
CCTV celebrity Li Ruiying, who has worked for 28 years without mistakes, suddenly received the news that his son fell from the building

author:Babe Pumpkin Entertainment
{"info":{"title":{"content":"央视名嘴李瑞英,工作28年零失误,突然接到儿子坠楼消息","en":"CCTV celebrity Li Ruiying, who has worked for 28 years without mistakes, suddenly received the news that his son fell from the building"},"description":{"content":"前言:有谁的事业和家庭永远两全其美?是否存在一种“标准答案”,可以在职业生涯和亲情之间找到完美的平衡点?当年李瑞英面临抉...","en":"Foreword: Who will always have the best of both worlds in their career and family? Is there a \"standard answer\" that can find the perfect balance between career and family affection?"}},"items":[]}