has become significantly larger. ”

These changes reflect a change in the consumption concept of officers and men. The company commander said.

During the interview, the reporter found that with the post-00s and post-05s entering the barracks, some new consumption concepts and consumption methods have also entered the life of the troops. These new consumption concepts collide with the traditional consumption concepts of the barracks, and they have begun to make the consumption of officers and men of the military units take on new characteristics.

-- "Cloud consumption" has become the mainstream. According to a questionnaire survey, most of the officers and men of the company have had experience in online shopping; the vast majority of officers and men use online shopping as their main mode of consumption; and many officers and men have more than two shopping apps installed in their mobile phones...... The diversity of online items and the ease of shopping are the main reasons why they choose "cloud consumption".

-- "Planned consumption" has become the main body. During the interview, it was found that quite a number of officers and men said that they had a clear consumption plan, some said that they would sometimes make a consumption plan, and only a few officers and men said that they would "buy it if they like it." Most of them were soldiers who had just joined the army. Judging from the results of the survey, the majority of officers and men are relatively rational in their consumption.

-- "Growth consumption" is gradually emerging. During the interview, a considerable number of officers and men said that they were improving their ability and quality by buying books or some practical online courses, and they regarded this kind of consumption as an "investment" in their long-term personal development.

With the deepening of the interviews, taking the consumption behavior of the officers and men of the company as a sample, the consumer group portraits of the officers and men of the present generation gradually became clear in the minds of the reporters: They not only pursue the quality of material life but also the fulfillment of their spiritual life; they are keen to spend money on trying new things and also pay attention to careful planning in ordinary times; and they "invest" based on the present and with an eye on future development......

"The consumption of officers and soldiers presents a kaleidoscopic and diverse scene, which just shows that they are open-minded and energetic. According to the company's research, consumption is essentially a personal choice, and the consumption behavior of officers and soldiers cannot be judged simply by the price of the goods they buy. In this regard, what the company should do is to educate and guide them in a timely manner, help officers and men learn to take stock of "my shopping cart" from a scientific and rational perspective, and develop good consumption Xi.

Barracks Observation丨How to rationally inventory "my shopping cart"?

A certain brigade and a certain company of the 74th Group Army conducted regular education and guidance for officers and men by scrolling warning cartoons and slogans on electronic screens. Photo by Gong Weihua

Every consumption choice is a question of value

"It's another one-knife straight in, perfect hook!" At the company's basketball game, assistant engineer Huang Tao dribbled like the wind and scored again.

As a regular on the court, Huang Tao is a "veteran" basketball shoe enthusiast. Not long ago, he took a fancy to a new pair of basketball shoes, but the high price finally made Huang Tao give up.

"It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I don't feel the need to spend so much money on a pair of shoes. Huang Tao said frankly that he should remain rational for his hobby.

"Every consumption choice is a question of value. The process of judging value is the process of self-examination. Taking Huang Tao's experience of buying shoes as an example, Instructor Liang said that in the face of favorite products, whether to buy or not should not only consider preferences, but also consider the value of goods, their own economic conditions, long-term needs and other aspects.

"To guide officers and soldiers to establish a scientific and rational outlook on consumption, it is necessary to adopt an open, inclusive, and spring-like approach. Instructor Liang explained: If we blindly interfere with the consumption behavior of officers and soldiers, it will only cause resentment. Therefore, in this regard, the company has focused on providing guidance to officers and men in peacetime, summed up such methods as "asking three questions before consumption," and helped them make scientific and rational judgments on the basis of constantly deepening their understanding.

"Is this thing really needed?" "Will there be a financial burden after spending this money?" "Is there a better choice?" During the interview, the reporter learned that "the first three 'ask questions' for consumption" has now become the unanimous choice of the officers and men of the company.

Platoon commander Liu Saisai told reporters: "The company does not specifically ask officers and soldiers how to do it, but uses a reminder, which makes it easier for officers and soldiers to accept." ”

Speaking of the company's advocacy of "three 'ask questions' before consumption", Corporal Cheng Guanghui revealed his own experience to reporters.

