
The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Zhang Xinfang

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Zhang, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, today we will take a look at this tongue, this patient's tongue, the tongue is relatively fat, and there are obvious tooth marks on the side of the tongue, indicating that the moisture in the patient's body is heavier, and the tongue is soaked bigger, and his tongue color is pale white, when the tongue color is pale white, it is either yang deficiency, or it is caused by lack of qi and blood, but then look at his tongue coating, it is yellow and greasy, which shows that there is heat in his body, so it excludes the situation of yang deficiency, why do you say that? Let me analyze it with you in detail!

The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

Let's take a look at the tip of the tongue first, the color is pale white, this is said before, the lack of heart blood caused by insufficient qi and blood, the patient may be flustered and dizzy.

The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

Then look at the spleen and stomach in the tongue, the tongue coating here is yellow and thick, which shows that the dampness and heat in the patient's body are particularly serious, why does this happen? This may be caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, when the spleen and stomach can not transport the food we eat, the water will become damp, and stay in the spleen and stomach, resulting in indigestion and food accumulation in the patient.

The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

This condition for a long time, if not adjusted in time, dampness will gradually transform into phlegm dampness, once phlegm dampness is formed, it will block the meridians, resulting in poor flow of qi and blood, and the patient will have a lack of qi and blood.

The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

Finally, at the base of the tongue, here is the reaction area of the kidney and bladder, and the tongue coating here is also yellow and thick, indicating that the dampness and heat of the spleen and stomach have been implicated in the lower coke, resulting in the patient's dampness and heat under the coke, resulting in some yellow urine, frequent urination, difficulty urinating, scrotal dampness and other conditions.

The damp and hot tongue looks like this - yellow, thick, fat, and accumulating food, teach you a trick to regulate the symptoms

For example, in the case of this patient, it is necessary to focus on removing dampness and heat, and you can refer to using Shenling Baizhu Pill and Ersecond Pill to recuperate.

Well, that's all for today's sharing, and we'll see you next time!

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