Not long ago, Cheng Guanghui saw that his comrades-in-arms bought a new electronic product, and he was very envious. Thinking that his kind of electronic product has been used for two years, and the style and function are a little backward, he plans to buy one too.

"The three 'ask a question', one by one, made me discourage the idea of buying a new electronic product. Cheng Guanghui told reporters, "After all, new electronic products are not necessities......"

"Although the company's 'consumption aphorism' has been effective, due to the lack of life experience of some young soldiers, not all of them have a clear understanding of their own situation, and at this time, they need to lead the backbone of the soldiers to lean on to guide. Liu Saisai said.

Some time ago, Private Li Longhao was thinking about using the first allowance after the next company to buy a gift for his mother. In terms of choosing cosmetics or handbags, Li Longhao couldn't make up his mind for a while.

After the squad leader learned about this, he gave his own advice: "The value of gifts is not always measured by price. Especially for parents, they want to see you grow and progress in the barracks more than what you buy. ”

Deeply inspired, Lee finally decided to use a set of photos of his life in the military camp as a gift to his mother, and saved the allowance to save until the end of the year to give it to his parents to supplement the family.

"The thinking of officers and men is a pool of 'living water,' and guidance in this regard cannot be achieved overnight. Instructor Liang said: Over the past few years, the company has persistently educated and guided officers and men, introduced and popularized such methods as "keeping accounts," "making consumption budgets," and "conducting consumption review" for officers and men; most officers and men have developed the Xi of financial management and savings, and the atmosphere of scientific and rational consumption has become stronger and stronger.

Barracks Observation丨How to rationally inventory "my shopping cart"?

Officers and men of a brigade and company of the 74th Group Army visited the red stadium to receive education in revolutionary traditions. Photo by Zhao Yihao

"Spending money" is not a personal matter, and it is good to cultivate a good atmosphere in Xi

In the evening, recruit Xiao Liu has been waiting for the words of the company attendant - "send a mobile phone". When he got his phone, he quickly opened the recharge interface, ready to buy a new skin from a game software.

"How much is your down payment?" "By the end of the year, you will almost be able to raise enough to achieve the goal of buying a house!" At this time, the words of the two squad leaders drilled into his ears, and he couldn't help but be stunned and stopped the recharge operation.

"Money can still be spent like this!" "Which one is more meaningful?" Thinking of the badminton rackets, cameras, and books newly bought by his comrades in the class, and then looking at his pending payment interface, "What can I gain by buying game skins?" After thinking about it, Xiao Liu dispelled the idea of buying.

"I am deeply ashamed that other comrades-in-arms spend their money on more meaningful and valuable things, while they only want to enjoy it for a while. When Xiao Liu told reporters about this mental journey, he had changed himself from the depths of his heart.

Now, Xiao Liu has also spent money to buy some online courses to improve his quality in a targeted manner, and plans to save money to buy a camera to record the wonderful moments of military life.

"A good consumption trend is the 'silent spring rain' for the growth of officers and soldiers and the building of the company. Talking about Xiao Liu's transformation, Instructor Liang made a vivid analogy, "Like spring rain nourishing seedlings, this kind of good atmosphere can imperceptibly nourish the growth of officers and soldiers." ”

pondering the analogy of Instructor Liang and walking into the squad platoons of the company, the reporter had the feeling of "drizzling rain".

Private Xiao Zhou's family is wealthy, and he spends a lot of money before enlisting in the army. When he first joined the army, he also reached out to his family to ask for money. Today, he has not only learned to spend rationally, but also developed the Xi of saving money.

During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiao Zhou's mother received a red envelope and blessing text message from Xiao Zhou. She happily replied: "Thank you son, you have grown up!"

In the eyes of his comrades-in-arms, Second Sergeant Liu Heng is not picky in his daily life, but when everyone knows that he has a lot of savings, they all extend their thumbs to him. Liu Heng said that there is only one trick, that is, the money that should be spent should be spent, and the money that should not be spent should be resolutely not spent.

Liu Heng poured out his heart to his comrades-in-arms: "Actually, I sometimes have the idea of 'being addicted', but when I think of the company's 'consumption aphorism', coupled with the influence of the company's atmosphere, I finally can......'t help it."

Corporal Xiao Zhong has a strong personality, and he used to like to compare food and clothing with others. After coming to the army, he gradually got rid of his Xi of comparison in this area and began to prove himself with his work achievements. Through hard work, he has now become the backbone of the company's business.

A good atmosphere is worth a thousand words, and good Xi will benefit the construction of the company.

In recent years, under the guidance of the company's education, there have been fewer officers and men who have made comparisons in consumption, and there have been fewer impulsive spending; at the same time, there have been more people with healthy interests and hobbies, and more expenses have been spent on their own growth and progress...... The company has gradually formed a healthy, sunny and upward atmosphere.

"In the past, many officers and soldiers went out and liked to buy a bunch of snacks to bring back to the squad to share. This not only consumed part of the time of the officers and men to go out, but also increased the economic burden on some young comrades. Instructor Liang told reporters, "Now, under the advocacy of the company, this practice no longer exists, and the officers and soldiers who go out have no burden." The comradeship-in-arms has not weakened because of this, but has become more pure and solid. ”

"Guiding officers and men to establish a scientific and rational outlook on consumption will help straighten out the outlook on life and values of officers and men. Instructor Liang said: If the ideological concepts of the officers and men are correct, the atmosphere of the company will be purified, and the collective centripetal force, cohesion, and combat effectiveness will be strengthened.

Over the past few years, with the help of a good atmosphere, the officers and men of the company have devoted themselves to training and preparing for war, and have completed a number of major tasks, and the building of the company has shown a situation of forging ahead with high spirits and thriving day by day.

(At the request of the interviewee, some of the characters in the article have been changed)

Notes from the troop leader

Establish a scientific and rational outlook on consumption

■Liang Xiaohui

Soldier Chen Wenyong has a "trick" to spend money - divide his monthly salary into three parts: one part is used to buy daily necessities, one part is saved for emergencies, and one part is used to buy Xi materials to improve himself. This kind of "spending method" that has both a plan and meets personal needs may not seem unique, but it is very practical.

In our work, we often mention the ability to plan, co-ordinate, coordinate, etc., in fact, the ability to consume is also a kind of ability. Because, only by spending money well can it better serve our work and life, and make tomorrow better.

How can we guide people to spend their money well?

First of all, we should remind everyone to learn to manage their personal expenses reasonably. In this regard, it is necessary to have a clear spending plan for each month's salary or allowance. Take our company as an example, the company advocates that everyone keep a good personal income and expenditure book, and when paying wages every month, the backbone of the soldiers will remind everyone to make a consumption plan, see how much money is still on hand, calculate how to spend the money, and how much can be saved. In this way, everyone has a good idea of the income and expenditure, and the problem of blind consumption can be avoided.

Second, we should educate everyone to stay away from bad consumption behaviors. Nowadays, there are many options for online consumption, such as online shopping, live streaming, games, etc., which have both good sides and some consumption pitfalls. If they are not reminded, some officers and men may have problems such as comparative consumption and impulsive consumption, and may even fall into quagmire and traps as a result. In order to solve this problem, the company carried out regular education and guidance to everyone by scrolling warning cartoons and slogans on electronic screens to help everyone stay away from bad consumption behaviors.

Thirdly, we must guide everyone to understand their real needs and spend and save money reasonably. Our company does not advocate that officers and men save most of their money as soon as they are paid, because judging from past experience, most officers and men cannot hold on. In recent years, through online learning and Xi, we have popularized financial management methods such as "income tripartite method", "dream piggy bank" and "52-week savings challenge", guiding everyone to spend money according to their actual situation and real needs, and save money scientifically, which has achieved good results.

Finally, I would like to warn everyone that the status of a military is special, and you have to pay attention to the rules when spending money. At the same time, we must uphold and carry forward the fine traditional style left by the older generation, be diligent and thrifty, be arduous and simple, and truly let scientific and rational consumption help officers and men grow into talents, and devote themselves to the cause of strengthening the military with a better mental state and stronger skills and qualities.

(Produced by the Learning Xi Corps and the Chinese Military Trumpet)

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